11 Top Mobile App Development Frameworks 2023

The number of businesses incorporating mobile applications in their brand marketing strategies are burgeoning, and rightfully so. The switch from desktop to mobile platform is attributed to the fact that the digital space is flooded with the ocean of users and so mobile apps are where the enterprises can seek maximum opportunities to engage with their target audience.



However, much of mobile app success relies on the development framework you choose. Hence, it ultimately comes down to what would be the right framework for the mobile platform.


Last few years saw the rise of many mobile app development technologies for both Android iOS platforms, most of which offer cross-platform advantages.


In a way, these mighty frameworks have played a pivotal role for biggest mobile app breakthroughs.


Read Also: Top 11 Javascript Frameworks For Mobile App Development


Presented here are those prolific top 11 mobile app development frameworks that developers may choose in 2023.


React Native Xamarin
Adobe PhoneGap Ionic
Flutter Corona SDK
JQuery Mobile Intel XDK
Unity 3D Mobile Angular UI


1. React Native


React Native - mobile app development frameworks


React Native is a most sought-after cross-platform technology launched by Facebook in 2013 and is still one of the ideal choices for mobile app developers even in 2023.

It is open-source framework based on React, a JavaScript library for web solutions. React Native targets and offers generous support to mobile app development platforms and their IDEs.


The JavaScript framework helps create native apps for Android and iOS. As many React Native APIs are cross-platform, developers can just write one component that will work on both iOS and Android seamlessly.


As Facebook suggests, their Ad Manager works on both platforms with 87% of reusable code with its flashcard app running without any platform-specific code.


Big names like Airbnb, Instagram, Walmart and Tesla have already been using React Native.


2. Xamarin


 Xamarin - mobile app development frameworksXamarin is from the great software giant Microsoft and requires developers to understand C# for writing applications for Android, iOS and Windows.


The Xamarin codes are shareable across different platforms. It is because of this very code sharing that developers can save a lot of time in the app development process.


Microsoft’s cloud testing service also makes it possible to test apps built with Xamarin on hundreds of devices. Xamarin developers can make the best out of its interface development tool and Xamarin university program also provides online classes to enhance developers’ learning. IBM and Xoriant have also made partnership contracts with Xamarin.


3. Adobe PhoneGap


Adobe PhoneGap - mobile app development frameworks


PhoneGap is another hugely popular and old mobile app development framework that supports cross-platform development. It lets you see any change that takes place during the process quite effortlessly.


Developers can, and do, capitalize massively on PhoneGap as a capable cross-platform app development framework to build application in JavaScript, HML5 and CSS. For writing hybrid apps, PhoneGap is definitely what you should fancy.


It is competitive, fast and offers incomparable performance. Above all, developers feel free to shape apps without facing any hardware-specific limitations.


In addition to Android and iOS, the framework also helps develop apps for several other Operating Systems. Its generous library of plugin components increases your ability to craft superior functionality for mobile apps.


4. Ionic


 Ionic - mobile app development frameworks


Interestingly Open-source and widely used, Ionic is now considered as a remarkable and modern framework for building hybrid mobile apps. The tool is free and mostly works as a client-side framework for developing native apps using JavaScript, HTML and CSS3.


Ionic offers generous support for almost all latest mobile devices and creates perfect environment before finally launching mobile apps in the market.


Ionic is especially regarded as the best resource while developing the Progressive Web Apps and it is quite functional and compatible with other powerful SDKs like PhoneGap, Angular and Cordova. Its HTML5 part helps build hybrid apps.


5. Flutter


Flutter - mobile app development frameworks


Made by Google, Flutter is an open-source mobile app development SDK that simplifies cross-platform development process. Written in the Dart language, Flutter typically suits the development process for hybrid mobile apps – which is why developers often fall for Google’s Flutter framework.


Technically looking, the framework utilizes the 2D rendering engine known as Skia to form the visuals that in a way looks like Material Design and Cupertino style.


Flutter is also equally seen as providing easy ground to test mobile app project. The hidden perk is that developers don’t need to start everything from scratch upon discovering a mistake.



6. Corona SDK


Corona SDK

Because it is built using a light-weight, robust programming language (Lua), Corona SDK feels faster – almost ten times – than other mobile app development frameworks. Since it is wonderfully supported by Lua, Corona offers incredible speed, flexibility and seamless environment for developing rapid mobile apps.


The framework is free and is a perfect choice for those who wish to write code speedily without spoiling the app quality. It also supports Windows and Mac OS, making for a reliable cross-platform mobile app development tool. Due to being optimized for 2D gaming graphics, one can develop mobile games 10 times faster.


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7. JQuery Mobile


JQuery Mobile - mobile app development frameworks


JQuery Mobile is another cross-platform framework based on HTML5 language. What makes it unique is its ability to run across myriad devices with a single code.


JQuery also stands out among other contemporary frameworks for the fact that it can also be used to build both mobile apps and websites. It also supports extensively almost all operating systems such as Mac OS, Windows, Firefox, Blackberry and Kindle.


Once can download its version as a customized framework or more stable version. Mainly due to the fast development process and plenty of plugins to support mobile app development, jQuery becomes a substantial choice for developers.


8. Intel XDK


 Intel XDK


Intel XDX is a cross-platform development framework that offers great plugins for building brilliant, engaging and highly interactive mobile apps across all devices.


Like certain other tools, this one, too, does more than development and makes the job of testing, debugging and emulating quite easier. The unique aspect of Intel XDX framework is that it also supports prominent framework Node.js and the futuristic technologies such as IoT.


With Intel, it is also possible to see the preview of your project post making any changes. The exciting part is that developers also get to drag and drop to save time on unwanted codes while building apps.


9. Unity 3D


Unity 3D


Unity 3D surpasses and outflanks a few mobile app development frameworks in this list by being more potent and capable. This tool exceeds typical translation and develops code in UnityScript, C# or Boo.


It then allows you to export your games to 17 other platforms that essentially include iOS, Android, Web, Xbox, Windows, Playstation and Linux. Unity goes beyond the usual by assisting you in distributing apps to relevant online app stores after you get your game on all your platforms.


You can even expect help from Unity in getting social shares and tracking user analytics.


10. Mobile Angular UI


Mobile Angular UI


Combining the best of both Bootstrap and Angular Framework, Mobile Angular UI simplifies the app development process using HTML5. This open-source framework enables seamless mobile experience by means of its robust fastclick.js and overthrow.js. libraries.


All you need is the knowledge of Angular JS and Twitter Bootstrap to transform the existing web application into a functional mobile app.


Angular UI contains certain essential mobile UI components named as Navbars, overlays, sidebars, switches and scroll-worthy areas. To make the app responsive and touch-sensitive, you can add a CSS file to the framework.


11. Xojo


Xojo - mobile app development frameworks


Xojo is included in the list for offering simplicity and ease to create cross-platform apps. It works exceptionally well for mobile platforms like Android and iOS as well as desktop systems such as Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi and OS X.


To minimize the exertion on the development part, Xojo tool empowers developers to create a single code base and turns developed apps into native executables to run on the respective target platform.


Here also developers leverage an intuitive drag-and-drop option and code editor to accelerate app writing process and reduce code time.


Xojo has powerful backend and injects new apps with controls that are familiar to the target platform, which results in gaining the exact look and feel of the native apps.


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Any feature-rich business mobile app demands powerful framework that drives sheer performance and agility. Since every app project contains unique challenges and requirements, the choice of a suitable framework involves deep brainstorming and clear consultation with IT experts.



We might see even more advanced frameworks in the future. However, at present, these top 11 mobile app development frameworks seem to dominate the mobile app technology market in 2023.

How To Make an App like Quora

Quora – the first thing that comes to mind when they hear the word is information, and in a Q&A format. Since its inception in 2009, this brand has made a name for itself as being the “go-to” site for all kinds of esoteric information. Here are some interesting statistics about Quora.


  • Current number of employees: Over 500+
  • Reported value of company: USD 1.8 billion as of April 2017
  • Number of monthly active users: 300 million
  • Number of topics: 400,000
  • Percentage of mobile traffic to Quora: 40%



The driving force behind Quora’s success is that it has capitalized on the information segment of the market and propelled it to a new level.


Letting people register and talk about different topics with their real profiles is one thing that other sites do not have, and the need for such platforms never fades.




How Quora Works?


When you register as a user on this platform, you as a user can ask questions and other users answer them. Information in the answers offers a range of opinions and perspectives and people can edit their posts, if they wish to do so, in the future.


What makes the Quora format special is that all the content is generated by bonafide users which makes the platform very popular with users around the world.


The statistics speak for themselves. Just like every other business, Quora also has an app which offers the same access to users. The current trend is to focus on question categories as users find it more useful and keep in touch with happenings around them.


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Stats like these will help convince a confirmed skeptic that Quora-like apps will pay off:


Quora’s User-Related Statistics


  • Daily Visitors: 1,425,000
  • Daily Pageviews: 3,421,990
  • Daily Bandwidth:65.84 GB (1.99 TB/month)
  • Daily Revenue: $12,833 USD
  • Website Worth: $4,693,471 USD


Steps Involved in Developing an App Like Quora


Quora’s success is based on high quality content and an interested and invested audience. What sets the Quora app apart from its competitors is its intuitive design, which is simple to use. All a user must do is:


  • Sign up
  • At sign up, you must choose categories of interest
  • This is used to channel the right information to your feed
  • You can always change your interests via the settings option


A typical Quora feed would look like this:




From the above screenshot, the information that a user sees in his feed is obvious – there are answers to questions and questions that he/she could answer.


Keep in mind that Quora is not any Q&A database – elements from artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing and search algorithms are used to develop an intuitive and informative database.


A dedicated team of web designers and developers will be required to create even a prototype.


List of Features


Here is a list of features that would have to be part of the new app.


  • Home Page:


As indicated in the image above, this page gives the user an overview of all the topics, questions and answers on topics being discussed, the people participating and those you follow based on your interest.


  • Your Profile:


This is your personal mode of accessing everything on the app/site.


  • Activity Feed:


This is displayed on the home page and includes content that is of interest to you. The activity feed basically contains information about multiple topics and people.


  • Topics being followed:


This feature allows you the user to follow other people on the site, just like on Twitter.


  • Adding answers to questions:


This feature lets a user answer questions or add to other answers by adding or editing information/functionalities. It is also possible to draft answers to questions which have to be answered immediately.


  • Sharing Q&As:


Since Quora is essentially set up as a community and your app will also follow the same pattern. You can share your questions or answers.


  • Inbox:


This is essentially for chatting and receiving messages on any topic being discussed.


Other important features that you could include from Quora are:


  • The Zen mode
  • Ask and answer questions anonymously
  • The ability to up- and down-vote answers
  • Posting answers in the form of a blog



Now that you have an idea of what features you could develop for your app, you have to also keep in mind that you will need an Admin section to manage the feeds. Here is an overview of what you have to do to have a complete and functional app.




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Advanced Features to Include for Better Coverage


  • Social Media Integration:


To make it easier for your users to share content with others, integrating the requisite API will allow them to also add and connect with multiple social media accounts for better visibility.


  • Integrating Cloud storage:


This is to ensure that information and data is stored safely for easy access. Your choices for cloud storage include Google Cloud or Amazon’s data storage facilities. You may need to pay if your generated data is higher than the storage offered by them is surpassed.


  • Integrating CMS:


To manage an app and website seamlessly, integrate them with a good content management system which you use to track all your content.


Since your Q&A sessions cover a number of topics and the information has to be stored somewhere, using a CMS makes complete sense.


You have to also take the following KPIs into consideration as part of the app planning process, if you want to generate a similar following and the same revenue volume.


Active user numbers:


After creating and deploying the app, one way to create interest in your app is to encourage your users to invite friends to follow. Once they understand what your app offers and its value, you will have many new users. Try to add new and unique features to make the app fun to use and promote.


User retention rates:


Getting new users is important but retaining them is more so. By making it easy for users to sync social media accounts, information on the topics they are following and commenting on will boost new sign ups by friends.


Push notifications are a good way to draw attention to your app and this is one metric which requires close attention and follow up.


Engaging the audience:


Q&A apps are a great way to get educated on a range of topics. Whether a person knows something or asking questions, making it fun to participate will go a long way in audience engagement.


Work on making the UI for your app fun and easy. Adding quirky features will raise your visibility.


Read also : 11 Easy Steps to Create a Mobile Application


Developing a Quora-like app could cost a lot of time and money, ranging from $20,000 for a basic version and close to $70,000 for a version with all the bells and whistles.


Consider the people who are needed to understand the requirements and deliver the needed results:


  • UI and UX experts
  • Developers for both Android and iOS platforms
  • Backend developers
  • QA personnel
  • Project and Delivery Manager



Building any app is a fairly long and complicated process and finding the right team to do the work is very important. Pick a team based on their previous work and get your app rolling.


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13 Best Music Player Apps for Android

When it comes to music, we always expect more and need a player that will take the listening experience to an entirely new level. Smartphone users in UK usually have pre-installed default music player apps such as easy-to-use Google Play Music or device-specific brand apps.


Google Play offers traditional features and cloud streaming. But we still seek a robust third-party music application that exceeds default music app in quality and capabilities and gives advanced functions.



It is possible that default app does not contain all the powerful features such as customization, editing, sound control and file management.


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Hence, to surprise yourself with a rich music experience, consider the list of 13 best music player apps for Android devices in UK.



Pulsar Music Player Phonograph
Apple Music Musicolet
n7player PlayerPro Music Player
BlackPlayer Pi Music Player
Neutron Music Player MediaMonkey
Rocket Music Player Shuttle+ Music player


1) Pulsar Music Player


Easy-to-use, sleek and stylish, Pulsar Music player is an elegant Android music app in UK. For this strong reasons and the fact that it delivers totally ad-free music listening experience, Pulsar tops the chart and becomes a favorable, decent and worthwhile app in its niche.


pulsar music player


To address all your music tendencies, it coaxes you with all the powerful features such as:

  • Player with excellent Music files manager
  • Built-in tag editor for songs/albums editing
  • Quick search
  • Gapless playback
  • Sleep timer
  • Crossfade support
  • Audio visualizer rendering
  • fm scrobbling support


Google Play - best music player apps

2) Phonograph


If you are searching for a spectacular, sleek and smooth music player apps in UK for your Android device, Phonograph could be a valid choice.


What is special about Phonograph is its intelligent UI that dynamically adapts to the surrounding media content color to ensure your experience remains consistent and eye-catching.




Its smooth and clean interface makes navigating through different media files a breeze for listeners.


Along with basic functions of a typical music player, the app can also automatically fetch other essential information related to songs being played, including title, album name and artist.


Like Pulsar, Phonograph users can also use tag editor for songs and albums.


Google Play - best music player apps


3) Apple Music


Yes, surprisingly, Apple Music is also available in Play Store for Android users who love the content of original iOS apps.


The Android version is, as expected, quite elegant in look, and worthwhile as users can access over 30 million songs from Apple’s catalog.


apple music


You can also play Apple’s Beats 1, a music radio station, and explore tons of other special contents.


If you can neglect and are patient with certain small issues of Android Apple Music player, the app is amazing. It offers a free trial for three months for ad-free service.


Google Play - best music player apps


4) Musicolet


Musicolet is the perfect music player for those who love to play local music files stored on their Android device. Easy-to-use, lean and feature-rich, Musicolet stays true to its offering and excludes supernumerary support such as cloud and streaming options.


The best for offline music functionality, Musicolet surpasses many existing default music player apps in UK and third-party apps, without costing much space on your device.




Some of its excellent features are:

  • Multiple queues creation for songs
  • Earphone control for easy navigation
  • Tag editor for both metadata and lyrics editing
  • A sleep timer to stop at desirable time


Google Play - best music player apps


5) n7player


Respected for its innovative, unique and user-friendly UI design, n7player is another considerable music player app on the list. The app provides you with one-click access to songs and music libraries and a ten-band equalizer to tweak and modulate songs as you wish.


There are cool presets, too, and users will also like to customize its look and revamp it. The app allows customization for lock screen, widgets and more.


Its main features are:

  • Customizable elements
  • Equalizer with presets
  • Tag editor
  • Music scrobbling
  • Gapless playback
  • Album art grabber
  • Sleep timer


Google Play - best music player apps


Read Also: 10 Best Free Music Apps on Android & iOS


6) PlayerPro Music Player


Not as dominant as other music player apps on the list, the PlayerPro Music Player nonetheless comes with intuitive, user-friendly interface with many options and most loved by the users in UK.


For example, users can install custom skins and DSP pack. You can also find songs and albums easily with its smart playlist and folder management.


It has two versions; its free limited version will give ad-free experience for 10 days whereas paid version frees you from ads completely.

player pro music player

Advanced Features:

  • Customizable skins and DSP
  • Tag editor
  • Smart playlist and folder management
  • Ten-band equalizer
  • Handy import/export capability


Google Play - best music player apps


7) BlackPlayer


Simplicity does not always bore as this app proves. Despite being simple, BlackPlayer is powerful enough to live up to the expectations of the most demanding music listener.


What makes it simple is its minimalist design, flat but packed with an array of theme options and font choices. Usually, BlackPlayer supports widely used file formats such as MP3, OGG, FLAC and WAV.


black player


Great Black Player features:

  • Customizable design with themes and fonts
  • 3D virtualizer with basic equalizer
  • Gapless playback
  • Crossfading support
  • ID3 tag editor for embedded lyrics and metadata
  • Sleep timer.


Google Play - best music player apps


8) Pi Music Player


Pi Music player has all the vital features a true music fanatic would love to see in an app like this. Though it is still not the most flawless among music player apps, it has a simple and attractive interface built with a material design which makes it spectacular and eye-catching to users.


The Pi Power Share is the feature that stands out and perhaps seems to define Pi Music Player app. This feature allows you to send your personal playlist and songs to other device comfortably. Plus, you can also make your own MP3 ringtone with its ringtone cutter.


pi music player


Features to consider:

  • Pi Power Share
  • Built-in 5 band equalizer
  • 3D audio effects
  • Cool range of multiple presets
  • Custom MP3 ringtone cutter


Google Play - best music player apps


Neutron Music Player


Advanced and feature-rich, Neutron Music player earns this spot by being capable of delivering a 32/64-bit audio rendering engine, a feature that provides users with a paramount audio quality.


As developers confirm, this engine is independent of the OS platform it works on. Unlike other music player apps, the distinctive HQ audio playback of the app eliminates frequency resampling and bit truncation.


neutron music player


Notable features:

  • Real-time Spectrum Analyzers (RTSA)
  • 32/64-bit audio rendering engine
  • Sleep/wake timers
  • Crossfade
  • Gapless playback
  • ReplayGain (Non-destructive audio normalizing)
  • Dithering support


Google Play - best music player apps


10) MediaMonkey


MediaMonkey is another powerful and decent music player app that you can choose to search, play and manage music playlist smoothly. Easy in its file management and navigation, the app is doubtlessly powerful with advanced features such as podcast and audiobook management and five-band equalizer.


One can easily create a queue, change the playlist and sort tracks effortlessly. The Sterral part is that it takes only a few clicks to synchronize your media collection between phone and desktop.


media monkey


Significant features:

  • Five-band equalizer
  • Intelligent navigator
  • Scrobble support.
  • Support for Chromecast and Android Auto
  • Sleep timer


Google Play - best music player apps


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11) Rocket Music Player


Rocket is one those Music Player apps where users can search, play and manage their tracks and playlists on their Android smartphone with ease and smoothness.


This feature-rich app has grown famous among modern music listeners especially because it supports a gamut of media file formats such as wav, ogg, m4a, alac, tta, ape, mpc and more.

rocket music player

Salient features:

  • Ten-band graphic equalizer
  • Tag editor
  • Theme-based design customization
  • Custom lock-screens
  • Sleep timer


Google Play - best music player apps


12) Shuttle+ Music player


Powerful, feature-rich and effective, Shuttle+ Music player is incredible music app for Android device in many ways. It is relatively new in the market but the app has blossomed in its popularity recently.


The app provides a smooth and intuitive UI which looks to Google’s standard material principle. Users are allowed to customize its appearance using its built-in theme options and widget choices. The app is free to use, which sounds pleasant to many.


shuttle music player



  • Six-band equalizer with bass boost
  • Gapless playback
  • ID3 tag editor
  • Scrobbling support


Google Play - best music player apps


13) jetAudio


The last on the list is jetAudio which is one of the most loved music player apps. Due its simple, appealing and robust structure, one can easily become a fan of jetAudio.


The app supports all major audio formats like mp3, wav, flac, m4a, tta, wv, etc. Users can choose from over 30 presets and play shared audio files through home-based Wi-Fi networks.


jet audio


A few great features:
  • Staggering 10 bands graphic equalizer
  • More than 30 different presets
  • Sound effect enhancements (X-Bass, Reverb, and Wide)


Premium version gives ad-free experience plus some advanced features like Tag editor, 20-bands EQ, pitch shifter, MIDI playback support and more.


Google Play




The list of 13 music player apps for Android device is enough to send you far into the world of immersive music listening experience. Each app stands out in its own league and stunning as it is built with unique mindset to keep you engaged and entertained.


mobile app development


You may download a couple of them from Google Play store (if you haven’t yet) based on your taste in music and realize its powerful effect.

How to Create a Successful Retail App Like Walmart

Anyone who has ever shopped at Walmart knows how big the stores are and the deals they offer on every item. Shoppers are guaranteed good deals and savings at Walmart.


Consider this – Walmart has more than 7 million items for sale. Like every retailer, Walmart is trying to make it easier for its employees and customers to find what they need in a quick and convenient manner.



Therefore, to take the shopping experience to the next level, what new additions did the retailer make that has the market abuzz?




  • Pharmacy – easy refills, no lines and the entire transaction takes just minutes


  • Money Services – no extra paperwork, save time by going through the express lane with money already loaded in the wallet


  • Express Lane services (yet to be introduced)


  • E-Receipts


Read Also: How to Create An App Like Amazon?


Walmart introduced these features upon customer requests with an intent to offering a “personal assistant” who makes finding items and deals super easy.


Retail App use hasn’t been made available in every store and is expected to happen soon. The introduction of such capabilities makes Walmart the “go-to” store.  Even Walmart is investing a lot of money so that it can transform its business model and remain competitive.


The company’s emphasis is on streamlining the entire shopping process, especially since customers can buy everything under one roof.


Even a company like Walmart is trying to incorporate changes in the marketplace to enhance customer experiences by introducing new features periodically.


Retail mobile app play a critical role in bridging the gap between physical and digital commerce. Not only do they facilitate convenient and fast buying, mobile apps are also fast transforming into vital platforms for interaction between retailers and customers.


Walmart’s current e-commerce sales graph for the US market shows:



However, in spite of the slight dip in the trend, the market for Walmart’s e-commerce business is picking up in 2019 again. In fact, experts project a staggering 25.8% of Walmart’s entire business to be generated through e-commerce in the United States by 2022.



Considering that shopping with apps has touched 57% in 2018, it is absolutely evident that customers will continue to use this method even in the coming days. As a retailer, if you want to create a retail app which is as successful as Walmart’s, this is what you need to get done.


Features to Incorporate:


  • Availability of Items along with Stock Count:


This feature informs shoppers whether a specific item is available for purchase and how many are currently in stock. If a specific item is sold out, then the likely availability date should be mentioned along with a reminder to purchase when there is enough inventory in stock.


  • Price Check:


This feature lets customers check the current selling price and do comparison shopping. This a key feature that is must have for any ecommerce app development.


  • Other Product Information:


Including customer reviews have proven to be quite useful and motivates customer buying. Including recipes or new use ideas additionally boosts customer interest.


  • Similar Products:


If customers can look at similar products and their functions, they will definitely buy what they want. This will cut down on item returns and assist in streamlining the management of returned merchandise.


  • Previews:


With growing AR use and 3D modeling, companies which offer product previews and features stand a better chance of selling any product. This is especially true in the case of clothing and electronic items where customers like to take a closer look before making the final purchase decision.


  • Geo-Location:


This feature works well if a customer is going shopping to a specific store. Use this effectively to promote sales with offers, deals on product combinations and loyalty programs as well. Include store maps so that these products can be located easily by the customer.


  • Multiple Payment Gateways:


Offering customers a choice of payment methods will boost app use. Whether it is Apple Pay, Braintree, PayPal, Google Pay or some method popular in a specific country, redirecting shoppers to specific pages for their convenience will ensure higher sales.


  • QR Codes:


This feature is now being used by many companies to get information on products and their prices. By using their phone to scan this code, customers can get other information like buying trends, reviews and discounts.


  • Product Finder:


This feature must be included so that customers are quick to find exactly what they need. Adding it to the smart search feature will let customers find a product based on size, colour and any are filtering – criteria that may be applicable to the specific product search. It saves time because there is no need to scroll through an entire catalogue, mindlessly.


Read Also: 10 Best Shopping Apps UK 2019


Closing Thoughts:


The Walmart online business model acts as the benchmark for retailers when developing their individual ecommerce apps. They exactly know which key features are useful to in order to generate business and streamline searches.


If a customer must spend a lot of time searching for deals at their favourite retailer, they are bound to give up and find the same product elsewhere, if search consumers a lot of their precious time.



Simplicity and convenience are essential for a seamless shopping experience. Spending time upfront to integrate a retail app with inventory and payment methods will play a key role in staying competitive.


Whether app development is done in-house or outsourced, look at what the competition is doing right. This will offer a great roadmap to getting the formula right, and ultimately paving the way to success.


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Most Important Announcements at the Apple Event 2019

The recent Apple event held on March 25, 2019 might not be as exciting or promising as Apple fanatics might have anticipated, but it did matter a lot to Apple owing to its big future dreams.


The past decade has brought lucrative opportunities for Apple, making it a predominantly profitable consumer electronics brand with ludicrously high profit margin and impressive range of iPhone devices.


apple event


But this is not the story for Apple in recent years since the extremely competitive smartphone markets are saturated to the verge of people not upgrading their devices frequently.


To sustain this scenario, Apple has therefore switched to services that Apple hopes will boost its place in the digital market.


This post has got your covered with Apple’s latest announcement at Steve Jobs Theatre in California on its new streaming entertainment, news services, Arcade games and TV channels.

apple event announcements

1) Apple News+


Apple has announced Apple News service refurbishment, evolving the old news aggregator app into one highly curated, multidiscipline journalism hub now called Apple News+ in the event. The service will cost $9.99/month with unlimited content sources and family sharing.


From now, Apple News+ will offer large stack of popular magazines and digital subscriptions that will encompass Vogue, National Geographic, People, Popular Science, The New Yorker, Sports Illustrated, Fortune, and New York Magazine.


Apple users will be able to enjoy latest issues of subscribed magazines and newspapers that are downloaded automatically in the background, starting with more than 300 magazines and newspapers like The Wall Street Journal and The Los Angeles Times.


2) Apple Card


A brand new service Apple Card became the second most intriguing announcement at the event. The Apple Card is backed by Goldman Sachs and Mastercard and is, as the company suggests, a different perspective on credit card.


It is a credit card which users can get virtually as soon as they sign up in the Wallet app on their iPhone device. The Wallet App is where you can also access balance information and payment details. Apple Card rolls out in US this summer.


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Apple Card partly intends to discourage physical credit card usage.


Apple has facilitated Messages app for Apple Card customer support. Machine learning and Apple Maps used in Apple Card translates vendor transaction data into real, recognizable business names. Several more tools included in the Card further help users track their spending.


Apple’s new Daily Cash feature that offers daily cashback makes the experience more rewarding. Cashback money is added to the wallet app automatically with the cash back rate of 2% for all purchases. For purchases made from Apple, the cashback is 3%.


Certain tools (real cost calculator and multiple payments per month) in the Wallet app are built to help you with the interest you pay. Fees like late fees and over limit fees are waived from Apple Card.


Plus Apple Card users will get a physical titanium card to use the service at locations where Apple Pay is not supported.


3) Apple Arcade


Apple also announced in the event, its new gaming service called Apple Arcade – which actually is a new way to deliver video games to users. Apple finances and fuels game development studios to build video games exclusively for Apple Arcade.


Apple Arcade subscribers will gain unlimited access to entire game library playable on Mac computers, iPhones, iPads and even on Apple TV. More than 100 titles will be launched initially.


The App Store will have a new Arcade tab with access to Apple Arcade. No display ads will be allowed nor any in-app purchases in any games.


More than 150 countries will be able to avail the service as it will be launched this fall though the pricing is still not declared.


4) Apple TV Channels


The a la carte TV subscription service is now unleashed for Apple TV subscribers who will pay only for the channels they watch. The revamped Apple TV app has on-demand system of Channels from which users can pick the ones they would like to subscribe and pay for.


Apple TV will also be a resort for streaming TV services as offered by cable providers and gaming entertainment like PlayStation Vue.


From this May on, the new Apple TV app goes live on Apple TV boxes, iPad and iPhone forming an important part of an iOS update.


Viewers can also enjoy the service on MacOS available from fall. As for smart TVs (Samsung, Sony and more), Roku devices or Fire TV devices, Apple will make available a separate version.


Apart from the mainstream entertainment like movies and TV shows purchased from iTunes, Apple TV app will also give live scores from sporting events.


The App also has Up Next” section that contains new episodes of your favorite TV shows as they are out.


Furthermore, as Apple has designed the app as a one-stop shop for streaming entertainment, the app will host Hulu and Prime Video content, too.


5) Apple TV+: An original initiative


After revealing enough about Apple TV app, the flurry of surprises still continued at the event as Apple announced Apple TV+ Channels, an original programming initiative.


With this, the company has invested fortune in hosting a variety of original shows and movies, bringing home the incredible stars.


Some of them are ambitious projects in production that involve biggest moguls in Hollywood including the great Steven Spielberg, Bill Murray, Brie Larson, Jennifer Aniston, M. Night Shyamalan, Ron Howard, Reese Witherspoon, Steve Carell, Octavia Spencer and J.J. Abrams to name a few.


With Amazing Stories which is an anthology series from the mid 80’s, Steven Spielberg will grace Apple TV+ while Jennifer Aniston, Steve Carell, and Reese Witherspoon have introduced an all-new The Morning Show, a show that explores the inner elements of a fictitious morning new show.


Jason Momoa and Alfre Woodard on the other hand will star in See, a brand new, seemingly post-apocalpytic show that captures the world where only a few million blind survivors faced a cataclysmic event.


Kumail Nanjiani is bringing a novel series based on true events called Little America, a collection of immigrant stories in the U.S. while J. J. Abrams and Sara Bareilles are together creating a series called Romantic Voice, a show about a young woman stepping into the New York music scene.


A new preschool show Helpsters that features characters from Sesame Street is also coming to teach how coding can be used to solve problems.


Towards the end of the announcements, Apple presented a slide with list of a dozen personalities who aim to create their shows and movies with Apple TV+.


A remarkable TV personality Oprah has also joined the stage to shape two documentaries and a new Book Club interview series.


The ad-free subscription service Apple TV+ will be available this fall as Apple states. The pricing is yet to be announced.


Final remarks: Apple’s big hopes


Apple’s press conference was nonetheless an interesting epiphany since it involved modern, appealing and innovative service-oriented products for loyal Apple fans.


Arguably enough, the questions about whether Apple’s partnerships with existing media companies and producers are enough to fit their own original service seem to have been entirely unanswered.


apple event


We can only leave it to the future and, of course, to those excited Apple users who will be the ultimate judge of Apple’s grand service venture

How to Market an App on Social Media?

Right before your mobile app is launched, you must ponder over how you are going to generate public interest and drive frenzy among prospect users for downloading it.

It is time to try effective ways to attract more users and create a huge drive around your app. However, with more than 5 million mobile apps vying for users’ attention, making your app visible is rather daunting.

Choices are more, options are endless, and hence marketing your app is definitely not that simple and straight. Also, what adds more dismay is knowing that 25% of apps downloaded by users are abandoned after installation.

The thought of social media marketing therefore sounds convincing especially when 50% of folks are likely to discover mobile apps via family, friends and colleagues. The platform afforded by virtual socials is immensely influential and drives great buzz for your digital creation.

On that note, check out these powerful tactics to successfully market your app on social media:

1) The Clever investment in Paid Ads

Paid advertisements on social media help reach more audience and attain strong presence. Sponsored ads especially boosts your marketing momentum and drives more downloads especially when it is difficult to fetch the audience through organic reach across different platforms.



Nowadays social platforms have evolved to display advertisement with app install options. In fact, social media ads are accountable for almost 49% of app downloads. Hence, more visible your app is in your social paid ads, more is the chance you have to convert target users.

For paid ads on social media to be effective, you also need to choose the platform most preferred by your prospect app users. To optimize the marketing budget while also boosting downloads, minute targeting and riveting content are basic essentials.

Read Also : 24 Best Social Media Apps 2021

2) Influencer Marketing for Faster Results

The real effect of influencer marketing is drawn from the fact that social influencers have already mastered the art of persuading their fans and followers and can give you the ready base of receptive audience. Influencers and micro-influencers own deep knowledge about what excites and appeals to their audience/followers.

Hence, as you pair with active influencers on social media, your app is likely to appear conspicuously to the audience already engaged and connected.

Instagram and Twitter have emerged as the most effective channels where recommendations of influencers work miraculously on purchase decisions. In fact, 40% of users active on Twitter have made purchase decisions influenced greatly by influencer’s recommendations.

On the other hand, Bloglovin Global Influencer Survey of 2016 states that 59% of influencers recommend Instagram as the most effective engagement channel. However, it is momentous to discuss app promotion tactics with influencers for exact results.

3) Expect from Reviews and RatingsThe reviews and ratings of a product share direct correlation with brand reputation and user acquisition. Keep a close watch on the best of user reviews that you can be smart enough to share on social platforms to spur the downloading spirit.

People appreciate reviews and 60% of them actually base their critical decisions about downloading the app on its online ratings and reviews. The public words about your app not only help others understand the app’s motive and importance, but it also generates value as a social proof.

Since 40% of mobile app users discover app from the app store, it makes sense to feature outstanding positive views to get users to notice the app. It is therefore crucial to make sure you post your praise received from a third-party beta tester on social media to amplify the app’s visibility.

Apart from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, YouTube also provides a robust video marketing platform where you can find opportunity to host your app on channels like Daily App Show and receive strong response and ratings.

4) Encourage User-Generated Content 

If you are determined to work on delivering value, why not show it by encouraging User-generated content, aka UGC. The idea of value creation among users focuses on illustrating importance and efficacy of your app by means of user experiments with your app. The best way to connect with the future audience is showing them how your app does own potential to improve lives.UGC works best where ads fail. Nielsen’s market research confirms that 90% of customers consider peer recommendations while 33% listen to ads. Encourage users who have already benefitted from your app to submit the photos and videos demonstrating how the app is practically useful.

You can run a contest, post interactive UGC and feature video tutorials to maximize engagement and create opportunities to acquire new users from existing ones.

5) Realizing the unique potential of various Social Media Platforms

In 2019, with great many innovations and breakthrough capabilities, social media platforms have become far more evolves and advanced than we ever imagined in the embryonic phase of the technology.

Each social platform at present offers unmatched potential and business advantages for luring and interesting more users towards your app.

Facebook For building active Community

Facebook’s rich content-driven platform comes handy for creating dedicated pages that offer a promising scope of building a broad active community.

Also, you can collaborate with many interesting Facebook groups where your app can reach and connect with the target audience. As you feed value and proactively respond to group members on Facebook, you can easily convince them to download.

Make sure you remain active and:

  • Post HQ images, videos and Gif of apps
  • Bring engaging contests and blogs
  • Share giveaways or freebies for trials and installs
  • Feature promotional offers, discounts or vouchers
  • Introduce gifts for referrals

Your active cooperation and comments on Facebook shows your helping spirit and earns appreciation from users, priming them for app downloads.

Instagram for app Elaboration

Instagram aesthetically eradicates what usually scourges today’s brand marketers – the challenges of engagement and app promotion.

Perfect for well-crafted visuals, Instagram lets you present your app features in an elaborate, creative fashion. Here you can post Sneak peeks in form of enthralling visuals like:

  • HQ photos and Gifs
  • How-to videos
  • App screenshots
  • Website or Influencer content
  • Entertaining creatives
  • Contests and gifts

Instagram users feel deeply excited and intrigued by what is not available but is soon to be in near future. Thus, you can unobtrusively foster much hype around your app on the platform.

The use of proper, popular Hashtags in posts done twice or thrice a day makes your Instagram app marketing meaningful.

The key to seizing great number of Instagram followers is making the most out of visual platform with right mix of content and good aesthetics.

Twitter appeals to marketing and customer service

Twitter has risen as the most dynamic and magnetic marketing platform that latches on tweet, retweet, hashtags, videos, impressions and GIFs. Best for interactions, Twitter helps you spread the word faster and engage with more target users.

You can share pictures, blog contents, videos, news and more. It also allows you to run public polls for active feedback session or contests. You can also ask for user’s personal experiences or privately send message via inbox for propagating brand value.

The platform Twitter provides is quite credible and potent for sincere market executives and can be used for customer service. Positive customer service means positive word of mouth which enhances your app’s status.

Leverage the influence of images

Pictures as they say talk louder than words whether it is for blogs, App screenshots or social media posts. Pictures help express what a description text can’t.

Make the post vivid and more influential by using attractive picture of your app. If there are a few users already using it, you can post screenshots of them using it with a supportive CTA like Download the App.

It is also great to create a post with a message showing the countdown of your app as the release date approaches. Pick a different feature or benefit every time you post. This will keep users clung to your app and let them remember it until it is finally released in the app store.

Read Also : 24 Best Video Chat Apps 2021

Your Final Takeaway

Modern digital media marketing savors the idea of crafting most memorable, interesting and relatable content on app features and benefits. Your social media marketing strategy must revolve around acquiring more users and creating authentic value.

Combine your robust marketing strategy with user psychology as you attempt to know what community would love about your app and encourage them to download naturally. Don’t forget to post regularly on social media to maintain strong presence and reach maximum people.

11 Easy Steps to Create a Mobile Application

Having a great business idea is often synonymous to planning to create a great mobile application for iOS and Android devices. But the challenge is, you are not certain how to turn that one good instinct in your brain into a market-ready mobile app.



Being an entrepreneur, you might not have time enough to bring the idea to life with do-it-yourself technique available from online app building programs.


Fortunately, there is a pool of smart mobile app developers who are roaring to partner with you. You can simply pick a promising bunch and they will save you a headache of all the strategic planning, methodical approach and technical involvement in the process.


According to reports by Vision Mobile, the UK app developer market are forecast to be more than £31 billion by 2025 and the economy will be worth more than £30 billion by 2030.


Read Also: App Development Cost Design, Development, Deployment


For new players in the business, described here are 11 easy fundamental steps to create a mobile application.


1. Define realistic goals


The very first step to create a mobile application is to think of what you really want to achieve and why you wish to build the app. All you need at this stage is a pen, a paper and clear mind before you set out for a fairly complicated design and development process.


A few questions you should mull over at this point are:

  • What exactly do you want your app to be like?
  • What would make it appear best to users?
  • How will it simplify and contribute to the life of users?
  • What makes it more competitive than other established players?
  • What are your thoughts on app marketing tactics?


For you to survive and flourish in the market, it is essential to define and know where you are headed.


So before engaging with a mobile app development partner, imagine a clear picture of business objectives that are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Realistic
  • Achievable


2. Sketch your plans and app structure

app structure


Now it’s time to jump from your confidence about the goals to penning down those brilliant ideas about your mobile app. Here words would essentially be translated into vivid visuals that will eventually help substantiate your dream app structure.


It may look a little wild and fantastical, but this step will include a set of clever ideas about future decisions such as app monetization or reselling.


You can prepare a sketch of whether or not you fancy flashing ads to generate revenue or there will be premium and freemium versions with certain in-app purchases. Foster a clear prospect of what exactly you want to do with your app at this stage.


3. Research


The next is research. As almost every mobile app developer would unanimously agree, there is no alternative to doing thorough research. This relates to both competitors and end users.


Even your most exemplary app idea will have some competition considering nearly 5 million apps already inundating the app stores. Explore the depth and find out all about your rival apps and their success stories.


It will help you understand what it is that makes them popular and what you need to make your app stand out and outshine.


Shift your focus to internet to know if there are copyright constraints or heavy technical challenges. This crucial step will tell you whether your idea is worth investing in.


4. Wireframe and mockups


Deemed as a skeleton of the app, Wireframe is more organized, palatable and presentable version to the original sketch you have prepared in step 2.


It is a sharp storyboard that brings your sketches to life and reflects your clear design ideas along with functional points.What makes wireframes and mockups a crucial step is its importance for the app development process.


You will find many options online for wire-framing tools with handy functionality such as:


5. Shape and strategize the Backend


shape the backend


The storyboard developed from step 4 will drive you straight to working on functionality of your app and quintessential components such as APIs, hosting servers, data architecture diagram.


A few readymade do-it-yourself tools may help you with preparing for the backend system. However, in case you struggle to comprehend their technical gobbledygook, its always a sensible decision to partner with professional server and data hosting services.


Its imperative in any case that you create clear and convincing diagrams of backend components regardless of app development methods since they are will direct and guide everyone working on the project.


You can revise and adjust your mockup content depending on the change of circumstances and future technical challenges.


Read Also: Reasons Why Enterprise Needs a Mobile App


6. Test the Raw Model


Engage your friends, colleagues and dear ones in the process and ask them to check the app demo and share their honest opinions. Tell them to be brutally honest and critical as they express their views and critique about the raw app model you have in your hand.


They will tell you how they felt as they navigate and interact with basic layout. Collect all of their views and deduce if there is a need to revise and improve existing design layouts or navigation paths.


The real goal for this step is to keep users in your central focus, adopt their thinking and come up with a final functional brain structure of the app before the design is prepared. Thus, Step 6 helps keep frustration at bay in the later stage.


7. Start Building it


You have the foundation of the app ready so you can just start erecting the entire building. Your team of developers will apply themselves to implementing database, servers and APIs.


While you work on the feedback you got from the early testing process and modify the app elements to include the changes, you should also sign up for online app stores.


Create an account with Play Store and App Store so that, when the app is completely ready, you can launch it in the market in time. This is done because the process itself takes a few days.


Procrastination especially needs to be avoided in case of iOS apps due to their stringent approval process.


8. Design the Look


After the backend system is implanted, it is time to execute the UI creation strategy. Designers should know how important it is to create a flawless, intuitive and responsive user interface because this is what users will see about your mobile application and interact with.


They will judge your app based on how easy it is to navigate, select and shuffle between different UI elements.



Consider the feedback from the testers and make sure the final product is something users highly expect and love. Skilled graphic designers are best solution when it comes to opting for high-resolution skins or visually aesthetic screens.


To save the hassle of making confounding choices about editors, templates and layout, it is better to hire a professional app development company with a bunch of seasoned designers.


9. Test Your App for UI Performance


In this round of testing, you will test your app more sincerely since you have a much polished version and interface in place now. At this point, your app must look aesthetically pleasing with uncompromised functioning.


Check all the functioning screens of your app for its visual appeal and examine what it feels like to be inside it.


A range of UI tests are to run on your app to ensure your app has the look and the feel that meets your expectations. Either you go for online UI testing platforms or assign the entire project down to a mobile app development specialist. They will help you with the final touch, interactions and UX design of your app.


10. Finally, the Beta Testing


You have put your app through various critical funnels to prove you have built a smooth, user-friendly app. But you still need to examine the app’s performance in a live environment.


While Android testing is simple, iOS environment has a more controlled approach. For Android app, upload your app file in an android device and test it in a live environment. You can then monitor its progress from your Android device.


iOS wants you to use a platform called TestFlight for beta-testing your app. The Beta test platform usage is governed by Apple’s strict directions and instructions. But to your advantage, you can have other testers review your app before actually taking it live.


11. Finish line: The Release


Post fruition, it is the time for climax: sharing the creation with the entire world. Hopefully your app will either solve the problem or change and simplify lives.


When it comes to distributing and marketing apps, both iOS and Android are different with Android being a little easier when compared to iOS. You can simply make it live in Google Play store without review concerns.


iOS on the contrary reviews your app before making it live and there is no guaranteed time frame for the process. One way to escape this is to publish it in Pre-Apps where people take a maiden look at new upcoming apps and review them.


Final words


Completing these 11 easy but pivotal steps to create a successful mobile application is a journey you must take as an entrepreneur. Hopefully you will find the suitable app development partner to accompany and guide you on the journey to accomplishment.



How To Create an App Like Amazon?

Ecommerce has become a rich, enticing landscape for businesses and app development companies alike. Online retail commerce is an ever blossoming industry, booming with average annual growth is estimated to reach $3 billion by 2019.


how to create an app


Of all active ecommerce portals, Amazon is the one reaching one million customers within 27 months of its launch.


In the US, Amazon earned the appreciative market reputation of being the most valuable retailer, surpassing Walmart in market capitalization in 2015.


This is mainly attributed to the fact that online shopping app users feel more content with their purchases than traditional retail shop experience.


Read Also: How to Create a Retail App Like Walmart


Therefore, people rush flooding to ecommerce market for promising business opportunities. But create an app like Amazon means going up against the fierce competition.


When looked from developer’s standpoint, mobile apps are passed through several crucial stages of Agile methodology to make sure the final product is what you initially envisioned.


Here, keeping Amazon’s boundless success in mind, we are going to walk you through important stages and key ingredients to create an astounding e-commerce app like Amazon.



Conduct Market Research


The first thing to kick-start your market research with is identifying the app users’ requirements and their reason for engaging with your business.


Conduct Market Research


Accordingly, approach the developers with your firm thoughts on the type of products you want to serve customers with. Your thorough research will help you sort out what your specialized goods are along with their digital presentation tactics.


Usually, the entire scope of market research involves:


  • Product features
  • The target audience requirements
  • Insight into business operations of Competitors
  • Trending facts and interests
  • Success boosters
  • MVP basics
  • Scalability solutions


Delve a little deeper into how other existing apps and brands sell goods online which are similar to yours. This will give you a good idea on essential features, presentation skills, creative ideas and more, the elements that actually worked for their online business and what is no longer needed.


Amazon’s Success Boosters: Original Features


If we take a look into the Amazon’s dazzling success, you will be amazed at the volume of sales, repeat customers and customer satisfaction level they acquired.


They started as an online bookstore which was then astonishingly transformed into the most successful ecommerce app.


Scalable and versatile, Amazon transcended beyond the biggest database of books and now offers appreciable discounts on many of its titles, which becomes one of the efficacious tricks to attract eternal customer loyalty.


Amazon’s Success Boosters


In its early version of Bookstore, Amazon had a powerful search engine plus vast categories of products to help customers make right purchase decisions.


Its recommendation center allowed customers to buy books matching their tastes, mood and reading preferences, etc.


Read also : 10 Best Shopping Apps in UK


Amazon has gift parcel options and automatic notification and shipment tracking system. Users’ ability to read and share ratings and reviews augmented its popularity as ecommerce customers rely on product reviews far more than their descriptions.


Pick and Choose Features of Value


If you want to create an app like Amazon, your first instinct should be not to exactly imitate all of Amazon features but to sculpt a solid and competitive architecture of an e-retailer app that stands out among all other online shopping apps.


Therefore, launching an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) through rapidly Mobile App Development (RMAD) with all the essential features is an approach never regretted. These features include:


User log-in/registration


As clichéd as it sounds, it is important to remember that login process is the gateway to your app’s inner personality. This is why it needs to be pleasant, easy and user-oriented; this is where user experience actually begins.


User log-in/registration


With that note in mind, users should never be asked to provide loads of personal information before they explore and browse the insides as guests to make sure the app is worthwhile. To make the journey easy, allow them to use social sign-in options such as Facebook and Twitter.


Product Search



Just like Amazon search, your product search must be super fast, responsive and keyword-sensitive, having a host of filters and precise indexing. Doing this will help users get close to their products-in-search in no time.


Effortless Navigation


The way users find, browse and switch between pages and menu options must be made smooth and effortless. Your product category titles and service offerings should be comprehensible enough for users to navigate through.


Minimum-Resistance Checkout Pages


The biggest nightmare retailers face is the ambush of checkout content. Not matter how enthusiastically users load their carts with favorite items, online shopping market research often hints that nearly 70% of cart-filling instances result in abandonment. To avoid such horrid debacles, make sure:


  • Guest users find it easy and fast to purchase without mandatory login and account creation. Keeping heavy registration steps at checkout threshold would be a deterrent factor to a thick volume of potential customers.This is why they should be able to log-in using social media accounts.
  • Maintain the simplicity of the checkout page. Don’t overwhelm first-time customers with unnecessary questions and confusing options.
  • To keep it all transparent, show users a clean checkout progress where they can see how many steps are left before reaching the order confirmation page. Customer psychology favors the knowledge of how much time to spend prior to obtaining what they want.


User Reviews


This simple feature directly impacts sales as it reflects customers sharing their experience about the app and products. Let users see all types of reviews because they trust user reviews more than product descriptions.


A Reliable and Safe Payment Gateway


A Reliable and Safe Payment Gateway


Payment gateway does the job of sending the transactions to bank’s processing systems. Due to involvement of sensitive data, the payment gateway feature must be safe, secure and trusted.


Using well reputed systems such as PayPal and Stripe could be worth consideration as they are popularly chosen for assured transactions.




Amazon’s success also exudes from the generous network of warehouses that enabled prompt delivery of items ordered. As users upfront expect lightning-fast free shipment delivery, it will do good if your product page inform users of time and price of the shipment.


Additionally, make shipping forms user-friendly and clean with multiple inputs and clear entry fields.


Other Features That Matter Later:


  • Real-time order tracking
  • Wish list
  • AR product view
  • Live chat support
  • Push notifications
  • Social media integration


Prepare a Sharp and Professional Design Logic


Having a unique, unforeseen design idea could be a powerful game changer for your app. Not only does it generate positive impression, but it also equally acts as a customer-magnet. Also, the design visuals remain mostly accountable for users’ overall opinions.


Read also : Best Online Shopping Apps


This is why it is vital to focus on fusing the basic elements of templates with a fresh professional layer of design that contributes to enhancing the brand recognition.


Design a Logo With Clarity:


Since your app logo is the first thing customers notice before downloading it, it is the only chance to create an irresistible first impression. You can try to match Amazon’s style of logo that clearly displays brand name, representative colors and a shopping cart.


Make a Remarkable Layout:


Users will entertain no misapprehension in the matter of crafting the app layout. Their eyes remember 80% of the information in its visual form and the rest in written text. Create a perfect layout for an app in which product pictures stand out from the background. For this to happen, you must emphasize:


  • White and plain background
  • High quality pictures
  • Captures from different angles
  • Large photos to grab attention
  • Zoomed view


Choose The Mobile Platform

The next stage involves deciding on mobile platforms for launching the app. This can essentially be the part of your marketing research for knowing the preferences of your target consumers across target geographies across the world.


Certain developed countries like North America and Europe prefer iOS whereas the rest relies on Android. From the eyes of developers, iOS development looks easier and less time-consuming as it demands optimizing the app only for the recent versions of Apple devices.


Android development involves more time and complexities as developers need to optimize fora wide range of devices and screen resolutions. To expedite the Android development process, you can opt for only the most popular Android devices.


Since Android devices are diverse and have captured a huge global market, building the Android app is hugely profitable. You can also opt for a cross-platform approach targeting both platforms at once.




Create an app like Amazon sounds much more viable, economical and faster than building a web application for online shopping that is expected to be responsive.


Amazon’s exponential success is the best inspiration if you are embarking on an ecommerce business. Contact the right ecommerce app development company and do your research in advance to identify the niche market and target audience.


how to create an app


The next, follow the above steps to achieve the objective. Keep improving your product after launching the MVP with new updates and innovations. The rest depends on how the development process goes on to create such an app like Amazon.


Download button

New Technology Trends Driving the Mobile App Sector

Mobile apps were originally developed to execute the same tasks that computer software applications could do. The difference lies in the nature of the  device. Never changing mobile app trends will eventually destroys the mobile app sectors in UK.


Designed to improve productivity, the app development segment is a key component of the software industry that has grown at a phenomenal pace.



It has also changed how people manage their professional and personal lives quite dramatically. Companies in this field are constantly trying to bring in new products to the UK market and offer upgrades on their existing range at the same time by applying new mobile app trends.




There is no denying the disruptive influence of technology in every sphere – and this is evident even in the app development field. With so much disruption taking place, there are some pertinent questions that need answering:


  • How do app developers do their jobs properly?
  • What technologies are driving the change?
  • How do companies stay competitive?


Leaders in the mobile app field are offering users a holistic experience, leveraging the intensely personal nature of the mobile platform.


Apps are not just the mobile version of a website anymore – they now make it an experience-driven and engaging environment for customers.


Apps not only have a strong presence on the mobile platform but also promote a better level of interaction with the target audience.


Read Also: Technology Trends in Java – What to Expect in 2019


How Apps Have Changed the Way People Engage?


The infographic below offers an idea of how apps have reshaped the way people work and live. Since competition even in this area is stiff, app development companies are always working on figuring out how to improve on app related functions, required resources to develop it and what mobile app trends should be used to develop it.


mobile app trends


Just like the apps, the technology used to develop them is also evolving rapidly and cross-platform progression is the norm.


Not just that, computer chips are also getting faster and lighter in weight which is pushing software development allowing it to keep up with physical technology.


One of the reasons app developers prefer cross-platform development is that it allows them to write code and tweak it slightly to work on multiple platforms with minimal or no effort at all.



Such advanced work does fall under the expensive side and budget is a major consideration for many organizations when it comes to app development.


Hybrid app development is usually a good idea but addressing the following questions will help clarify the way forward:


  • What platform is your main target?
  • Would you use app stores to market your products?
  • What is your team’s capacity/capability? Are they technically advanced?
  • Does a one-size-fits-approach work for you?


Other than the availability of newer and better software to develop mobile apps at a faster pace, technological changes are -transforming the mobile app development sector and challenging it at the same time.


Here is a look at some expected mobile app trends for 2019 which will have a huge impact on developers and businesses in UK.


1) Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:


Even though AI has been around for years now, the impact of the technology has been only felt in the last few years. App developers can harness changes shaped by AI like machine learning to build real good applications.


They will be able to deliver a user-friendly experience with an intuitive feel in the form of chatbots. Siri is a prime example of AI and machine learning in one package. Experts predict that.


75% of the workforce using ERP will now be able to leverage AI capabilities to improve productivity.


2) IoT:


The IoT technology is powering many devices including smart lights and appliances.


Add a network of many physical objects which have sensors and software, and they can be programmed to connect over a mobile platform.


Devices and apps like Fitbit can offer personalized programs to users and track their activities. App developers are also branching out to bring us technology like Echo, Alexa and Google Home – devices which connect to appliances within a space.


Read Also: How IoT Applications Are Transforming Industries?


3) Block-chain:


This technology forms the backbone of cryptocurrency and can be used to power other industries as well. In 2019, we can expect to see Blockchain technology used more often to develop mobile apps which are decentralized in nature.


What makes this special is that it cannot be shut down as it is not owned by a single company or individual.


4) Self-driving:

Automated driving related technology has already had a huge impact on the automobile industry.


Not only is technology being developed to keep people safe in their vehicles via sensor use, but also to improve vehicle performance over time.


Driverless cars are already in the deployment stage – who knows what else will be developed in this sector?


5) AR & VR:


Artificial reality and virtual reality are terms which sound contradictory in themselves, but this technology has been around for ages as well.


Even though a lot of the software has been available, hardware capability is finally catching up. A lot of gadgets are now available which will not limit AR to just gaming.


We can expect to see AR’s impact in areas such as marketing, healthcare, and even manufacturing.


6) Beacons:

Beacons have been in use for a while now and their use is expected to get broader from 2019 onwards. Combined with IoT, their impact will be highest in the retail sector.


Consumers can have easy access to information on sales and promos, make mobile payments and even see its use in automated machine learning.


Read Also: How Businesses Are Benefited with IBeacon Technology


7) Cloud technology:


This is one element which has completely changed business investment models. Many companies have saved a lot of money by outsourcing storage due to reduced costs to host, better load capacity etc.


Many digital security related issues are also being addressed effectively as cloud technology has made app development more secure, reliable and very fast.


8) Mobile wallets:


The adoption of mobile wallets has gone up significantly with a shift towards a cashless society. Friction less payment methods are -the rage with consumers in different parts of the world.


With integrated gateways for payment, mobile wallets currently have high levels of encryption.  There are over 2 billion users of this technology around the world and numbers are expected to rise.


According to KPMG’s study on the changing landscape of disruptive technologies, the most popular global apps and their categories are as follows:


mobile app trends


This report also offers a lot of insights into other areas and how industries will be transformed by implementing the trends in mobile app sectors.


Industry leaders fully expect sectors such as healthcare, transportation, median and the consumer goods markets to have the biggest impact from disruptive technologies in the next five years.


Constraints on growth and innovation at the present time are restrictions from most government.


  • 24% of leaders expect regulations to hamper growth
  • 22% are of the opinion that there is a shortage in expertise and talent for different sectors.
  • 21% are frustrated with a lack of uniform tech standards across the globe
  • 21% struggle as they must deal with legacy infrastructure


Beyond 2019


It is quite surprising to see how fast technology is evolving – where it concerns app developers and disruptive technologies, we can expect to see a lot more changes in the trends of mobile app in UK.


In fact, the fourth Industrial Revolution is underway. The rapid expansion and availability of innovations means that the only thing we can be certain of is change.


There is no way to predict the effect and impact of such rapid progress.  Developers will have to keep up with new technologies and be flexible enough to innovate or a struggle is inevitable.


Though apps are becoming very common and an integral part of daily life, they are being used to simplify everything.


mobile app trends


Ordering food, watching movies, tracking health related statistics, making payments online – these are just a few aspects of how technology has not only disrupted the mobile app development process, it will continue for years to come. For the app developer, it is an exciting time.