Java, PHP, Swift, Objective C, Xcode, Android Studio
Koan is an online assessment platform that makes teaching and learning simpler but effective. The key objective of the app is to track the performance of students as individuals or groups. Teachers can create tests to rate student efficiency through curriculum aligned question banks. The highlight feature of the app is the option to administer tests using the internet or even offline.
Teachers can even set a deadline time for the tests to make sure that students take it seriously. The access can be controlled through passcodes allowing students with the passcode to take the exam offline. The app is designed to save the assessment time spend by teachers while not compromising the quality. This assessment platform is cloud-based and you can get started instantly.

KOAN app for teachers and students comes with the following options and features:
- Create customized tests based on curriculum
- Easily access question banks which are sorted by subject name, grade, difficulty level and topics
- Each test can include sections such as title, assigned by, due date and duration
- Tests can be made interesting with different question formats like fill in the blank, multi-select, match the following, standard MCQ and sorting
- Receive insightful automatic reports of student performance
You may set up a profile in Koan with Google account or through school, work or personal Microsoft account