How to Create an App Like TikTok

User-generated content is gaining more popularity nowadays. Thus, to create an app like TikTok with appealing user interface sounds great. Such apps enable users to enact their favorite actors & their famous dialogues. Besides, many people use TikTok to exhibit their various skills & creativity.

In the two years since TikTok entered the space, it has made its presence felt as a formidable competitor to the stalwarts like YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook.

tiktok - create an app like tiktok

With over 500 million active users from around the globe with a presence in 155 markets in 75 languages, it is the source of entertainment that keeps its audience glued to consume more.

In the first half of 2019, the global revenue of TikTok reached USD 39, with an estimated company valuation of approximately USD 75 billion. No doubt, there is much to rave about this video app.

Let’s have a look at what are things you have to keep in mind, when it comes to create an app like TikTok and also its development process and overallcost.

Why Did TikTok Succeed?

Primarily, TikTok is an innovative music and video app through which users can live stream broadcasts, record short video clips, add favourite tracks, and post the end results on their social networks.

Plus, the editing effects, filters, etc. that is provided on the application is the differentiator and adds that ‘x’ factor to the content being produced.

TikTok, apart from being just a tool to create and share videos online is quickly becoming a platform to showcase new talent that can be highlighted to a huge audience base.

This unexpected success has led to many entrepreneurs to toy with the idea to create a TikTok app clone.

Not sure where to begin? Read on to get started.

What Is The First Step That Can Help Create Your TikTok Clone App?

Before you start with your TikTok journey, you need to find out more about your target audience. It is best to begin with a profiling of your prospective userbase and classify them into:

  • Demographic Profiles: Here, you can find out more on the average user age, their geographical locations, the devices through which they can access your application, etc.
  • Behavioural Profiles: This is where you need to deep dive and understand buyer behaviour and the factors that can trigger them to download the application. You also need to assess what possible parameters can adversely impact this desire, for example, slow loading times, lack of security, decreasing patience, etc.

Developing a buyer persona is vital as it can help you design and create your version of the TikTok app that can appropriately cater to the needs and expectations of your target audience.

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What Are The Must-Have Features For Your Music & Video App?

It is important that you think about the features that you wish to incorporate in your app. For new entrants, it is recommended that they opt for an MVP app that kickstarts with basic functionalities.

The architecture allows you to keep adding more advanced features even after the app has been deployed. In this way, you can assess user needs and cater to them with more accuracy.

tiktiok app features - create an app like tiktok

The basic features that are must-haves for your TikTok clone are:

#1. Log In & Sign Up

Every user needs to register on the app through a sign up process. The standard process is using their mobile number or email id. Alternatively, you can also link the sign via social media handles to make it more convenient.

#2. Edit Profile

The users should be able to edit and customise their profiles as and when they need to. This means allowing them to change their profile pictures, username, information on the bio, etc.

#3. Upload Videos

The function to upload videos on the application should be quick and easy. Having a time limitation on the length of the video can make the process fast. Plus, enable upload of readymade videos with options to rotate or crop them, and even alter the playback speed.

#4. Filters & Effects

The filters and effects that can be added to videos on TikTok are factors that make the platform so unique. Other than standard attractions like features slow-mo, reverse, zoom or flash, TikTok offers effects and face filters such as cat faces, split screen or Valentine’s day filters that adds to the app’s ingenuity.

#5. Soundtracks

To make their videos a standout, users can add trendy sounds and music. They can choose to record their own voice or opt for their favourite song from the in-built TikTok music library.

#6. Duet Option

TikTok app offers its users to sing a duet with another user. All that needs doing is creating the video and then adding the hashtag #duetwithme.

Interested TikTokers will be able to view this and add their own spin through a duet with you. This feature makes the app more enjoyable to users who really like singing.

#7. Video Editing

When it is video app, then having the functionality to edit is an absolute must. Basic features such as speeding and flipping the video is standard.

You can add some advanced modes like ‘beauty’ that helps smoothen the user’s skin, etc. Have options like stickers, and funny animations as part of the editing console.

#8. Hearts & Commenting

Users can showcase their preference for specific videos that they like by using hearts. It also measures how popular the videos are.

Plus, you can also give a heart to a video and find that it has been added to your profile. Additionally, users can also comment in on specific tabs, etc.

#9. QR Code Scanner

Making the subscription process convenient and easy, the QR code scanner enables users to subscribe to user profiles by scanning their unique QR code.

#10. Geolocation

The geolocation features instantly alert users and displays of any active bloggers who are live streaming from a nearby location.

#11. Sharing

Apps like TikTok can only attain this level of success when users can share their videos. By sharing their creations on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. helps generate more interest in the content being produced.

#12. Alerts and Notifications

Every apps needs to keep their users posted on updates, news, trends, etc. For this, a push notification system is the ideal feature.

The functionality can be implemented through Google Cloud Messaging (Android) or Apple Push Notification Service (iOS).

#13. Settings

The settings section is a dedicated space on the app where the user can edit or change their password, make their account public or private, access the help centre, change language preferences or even block users.

#14. Admin Panel

The Admin Panel is the back-end of the application that offers several features and functions such as user management, analytics, promotions, etc. The dashboard is necessary as it enables the admin to generate data and insights in reference to the app’s performance.

These basic features are all that you need to deploy your TikTok clone app. In due course of time with a growing userbase, you can progress towards introducing more advanced features.

Take a look at the recommended list.

#15. Video Preview Before the Registration

The TikTok app has a unique video preview features which even allows unregistered users to view a collection of popular videos. While browsing is permitted, in order to comment, the user will have to ultimately sign up and register.

#16. Location-Based Content

Users can tag their current location on their videos. The data generated with location tracking ensures that users are able to view content posted by other users within the same geographical location. This is an advanced TikTok feature that makes the app quite unique.

#17. Live video Streaming

Even though TikTok does not offer a live streaming feature, this is something that you can think about when developing your version of the app.

People demand to consume content in real-time and starting a live video stream though a social app provides the prefer solution to that need.

#18. AR Filters

Filters that come enhanced with augmented reality can really take your app up a notch. Be it changing the colour of the hair, or put objects over the head, the potential of using this technology is limitless. You can consider building a dedicated AR library that users can access through the application.

#19. Real-Time Analytics

This can be in the form of a graphical representation where users can view live broadcasters within a specified geolocation. It can integrate the data with the performance of the broadcasts through the comments and hearts being generated in real-time.

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What Are The Requirements To Create An App Like TikTok?

With your feature list sorted out, the next step is to get team in place who will lead the app’s development process.

You can opt for a completely in-house vertical, go for freelancers or even choose a well-known agency, domestically or internationally. The type of team you select will primarily depend on the budgets that you have allocated towards the project.

That said, the constitution of the team should be:

  • Business Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • UI/UX designer
  • Android developer
  • iOS developer
  • Back-end developers
  • Database expert
  • Delivery expert
  • QA engineer

This is the minimum requirement in order to create an app like TikTok.

Now you need to concentrate on the tech stack. The recommended technology stack should comprise of:

  • Kotlin for Android
  • Swift for iOS
  • Back-end development: Node.js
  • Database: Cassandra or MongoDB or SQL or Mailchimp integration

Along with this, the app also need storage on the cloud. For this, you have a couple of options available such as Amazon S3 or Google cloud storage.

In addition to this, the other requirements include:

  • Content delivery networks
  • A universal operating system
  • GWT for better programming productivity
  • Video and audio transcoding
  • Database management with Datastax
  • Easy payment methods like e-wallet or PayPal
  • Notifications: Google Cloud Messaging for Android and Apple Push Notification Service for iOS
  • Real-time analytics: Azure stream analytics

How To Choose The Monetization Model?

Rather than leaving it for later, it is important to focus on how you will make money with your new app. Selecting the right business model is vital to ensure that you can monetize the app to its fullest potential.

Here are your options.

#1. Fundraising

With the project blueprint ready, you can raise capital through fundraising and investments. Fundraising does not just pertain to donations; it can be a premium model of generating capital for the business. For example, a group of high-end investors funded TikTok with USD 3 billion recently.

#2. In-App Purchase

Once the app is deployed, you can enable users to support live broadcasts with the help of virtual currency. This virtual currency has to be purchase with real money beforehand. You can also allow users to buy gifts on the app with their virtual currency too.

#3. Advertising

There are multiple ways of in-app advertising available. These include:

  • Cost per Click: This generates revenue every time a user interacts with the ads being shown on the app
  • Cost per Mile: The app makes money as advertisers are charged for every 1000 impressions of their ad being run on the platform
  • Cost Per Action: The app can be monetized when the user engages in a specific action like an app install or an emailer sign up

With the business model in place, the next stage is to dig what determines the app’s final pricing.

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What Are The Factors That Affect the Final Price?

There are multiple factors that you need to look into when you create an app like TikTok. Elements like platform, design, application features, and a team of mobile developers together determine the app’s budgetary estimates.

#1. Platform

You can choose between the two popular platforms, that is, Android and iOS. Alternatively, you can opt to go both ways as it is key to the success of a video-music app like TikTok.

Having said that, if there are budgetary constraints then you will be left with no option but to choose between the two platforms. The road you opt to travel will basically depend on the audience you wish to target, their needs, preferences and expectations.

For example, iOS was the platform where Instagram was initially launched. Android version only came into existence one and half years later.

There is also a difference in the development time when you compare the two platforms. Experts says that the iOS versions generally tends to require 20% to 30% less time than Android. This is because more devices use Android as their operating system.

#2. Design

Design can be a capital intensive space. It is also a long drawn process as getting the interface bang on can take some time. The key is to ensure that the interface is intuitive and user-friendly. This will drive more users to the app and keep them hooked on for a longer period of time.

#3. Features

The number and type of features, their main components, level of complexity all put together is a key parameter that contributes to the overall development cost of the app. The complex the app, the more time it is going to take to build it.

#4. Development Team

There are three options in terms of development teams at your disposal. An in-house team of experts can the most expensive of the lot since all of them will be direct employees and will be on the company payroll for a long time.

Going with freelancers is possibly the most economical. That said, it can lead to the process becoming more time consuming as they will not be dedicated resources to your project.

Lastly, you can outsource it to a credible agency which is the middle path. While they may not be on the company payroll, the resources assigned to the project will be experienced in the space and will be accountable to the project throughout the development process and even after.

Take a look at mobile developers hourly rate by region:

Region Average iOS Developer Hourly Rate Average Android Developer Hourly Rate
North America $110 – $250 $150 – $170
Western Europe $37 – $175 $70
Eastern Europe $23 – 80 $35 – $50
Australia $35 – 150 $110
India $23 – 80 $35 – $50

What Does The Final Cost to Create an App Like TikTok Look Like?

Combining all of the given factors, the cost to create an app like TikTok can range anywhere between $46,350 and $92,700 for one or two platforms respectively.

Here is the break-up.

Feature Time (back-end included) Cost
Basic features 347 hours $17,350
Advanced features 194 hours $9,700
Frameworks and libraries integration for back-end 30 hours $1,500
Frameworks and libraries integration for Android / iOS 49 hours / 47 hours $2,450 / $2,350
UI/UX design for Android / iOS 102 / 102 hours $5,100 / $5,100
Quality assurance (for one app) 135 hours $6,750
Project management (for one app) 70 hours $3,500

In a nutshell,

  • The total number of hours spent when developing app for a single platform is approximately 927 hours with a cost estimate of $46,350
  • The total number of hours spent when developing the app for two platforms is around 1854 hours with an expense outlay of $92,700

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The masses have taken to social media with a lot of enthusiasm. TikTok app can be the right benchmark for anyone who looks to design and create something similar in the space. Knowing the app inside out, its mechanics can go a long way in making your venture profitable.

Social Media App cost

That said, the point of building something new is to ensure that you offer something to users that they have never seen before. That will be the defining point and give your app the edge that it needs.

How to Create a Video Chat App in 2023

You might have noticed a sudden popularity in video chat apps since Covid-19 became a pandemic. Video chat apps like Zoom, Skype, Duo, etc serve as a great tool for visual communication across the world from our fingertips. Small and big businesses have understood the importance of video chatting, and want to create customized video chat app.


But the important question is – How to create a video chat app?


Let’s discuss about the different factors involved including the types, features, development team, etc.


Why your business needs a video chat app?


The corona pandemic requires people to maintain social distancing and to stay at home. So, most start-ups and business firms are now making use of video chat apps for communicating with colleagues and clients. This helps them to keep their businesses running.


A good video chat app results in a collaboration of various activities within the business firm without constant travel or physical meetings. It saves time, money, and can facilitate beneficial activities for the overall growth of your business.


You can speed up decisions even when employees are globally dispersed. Besides, the value of messages is amped up with facilities such app screen sharing, recording meetings, audio conferencing, etc.


Steps to Create a Video Chat App


Let’s now look upon the steps to create a successful video chat app

#1. Foresee Your Target Audience

Every developer desire to mould a successful app story.He/she should fix the intend and for whom they are creating an app. More than 55% of video chat app users are between ages 18 and 29, with around 40% of them being between the ages of 30 and 49.


From the studies itself, we could figure out the need for video calling apps among young users MVP


#2. Decide MVP vs Full-Fledged App

MVP Full Fledged App
A miniature form of an app with important features in minimum cost. Fully developed final product with entire features of an app.
Helps to test the potential of your app Fully working app as per the client’s requisites.
Determine the shortfalls of the app and how to improve them An app that is ready to use on multiple platforms.
Gauge continuous user feedbacks Gauge feedbacks via comments,reviews and ratings.
Time and cost-effective process of app development. Time consuming process of development with cost estimates.


#3. Front End elements

UI/UX design acts as the pivotal factor of the app’s reach and usage. The developer should tune the features following the type of audience.


A minimal and simple design for a wide audience whereas complex elements for an expert audience. But the overall design should be enjoyed by every type of users who will engage in the app.


#4. Back end elements

The unseen codes and commands behind an app are these back-end elements. The timely coordinated activities of back end developers are essential in a video call app development.


It can be either build through scratch or software. The former makes your app more flexible whereas the latter reduce your time consumption.


#5. Testing stage

The above said back end elements should give out proper results. A slight change in the codes could end up in a failure of your app. Testing should be done in each stage and ensure the best possible user experience. Stages of testing are acceptance testing, system testing, integration testing, unit testing, etc.


#6. Video streaming protocols

A protocol is mandatory for the proper functioning of apps. WebRTC (Real-time Communication) is a collection of protocols that enable systematic functioning of audio-video codecs and data sharing between browsers. It is a very secure protocol for video chat app development.


Read Also : How to Create An App Like Zoom 

Features of a Video Chat App

Let’s go through the features a video chat app should have.

zoom app features

#1. User Registration

This basic feature differs from app to app. Most apps avoiding featuring a long row of irrelevant information and instead provide a simple form. Some of the necessary fields are username, email id, contact number, etc.


Usually, a dialog box enabling users to connect the app through Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter account is added which enhances better user experience. Registration can assure the user to constantly engage with the app.


#2. Profile Creation and Management

With this feature, users can display their general profile information which can be changed whenever the user desires to. You can surf a person’s who you wish to chat with, and the profile of that person appears for the first time. So, the profile info should be right and easy to access.


#3. Quick Search and Contact List

Once you have a registered account on a video calling app, you can search for your colleagues or friends in no time. People on your contact list with an account will be already notified to you.

Further, you can add others by searching them via the app. A button action could help you see and speak without interruption for hours.


#4. Video and Audio Calls

This is the vital feature of a video calling app. The sole service of a video calling app is clear and quality visual communication with one or more people beyond expensive foreign calls, time zones, and geographical factors.


A video calling app should contain high quality audio call systems too. People use both audio and video call systems provided by the same app and can have uninterrupted calls.


#5. Group Calls

Zoom with its facility of conducting group calls with about 1,000 participants and 10,000 viewers has gained great popularity. The feature of group calling is now integrated into e-learning. This allows teachers to create classroom-like ambiance from the video chat app itself.


When coming to business, management can have everyday conversations or weekly meetings with who they want to speak with.


Other features like muting/unmuting users, adding people, removing users, conference hosts, etc can balance the environment and should take care of the number of users too.


#6. Chatting and Instant Messaging

Texting is a convenient and inclusive method of communication. Usage of emoticons in place of long text messages can make your friend know about your current mood and intent of the message.


In business firms, all communication is now facilitated via instant messaging services such as skype and slack.


#7. Encryption

Content (text, video, images) you share should be safe and circulated to the people who you wish to. The encryption process which starts from the sender ends in the receiver where decryption starts.


AES-256 AND HMAC-SHA256 are the two major protocols used in video apps. Developers should ensure the confidentiality of the user’s contents.


#8. Push Notifications

Getting notified about new messages automatically is a very useful feature. Whenever you receive a new message or call, you can slide down the notification bar and reply in no time.


Advanced Features of a Video Calling App


#1. Screen Sharing

You can share the screen activities with the person or team on the other side with this feature. It can be used for formal business matters, tutorials, gaming, and movies whenever you need it.


#2. Emojis And Stickers

Most people express their likes and dislikes with emojis now. They ensure a personalized experience for users. It is a very common practice among users of social media and video calling apps.


Users also have the ability to create custom emoji packs and share those funny stickers and emoticons.


#3. AR Masks

Augmented reality is an interface that adds content (informative and entertaining) onto the physical world. Some news channels publish their statistics using AR tools.


AR masks in video calling apps are widely accepted and enjoyed by users. Snapchat was well known for this in initial times. Later, most social media apps including Facebook and Instagram launched AR stickers into their apps.


#4. Virtual Noise Cancellation

Unwanted sounds in a formal meeting or friendly conversation can distract and irritate you. Artificial intelligence is deploying its efforts for cancelling the noises in video calling apps and help users have better calls.


Features Cost Time
User registration $500- $1000 37-40 hrs
Profile Creation and Management $1,550 31-35 hrs
Quick Search and Contact List $250-500 37 hrs
Audio Calls $1,300 26-28 hrs
Video Calls $1,450 29-30 hrs
Group Calls $2,500 33 hrs
Chatting and Instant Messaging $2,000-$4,000. 102 hrs
Encryption $500-1,000 30 hrs
Push notifications $1,000 to $10,000 35 hrs
Screen Sharing $1,100 22 hrs
Emojis and Stickers $1,200 24 hrs
AR masks $3,700 74 hrs
Virtual noise cancellation $4,000 95-100 hrs
Total $27,075 572.5 hrs


The above values on the development hours and cost is an average. It all depends on the number of functions and features that it offers to users.


video chat app develoment

Types of Video Chat Apps


We discussed the features of apps and their costs. Below are some of the popular video calling apps. Each app has specific intent, features, and target audience too.


#1. Everyday video calling apps

As the name suggests, it is used daily and mostly for friendly conversations. They can have all the basic and advanced features of a video conferencing app.


The main purpose is instant texting and chats. They are free apps and have no time constraints too. The number of participants is about 4-8.


WhatsApp: The moment you read this name; its icon appears in your mind filled with green shades. Most people now go through WhatsApp before starting their morning activities. It has influenced the digital world in a great manner, and it can have a video chat with 4-8 people at a time.


Facebook Messenger: It is an instant messaging app developed by Facebook. You can have uninterrupted calls with your Facebook friends. It has various effects, Arm asks, games included in chatting. But the participants’ limit is 4.


Google Duo: An app that can make you a participant through an existing Google account or number. About 12 participants can take part in video calling at a time. The low light, portrait mode, etc make it unique from other video calling apps.


#2. Entertainment apps

Video chatting plus entertainment sounds great. People love to engage with such apps. It contains built-in games and various activities with friends.


House party: Teens can lounge around the app like in a park. Inbuilt games allow them in the instant drop in and drop out group chats. There are many clones and activities to have fun with.


Discord: Great app for gamers. It allows voice chats while gaming or simple video chats. One must closely work with the app to get familiar with.


#3. Popular Video conferencing apps

These apps are one of the biggest technological blessings for businessmen and corporate world. They help in engaging up to 500 users at a time either for a meeting or a conference. It can be employed for work, e-learning, tutorials, etc.


Video and audio quality is high compared to other such apps. Companies keep revenue for buying a full feature set of these apps.


Skype: It is considered as the best solution for official matters. Employees can have intra and interpersonal communication in a very easy manner. It has been for a long time and supports quality video calls.


Zoom: Known for its participation limit and reliability. Many schools and universities deploy zoom for conducting classes, seminars, etc. But even then, reports are coming out that these apps provide poor security and low-quality encryption which has been deliberately misrepresented.


Read Also : 24 Best Video Chat Apps 2023

Development Team of Video Chat App


An app with a full feature set and making it visible on the internet is the efforts of a skilled software development team. It can be a team comprising in-house members or can take people from global sources.


In house team members can assure more flexibility and long-term development. But speaking about outsources, it has a huge pool of talent, but costs may vary.


The average number of members various personnel and their duties are mentioned below:


Business analyst: Through constant data analysis, He guides the company to provide better products and services.


UI/UX Designer: Determines how an app interface appears and felt by users. He also accompanies optimization works.


Android developer: Responsible for developing apps for android operating systems


iOS developer: Design and build apps for Apple’s iOS mobile platforms.


Testers: Provide timely testing on each stage and ensure the end-product to contain all requirements.


Project manager: Manages and guides the team to avoid pitfalls and make them work under deadlines


Technical Stack of Video Calling App


Finding the best technologies for the features you need is a task. Developers can discuss the technical aspects with experienced developers or development companies.


The most important technical aspects in making a video chat app are:


Database MYSQL, Oracle
Programming Languages Swift, Kotlin, Java
Streaming Protocols WebRTC (STUN & TURN), RTP, RTMP
Encryption Protocols AES-256, HMAC-SHA256
Cloud Platforms Amazon EC2, Amazon S3



How Much Does It Cost To Create a Video Chat App ?


Estimating the cost to create a video chat app is extremely important. It depends upon the features and the complexity of your app.


As we know, an app is the end result of teamwork. Below are the table of various personnel involved and their cost.


Personnel Cost
Business Analyst $66,882
UI/UX Designer $15+
Android Developer $23,000
iOS Developer $27,000
Testers $20+
Project Manager $20+



To create a successful video chat app, various stages of development should be well planned and estimated.

Steps Minimum Cost
Front End Elements $1,000
Back End Elements $4,000
Testing Stage $5,000 – $10,000
Video Streaming Protocols $700
Total $13,200



The cost and hours can vary according to the platform chosen for app development, features and functionalities needed.


Revenue Generation Models of Video Chat Apps

After developing a dream app, you would think about building a strong customer base Gaining revenue is also an important area of concern. There are some methods to monetize your app.


#1. Advertisements

Advertisements have a prior role in generating revenue for your pastime words and engaging copies can make advertisements unforgettable. When they engage in video streaming, ads can be showcased.


But people don’t like interventions during their video calls for sure. Thus, you can display small promotional ads without interrupting the user.


#2. Freemium

We are very much familiar with the term as most apps deploy this strategy to make money. Video chatting apps are free and downloadable, but developers can add some premium features which can be used only by paying the premium amount.


The number of premium users can make developers realize and resolve the issues in the app.


Zoom provides free calls up to 40 minutes with about 100 participants. But to avail full features, one should pay $14.99 per month


#3. Paid calls

No one stays online always.You can make calls through the same app offline. The cost of such a call is surely less than that of a normal roaming call. Video call apps like Skype have specific rates on each country but cost less than that of a roaming call.


#4. Paid stickers

Video call apps now devote a major space for stickers and emojis. It helps in generating revenue and entertain users. Newer stickers are added so that users can’t choose other apps in a competitive era.


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app cost calculator

The demand for video call apps is increasing globally. Making a video calling app with thorough planning, and an efficient team can result in a great and successful video calling app.