13 Mobile App Success Stories To Get Inspired From

In the world of mobile application development, to convert an idea into a functional mobile app means dedication, research and undying efforts to make it big. In the blooming industry of mobile apps, it is possible yet challenging to create a mobile app loved and celebrated by millions of users. For a start-ups, entrepreneur and fresh mobile app developers, there is a precious opportunity to transform a small concept into a successful app business.


However, you need to find strong inspiration for achieving goals.


To motivate you, we have summed up 13 mobile app success stories that will fuel your efforts with a solid inspiration:


1. Lisk


Lisk is perhaps today’s most inspiring mobile app success story that leverages latest Blockchain technology to address the emergence of cryptocurrency. The Co-Founder of Lisk.io was quite fascinated by the idea of working on this modern technology and started off the journey of creating an  app merely at the age of 14.


Blockchain enables the encryption of the number of transactions to ensure they remain secure from fraud, theft or tampering. Due to high demand for Bitcon, Blockchain is most encouraged, and offers amazing flexibility to process safe transactions through a decentralized system.



Lisk has carved an inspiring success story, bringing Blockchain to the positive light and making it accessible to millions of users.


2. Instagram


Instagram achieved meteoric success and explosive fame soon after it was launched and became one of the sought-after mobile apps in recent years. Founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Instagram established as  a brand with its unique features that allow users to express themselves through personal photos.


Surprisingly, it claimed more than 100K users in just a week of its release. The founders were conscious and thoughtful while working on feedback from users. Users adored its slick filters and stunning sharing capability. It is due to the skilled efforts of Mike and Kevin that Instagram became an instant success and was bought by Facebook for $1 billion two years later.





Lift has truly turned out to be an uplifting app for those who seek daily dose of motivation and coaching. This free app has rich, genuine motivational qualities and support community that encourage you to near your goals by keeping you spirited and optimistic throughout the journey.


Users can enter the entire gamut of their goals and aspirations like workout and fitness, career dreams, meditation, writing and more. Just program the app with what you want to achieve and monitor your progress, set reminders and get notified after hitting your target. You can also meet like-minded users within the app. Lift is one of the biggest success stories to consider for great inspiration.


4. Snapchat


Large popularity of young smartphones users and the promise to deliver uncompromised security, speed and privacy became the substantial reason for Snapchat success. The glorious founders Evan Spiegel, Reggie Brown and Bobby Murphy started it as a college project initially with the name of Pickaboo – which was later changed to Snapchat.


The founders of the app received handsome funding over a period of developing the unique sharing features in the app and made a brand out of it.


5. WhatsApp


Founded by Brian Acton and Jan Koum while working on Yahoo, WhatsApp is the most used messaging app which is popular across the entire range of demographics (over a billion) especially because of its ease, speed and quick resort. WhatsApp also enabled people to keep the track of whether or not the message receiver has received and read the message.


People didn’t need to register to use it, which made it a chat messenger brand among mobile users. The app made $19 billion when Facebook took it over. The iPhone app also undoubtedly achieved raging success in shortest timeframe. Being the most successful message app on the planet, WhatsApp is the envious inspiration for today’s start-up enthusiasts.



6. Uber


Considered as the most electrifying app so far, Uber pioneered the way people book and make travel arrangements. It was created in 2008 by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp who developed the idea of building a strong mobile app when they needed assistance in finding a cab while exploring the city of Paris.


Today Uber is the most unrivalled taxi services used all over the world. It allows you to tap a button and get a cab without having to try hard to flag a taxi down. Most innovated with regular updates and advanced features, Uber now is equipped with extensive services like UberCHOPPER, UberEATS, and UberBOAT.


7. Slack


Founded in 2014, Slack now has more than 5 million users actively using the app for sharing messages with the people in their group. With net worth of $5 billion, Slack does claim the success story to be inspired from. Not only does it make for a great messaging app for casual usage, it also has potential enough to be leveraged as a robust means of keeping co-employees and project teams updated and connected through creating individual channels.


Because of its popularity, Slack was featured as one of the popular and widely used messaging app by Inc, New York Times, The Verge and Times. This makes Slack, an app to be idealized by start-up entrepreneurs who wish to imitate similar success in 2018.


8. Prisma


Prisma was one of the most exciting photo editing apps in 2016 that had many photo-fanatic users thrilled and delighted. It was used best for its incredible features that made editing a fun and enjoyable activity.


It enables users to try various unique filters that resemble the art and creativity of famous artists. The specific feature of the app is that t does not take much of time but in turn produces great results from editing efforts.


9. Appbot


Appbot is another success story that deserves a spot in our list. It helped developers gain more downloads and positive reviews more efficiently. The app reviews aggregated from different online forums are sent where they can create a great influence for development team.


The app also does the job of integrating the useful data needed to display requests and bug reports. This app was downloaded many a time, being the original app concept that has achieved tremendous success.


10. Virtru


Virtru shares another mobile app success story by being the most popular among users who desired maximum privacy. Will and John Ackerly started it in 2012 and landed on Fortune 2015 list of ’40 under 40.’


Virtru is committed to providing encryption-rich security to your emails and essential data once you attach it as an add-on to emails. The app allows users to pause message forwarding even after being read.


Stunning and successful, the app has incredible features that serve businesses right.


11. Streaks


Streaks app success is greatly defined by its unique approach to give users amazing ability to master the skills through daily practice. For people who are willing to follow their goals with constant progress and monitoring, Streaks come handy.


Mark your goals in its calendar and track days of practice with visible X for each day completed. It will also guide you for steps required to attain a specific goal and help you keep an eye on everything.


12. UC Browser


It goes without a surprise that UC Browser is a dominant name when it comes to the world of mobile browsing. Being the second largest mobile browser in the world, it is especially popular in Asia used widely by more than 400 million users in 2016.



Through years of strenuous efforts and experimentation, UC Browser boasts competition with Twitter and Instagram with such colossal success. It is owned by Chinese company UC web, a part of Alibaba Group.




The Quote app has recently become famous among people who want to share their own expressions by developing their own original quotes. The app also mentors you on how to be better in Quotes business by delivering a pop-up message of advice on daily basis that includes most creative minds of classic times and today’s business and motivation leaders.

Used by millions of people by now, Quotes is the best app when you need to kick-start your engine of creativity, bearing the top 13 most inspiring apps in 2022.



The mobile app success stories described above are all attributed to 100% life-changing dedication and hardcore creativity. When two or more people come together to help transform the human lifestyle, the result is greatest, memorable success story that people often talk or write about. Hopefully, these apps will inspire you work on an app idea in future.

Mobile App Business Model: A Comprehensive Guide

Do you think developing an app is the hardest part? Think again.


You may have the app ready for your audience to download, but how are you going to make money off it? You can safely assume that figuring out your mobile app business model or its monetization strategy is the most difficult bit of ensuring that your app start-up is a success.


It is the most critical element in the entire equation and possibly the most overlooked too. It is essential to remember that the faster you start generating revenue from your application, the easier it will be for you to sustain the growth of your app start-up financially.


Most importantly, in the absence of a monetization plan for your application, ultimately you end up in limited access to investor capital. Without a cohesive revenue strategy in place, after a while, you will find your application going downhill, especially with so much competition in the space.


A cardinal mistake that most founding teams tend to make is by not focussing on perfecting the business model behind the application. Do not allow yourself to commit the same error.


Fundamentals of Mobile App Business Model


You can hit the ground running once you have implemented your mobile app business model. It is not as bad a blindly firing at a target. There are several tried and tested methods  that have proven to be successful revenue generation models in the long run.


It is not about being too complex or sophisticated either. All you need is something simple which you can easily understand and familiarise yourself with and your team with.


It is always prudent to start with the basics of app monetization. Having a large userbase that does not make you any money is not going to help you sustain your app start-up for long. You will need to have a strong app monetisation approach in place which will determine your success.



What you need to concentrate on it to convert your existing app users into paying customers which will allow you to start earning a return on your investment. However, without a large user base, earning a profit is impossible.


 Before going live, you can have a few business models that you can try out. Look at the results and optimize the model that works for you. The idea is to raise the performance standards and ensuring that you  can meet the demands of your customers simultaneously.


In the ideal scenario, you want to introduce a mobile app business model that is still profitable even if you do not have an extensive userbase. Since ideal is not always doable, let’s take a look at some of the app monetization models that you can explore.


Read Also: 12 Biggest App Marketing Mistakes That Will Kill Your Brand


1) Freemium


freemium - mobile app business model


Freemium apps have proven to be one of the most scalable and effective app monetization strategies in the last few years. Enticing your users to access the freemium app with limited features encourages them to purchase the full-fledged version if they like it.


The model has worked for several app start-ups as your users get a taste of the core competencies of the application and have a comprehensive understating of its offerings and value.  To access the remaining features, they are more than happy to pay a price for it.


Allowing free version downloads is extremely powerful since your target audience will not think a lot about it too much. Once they get used to the basic app offerings and want more, that’s the right time to push them towards the premium paid app version.


The barrier to entry at this point for new users is quite low. Therefore, the focus of the business model is to keep acquiring new app users who will find the app beneficial. Not that you require a million app installs to generate  revenue. That’s the beauty of freemium apps. However, there are two monetization routes that you can adopt:


  • Subscription Fees: With this mobile app business model in place, you can keep charging a select group of customers continuously until they choose to cancel.
  • One-Off Payments: Your users pay a one-time fee at the time of upgrading their application from the freemium to the premium version.


Freemium apps can also help you understand if your target audience is  taking to the application. It is a great tool to test which features are working for you and if they are at all willing to pay for an upgrade.


The freemium model can be implemented in several ways. Take a look.


  • Feature-led Freemium offers a free version of your application with restricted access to its features.
  • Capacity Limited Freemium enables full access to the application even in the free model but only until it reaches its designated capacity.
  • Limited Time Offer Freemium is using the application on a free trial model for a specified period.


2) Virtual Goods with In-App Purchases (The Addictive Model)


in app purchases - mobile app business model


A popular app monetization strategy in recent times is to develop an addictive app that includes in-app purchases. This model works well because it is simple, versatile and scalable.


To entice the customer, the addictive app permits the user for value advancement with the help of some type of in-app virtual goods. This is what makes this model so successful.


Games and gamification apps have been known to use this strategy frequently. The user will only purchase if the virtual goods being sold offers high value. Make sure that the value proposition is clearly defined as that is going to be the key driving force behind the user incentivizing the user to spend money within the app.


While the gaming segment has done well with this monetization formula, in recent times, other types of apps are also experimenting with this mobile app business model approach.


To ensure that this strategy is a success, your app needs a considerable user base that will help in the process of generating a sizable return. Therefore, customer acquisition on  an ongoing basis is an absolute must.


Do not overcomplicate with multiple purchase options that reward the user. Have a selective range and see how the users respond. This strategy allows you the opportunity to be creative. Take advantage of it and make sure that the features you have on offer add significant value.


Read Also: 10 Ways to Raise Fund for Your App Startup


3) Advertising and Sponsorship


sponsorship - mobile app business model


This method of app monetization through sponsorships is extremely profitable for those start-ups that have over 125,000 monthly active app users. Any app with an audience size less than that will find it hard to generate adequate revenue to sustain the growth of the app business.


Most importantly, the users must frequently interact with the app that ensures the generation of revenue that is consistent and substantial.


It is well worth your time to remember that too much advertising can alienate your audience too. Some can even be slightly overwhelmed with this bombardment. Whilst advertising is meant to offer a more dramatic user experience, it only works well if the exposure is in moderation.


Smartphone users today have known to be somewhat averse to too much advertising as it does kind of have an intrusive feel to it. Ultimately, you do not want over usage to ruin the user experience.


Therefore, when adopting this style of app monetiszation, companies need to take on a more strategic approach without damaging the user experience or completely putting them off your app for good.


4) Paid Apps

paid apps

The simplest and most convenient way to make money off your application is to offer your app install against a payment. Hence, every single time that a user downloads the app, you generate revenue automatically. Generally, this is against a fixed, one-time payment that gives access to the application  until such time that is it active.


For many start-ups, this can be a very mobile app business model as the strategy is extremely transparent. The users get into the game knowing fullwell what he or she expects to get in return for this price.


Remember that revenue generation in this monetization model is a direct outcome of the number of users that are convinced that your app offers a value add to their needs which is why they would be willing to pay for the download.


Unquestionably, you need a significantly large user base to be convinced about this to make a substantial profit. Plus, you will have to continue with your user acquisition marketing efforts and keep adding new members into the network. The sustainability of your business in the future depends on how successfully you execute these key tasks.


The customer lifetime value is not really of consequence in this standalone model since the one-time payment approach leaves little room for the paid member to generate additional income for the business. Also, the competition is quite fierce since there is no shortage of free apps which may make it difficult for the users to be easily convinced to pay for it.


A strong brand presence must be built around it . Keep educating your prospective customers through continued marketing efforts using all channels including print, digital, social media, e-mail, etc.


Alternative & Additional Monetization Strategies


If you want your app to start making  profit, it is best to go with a mix of monetization strategies instead of just focussing on a single business model. Other than the revenue generation channels already outlined, you can also think of including alternative and additional strategies to increase your prospects of profiteering.


Take a look.

  • In-App Affiliate Marketing: With a specific user base in place, make use of affiliate marketing that enables you to advertise and sell third party products to them through your application platform. With every sale made through your channel, you will earn a handsome commission.
  • Lead Generation: With access to a significant chunk of user data including names and e-mails to demographic features, etc. you can offer this information to third-party entities for a price. This allows these external bodies to use the data to understand user behavior and help them improve their purchase processes for their products and services. However, before you tread this path, ensure that you have taken permission from your user to share their data with other third-party bodies.


Read Also: Mobile App Marketing Funnel: Converting Users into Customers


What Monetization Model Should You Choose?


Whichever mobile app business model you choose to adopt, the end goal should be to generate revenue in a manner that is efficient and effective. Experiment and test out the waters with a lean strategy and evaluate the insights to build on a more robust approach.



The idea is to have a mix of strategies with minimal effort and maximum returns. Start small and fine-tune your monetization plan over a short span of time.

12 Biggest App Marketing Mistakes That Will Kill Your Brand

Building a good mobile app takes a lot of time (in months or years), skills and industry knowledge. However, a mobile app that works perfectly should have high potential for downloads. If there are not enough users downloading it, or the app is losing its existing customers, it is not worth your time and efforts.


A mediocre app fails to generate more users and revenue – which is a massive disappointment for small business owners. Therefore, a good mobile app needs great marketing.


To learn mobile app marketing, the best approach is to learn all those giant common marketing mistakes that can cost you a fortune. So what are those common app marketing mistakes your marketers are likely to do?


To help you avoid a debacle and get better results from your marketing campaigns, we have listed in this article top app marketing mistakes that may kill your brand.


1) Poor Focus on User Engagement


user engagement - app marketing mistakes


In a race to attract more users, one of the mistakes made is not looking after current app user base. Ignorance is an enemy to your brand, so don’t ignore the idea of engaging your existing app users.


Even though the target of your mobile app is to acquire more users, a study says nearly 72% of your existing customers in your marketing and sales funnel are likely to share their experience with 6 people or more.


It might be a little challenging to engage converted users, but it is worthy of time and efforts. Hence, incorporate your loyal happy users in your fruitful mobile app marketing strategy.


Read Also: 10 Ways to Raise Fund for your App Startup


2) Lack of Personalization

lack of personalization - app marketing mistakes

Who doesn’t want to feel important and appreciated with personalization? Sadly, not approaching mobile app users with unique messages to treat them well is an inexcusable mistake ruining your brand survival.


The only way to make customers feel special is sending personalized greetings and messages. If you have a mobile app to engage with your customers, personalization especially matters and potentially helps. In its absence, they feel abandoned as if you don’t value having them on your app.


Make sure you have sufficient data about their geographic location, approach, behavior and contexts. You can then utilize them to create effective marketing campaigns and send personalized, most related messages. Doing so will make users fall for your brand.


3) Interruption of Massive Inquiry

massive inquiries - app marketing mistakes

Anything in excess would decimate the motive behind having it in place – a horrid marketing mistake for your brand. The same thing applies to the approach of fetching enough data from customers to personalize user experience.


Push notifications and messages only show its impact when app users are asked to share information in the right moments, and not too frequently. If you greedily interrupt customers initial journey by asking too many questions, they are likely to feel suspicious as to why you seek too much details so soon.


Let users explore your app and they will willingly submit their data as soon as they feel safe and satisfied. To make it smart, use third-party registration solution that doesn’t ask users to enter the email address.


4) Desire to be Omnipresent

omni channel - app marketing mistakes

It is acknowledged that Omnichannel marketing campaign is a highly successful and smart approach as it reaches the right audience at a right time. However, this may turn the table sometimes because integrated marketing campaign means being at too many places and social platforms.


This may annoy users even if the campaign consists of the right message. Drop the belief that creating too many social accounts or reaching the audience through print media can be an effective holistic marketing tactic.


Instead, focus on a few good prolific, high-caliber channels where your industrious marketers are most likely to connect well.


5) Excluding ASO Marketing Tactics

app store optimization - app marketing mistakes

Optimizing your app for commonly used keywords in order to rank high in app store search results is crucial. Apptentive data unfolds almost 63% of users directly turn to app stores to discover a new app.


Ignoring ASO tactics and rules during conversion means missing out on massive sales. ASO is fundamentally driven by:

  • Keywords
  • Title and description
  • Snapshots/videos
  • Reviews/ratings



Understand how target users search for similar apps and apply right keywords in the app Title and description so that app store algorithms can easily recognize the app. Additionally, uploading screenshots and videos with in-app features and UI can also help users grasp what your app is about.


Since reviews written by real users are a strong social proof, users often view reviews and ratings before downloading an app.


6) Ineffective Low-Quality Content

low quality - app marketing mistakes

Content is the backbone of your mobile app’s life and it is important to step out of the ordinary while creating unique content. Many app owners create content for the sake of it and often forget to make content that is so meaningful and exciting it truly connects with the audience.


If you don’t believe in content-is-the-king notion, the chances are you will end up with the content that is pretty clichéd and drab, and leaves no impression.


Your prospect customers will never appreciate banal ideas. Serve the kind of content that speaks of your product and service quality. In fact, content could be the best ever marketing weapon that ultimately becomes your brand voice.


Read Also: Mobile App Marketing Funnel: Converting Users into Customers


7) Not Staying Abreast with the Competition


The best marketing strategy is the one that incorporates thoughts and fear of competition. Ignoring your nearest competitors would make marketing the app quite challenging.


For best results, you must study the right and wrong, the good and bad of the competition. You can learn a lot from their potential mistakes and effective working plans. Eventually you can adapt to the best for your own campaigns.


8) Unkempt Landing Pages

landing pages

Having mobile app landing pages that look disorganized, dull or shallow will surely never connect with users. The moment they open your app, they expect a bag of delightful surprises and exciting stunts, some freebies and opening tours.


Your landing page is crucial for all it is worth as it gives a good idea about customer’s initial journey. Make it content-rich, pleasant and smooth. If your opening is great, you will see more subscribers, followers, fans and prospect sales.


9) Not Using Tracking and KPI Analysis Tools


kpi analysis

If you can’t track success, you can’t see success – it is that simple. Marketing campaigns of mobile apps especially rely on minute analysis and measurement of campaign performance and progress.


Instead of monitoring revenue from marketing campaigns, it is more fruitful to keep an eye on parameters like user engagement, page views, special interests, target channels, interaction time, email open rates and more.


These KPIs help develop clear understanding of what customers like and prefer their favorite engagement platforms, prospect user location, etc. Use trackers and analytics system to know whether or not your tactics are working and where you still need to improve.


You can alter your tactics accordingly and measure its impact. Tweak your banner content, recommendations or push message and see how it goes.


10) Neglecting your Niche




Another big mobile app marketing mistake is marketing your app to a specific demographic and neglecting your own niche. An extensive group of users is too hard to focus on. Instead of spreading thin across the wide spectrum, ascertain your own niche.


Dig and probe a little deep into your target audience. Find out all about their lifestyle habits, hobbies, hangout places, education level, phobias, dreams and goals. What places they would love to visit? What devices they like most? What is their location?


How do they make their living? How much they usually earn? What influences their online shopping and investment decisions?


11) Not Working on Customer Feedback

customer feedback

Understandably enough, bad reviews are the always dreaded, but fearing negative comments does not lead you to your marketing goals. Customer feedback is the sign that users actually interact with your app.


In fact, negative reviews offer a way to take it as inputs and improve your business practices accordingly. Take it seriously and work on earning more positive reviews. Go ahead and ask happy users to leave their views about their experience with the app.


12) Zero Collaboration with Expert Leaders

expert leader

If you are not getting effective results from dynamic, industrious marketing professionals working round the clock, it is time to collaborate with experts in the business.


Today marketing as a whole has evolved greatly and app marketing itself requires niche skills. It takes a lot of creative ability and technical finesse and time to understand effective channels and their features.


Collaborating with a marketing media expert can help you hit desired campaign goals and rise to the top.


Read Also: Effective App Launch Marketing Strategies That Drive Success





We hope you got the entire gist from these top app marketing mistakes and possible solutions for your mobile app. Learning what not to do will help you steer towards what can be done. Consider these major mistakes before planning your next mobile app marketing campaign to keep at bay any disaster and achieve business objectives.

Mobile App Marketing Funnel: Converting Users into Customers

What is Mobile App Marketing Funnel?


Mobile App Marketing Funnel is a model that breaks down the stages of the customer journey. It starts with general awareness and ends with leads that converting prospects into customers.


One of the most critical and complicated of all business funnels, Mobile app marketing funnel involves a lot many considerations and strategic challenges.


From their very discovery, onboarding process to final conversion and even beyond, customer acquisition funnels have users move through multiple stages and channels.


Your close examination and analysis of user journey through these funnels lead you to a better position in conversion tactics.


In this blog, we are going to understand 5 major phases of app marketing funnel and what tactics have potential enough to yield returning and loyal converted customers.

mobile app marketing funnel

The role of Mobile app marketing funnel


A little different from traditional marketing, most tactics used to propel customers through acquisition funnel are unique in its scope and effect.


The funnel for app marketing helps in the following parameters:

  • Discover friction points and business challenges
  • Areas of strengths and weakness
  • Target areas with great Impact on business growth
  • Customer retention solutions
  • Strong methods of customer interactions
  • Drop off, retention and conversion points
  • Realization of user-friendly engagement/support channels
  • Discovery of action plan
  • Key spots of investment


Read Also: Effective Post launch App Strategies That can Drive Success


Different stages in mobile app marketing funnel



1. Discovery and Awareness Phase


discover and awareness


Discovery phase in mobile apps is more crucial than traditional desktop exposure or typical enterprise sales. Here early stages where most purchase decisions are made consists of time taken to download an app.


In mobile app marketing funnel, the purchase or sales time which is nearly equivalent to time to download an app is relatively less.


The discovery and awareness stage is mostly dedicated to getting the product discovered by potential users and driving much awareness around it despite thousands of similar apps in the market.


Hence, the stage requires you to adopt effective app discovery tactics, both organic and paid.


(i) Organic approach


Many of mobile app marketing tactics resemble traditional marketing funnel such as social media exposure, word of mouth, email marketing, influencer or affiliate marketing, partner blogs and forums, etc.


(a) Word of Mouth


One of the ancient form of marketing, WOM type of marketing is still seen as effective in modern marketing funnel. WOM is all about how easily users can share with others, which is made possible by creating reward and referral programs in place.


Many food delivery and ride sharing apps leverage the idea of making it easy for existing customers to share and refer the app to their friends and folks. The tactic eventually drives good WOM marketing and referrals.


(b) App Store Optimization (ASO)


More like mobile app SEO, ASO is the must-have process of App store optimization that ensures your mobile app is optimized to rank top in app store when users come searching for it.


Since ASO accounts for 48% of app discovery, the need for ASO is high.For ASO success, make sure you use right target keywords in app name and description, and design an appealing icon,earn more user ratings and introduce frequent updates.


(c) Social media


Social media is undoubtedly the best tactic to create scores of fans for your app who will vote for you. Go and promote your new mobile app on social pages like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.


Twitter’s App Cards has people actually downloading the app directly from its page. Find out such healthy ways to connect and engage with active social media audience.


(d) Forums and Q&A sites like Quora and Reddit


Whether it is an app for shopping, meditation, e-sports, productivity or anything else, they all have a thriving community and target customers. It is important to find and reach out to them on channels and platforms they frequently visit such as hot famous Quora and Reddit. Follow their community guidelines and standard practices to achieve best gains on these interactive platforms.


(ii) Paid marketing tactics


Here are a few paid customer acquisition tactics to learn:


(a) App install and retargeting messages


To encourage more app installs, you can capitalize on your app’s in-built referral system. Use the referral links to create ads for retargeting referrals with a message. This way you will have a chance to convert and acquire new customers with existing ones.


Another app install driver is populating ads via social platforms like Facebook, AdWords, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram etc. These widely used networks help drive downloads and grab more attention.


This also works for Google Play store, where upon searching with a keyword, people get to see a list of apps along with paid advertisements of apps. In many cases, this tactic is more effective than organic results especially when you are new in the market.


(b) Affiliate marketing


Most popular these days, Affiliate marketing works like a referral system though other apps here feature your app to their existing users. The featured ad widgets, pages and snippets created by marketers is embedded by other app and web publishers (affiliates) on their platforms.


The app marketers have to pay a small fee to affiliates for such cross-promotion service which is more beneficial when you have multiple apps.


2. Consideration

consideration - mobile app marketing funnel

Before downloading and after discovering your app, the first instinct is to check ratings, images and description or a supporting video on the app page in app stores.


This is called consideration process where trust plays a major role to drive app installs. This is where your app proves whether or not it is worth downloading by means of proof visible to curious souls.


Ratings are especially important if you spend good bucks on paid marketing tactic as many ads show ratings. The app with 4 or 4+ stars emit positive signals and bring more organic downloads as opposed to 2-3 star apps that don’t impress.


(i) Organic strategies


For good consideration, try to build trust for your presence on various marketing channels including emails, social space, website,etc. Here is what you can do for app store consideration:


(a) App page


Put the top quotes and positive reviews on the top space of the app page. You can also take advantage of placing a promotional video that shows the ins and outs of your app and the experience downloaders can expect.


(b) App ratings and reviews


Your app page is only well-optimized when there are considerable app ratings and reviews. As spoken earlier, every penny spent on paid marketing efforts will be worth it when your app shines with 4+ ratings.


You may use a smart rating prompt tool that helps boost reviews and ratings by reminding satisfied customers to leave review about their experience with the app.


3. Conversion and Acquisition

conversion and acquisition - mobile app marketing funnel

Conversion starts as soon as the installation happens and varies from product to product. If it is a retail app, remember that users never follow a straight line in their journey.


Some browse for new products while others are interested in specific items or special offers for new joiners. For some apps, conversion is in-app subscription or purchases while it is merely account creation for others.


Some users decide instantly to create an account while others spend sessions before creating the account. Mull over all the ways you can lead users to a conversion point.


(i) Conversion Tactics


We suggest you should define the exact conversion metrics of your business and target spots you wish to hit before starting off with these conversion tactics:


(a) Smooth Onboarding


Smooth, fluid onboarding process is what customers expect and what boosts conversion. Get them started with your app and help them familiarize with your in-app environment.



Make sure the road between install and app usage is made effortless and simple for users to get accustomed to the app quickly. This is because onboarding is directly associated with their first experience.


b) UX design craft


The number of people quitting your app due to poorly designed interface and shoddy registration page is more than 40%. This suggests first impression is a key driver of conversion.


This is why marketers need to work together with UI developers to design a user-optimized intuitive interface that delivers flawless interaction. Fusion of marketers and engineers leads to more returning converted customers.


Read Also: Importance of MVP in mobile app development


4. Customer Relationship

customer realtionship

Building a customer relationship saves a lot of efforts and dollars spent on customer acquisition and retention activities. Develop a good relationship with them using the services that add value.


Marketers should follow the etiquette of physical retailers who engage with their buyers in store. While connecting with mobile app customers, choosing the right moment to spark off communication is the key to developing healthy relationships.


Steer clear from forcing yourself on customers when you approach them. Go with the flow, remain natural, read clues and reach out when you think they need you.


(i) Viable tactics


Think about how this approach to building customer relationships can translate to your mobile app experience by following these tactics:


(a) The right-moment communication


Communication with customers must happen at a right time and in a way that doesn’t bother them. You can choose to connect with in-app users when they are stuck somewhere, frustrated or had a great experience.


Encourage feedback and respond to them since good customer support, proactive resolution and product satisfaction translate to a lasting customer relationship.


Mobile offers a convenient platform for a brand to initiate communication and be accessible to customers in the nick of time. Leverage special feedback features to create a strong response system.


(b) Element of Personalization


Personalization is the one tactic that is never out of the game. Prepare viable one-to-one personalized messages that incorporate all of customers’ likes, tastes, preferences and tendencies.


Use customer data and try to be as close to customer’s personality as possible to achieve deep personalization and deliver addictive in-app customer experience.


5.Customer Retention

customer retension

Customer acquisition and replacement cost is quite higher than retention and engagement activities. Mobile apps that constantly stay in touch with their customers have better chance at retaining customers after installing the app.


Engaging customers involves building relationships, listening to their feedback, giving responses and delivering great experience. Customers are most likely to remain loyal when companies respond to their feedback.


Also as you implement their feedback to improve your app service, they feel like being a part of the process – which further translates to more loyalty.


(i) Retention tactics


New offers, feedback, special moments and app updates encourage customers to stick to your app and keep using it.


(a) Engaging content


Make a practice of frequently updating in-app content with fresh perspective as it keeps customers engaged and loyal to your app. You can think of adding dynamic catalogue or special offers banners, new features or fun facts associated with your products.


Offer something fresh and unseen so that every time they open your app, they will be surprised and retained more often.


(b) Push notifications


Unlike in-app messages, push notifications appear outside the app on a customer’s device as alerts or messages when they are not interacting with your app. These notifications help foster good desire in customers to go use your app again for a reason and drive retention.


(c) Loyalty and reward bonus


If nothing else seems to work, Loyalty bonus or reward programs are the best way to retain lost customers or infrequent customers who are less active.


You can customize your own mobile-exclusive reward loyalty program that boosts engagement and brand loyalty. For instance, make them purchase on specific occasion and promise a reward in return as soon as they hit a milestone.


Read Also: How to reduce the mobile app development cost


Final words


We hope you could learn and collect some insight from our attempt to explain ideal mobile app marketing funnel strategy to convert users into customers. You can work on these tactics, discuss with your marketing team and implement them to smoothen user journey.



When executed perfectly, the precise visualization of customer acquisition funnel leads you to exact target business metrics and a bright opportunity to achieve improved customer retention, conversion and loyalty while reducing drop off number.