Advantages & Disadvantages of Blockchain Technology

The advent of Blockchain technology has brought advantages to many industries and at the same time some disadvantages too. Being a decentralized digital ledger system, it has a considerable difference between traditional centralized databases. This difference is visible in their operations too.


The blog tries to explore blockchain technology and its key advantages and disadvantages.


What is Blockchain Technology?


“The blockchain is an indestructible digital ledger for keeping track of economic transactions which can be programmed to maintain not only financial transactions but virtually everything that has value.” Don & Alex Tapscott, authors Blockchain Revolution 2016.


Now this means that this decentralized ledger is not controlled by any financial institution or government for that matter. It can be accessed by everyone who has a good internet connection.


Other than virtual currencies, there are many companies such as messaging apps, critical infrastructure security, ride-sharing, cloud storage, etc. are harnessing the power of blockchain technology.


Advantages of Blockchain Technology


Blockchain technology came into markets in recent times, but it has witnessed many industries gaining great advantages with it. Below are the advantages of blockchain technology that proved its significance and growth.


#1. Trustworthy Distributed Systems

The traditional transaction process has an intermediary party like a bank, credit card, or other services. It comprises an extra charge in the form of a transaction fee. The major advantage of Blockchain technology here is every transaction made is public. The overall cost is also reduced to a great extent.


The distributed network nodes of the blockchain technology verify every transaction stage and replace the need for intermediaries. The process where miners constantly verify all kinds of transactions round the clock is called mining.


Thus, blockchain technology never fails to monitor transaction aspects and almost impenetrable to fraud. Eliminating intermediaries will reduce the risks of relying on a single organization and cut down costs too.


#2. No Government Interference

Blockchain technology can manage the major systems controlled by existing governments more efficiently. It can create, store, and proceed with information on every single transaction at all times.


The government or any financial institution has zero control over virtual currencies that are based on blockchain technology. Government interference has often led to the devaluation of various currencies and a good example of that is the latest Zimbabwean Dollar.


Regardless of the nation and currency, one of the top problems, when governments interfere much with the currencies, they end up either with inflation or hyperinflation by printing too much currency in a short time. As the blockchain is a decentralized online ledger, it’s next to impossible for governments to interfere and take any action on cryptocurrencies.


#3. Increased Stability

One of the major advantages of Blockchain technology is its stability. Companies now rely on these systems that have higher retention in their services. Once data is saved in the digital ledger, it is hard to remove or change it. Such a stable system can make processes easier than before.


The data saved on Blockchain is visible and accessible by the people who have permissioned access. The accuracy and paperless system enable more transparency throughout the transaction process. Tracing back previous records is also easy as you can conduct audit rials in Bitcoin transactions.


There is no need of creating multiple ledgers for different members, a single stable ledger is distributed among the members with the least fraudulent activities.


Read Also : 10 Best IoT App Development Tools 2023


#4. Instant Payments at Reduced Costs

The transactions done via Blockchain is rapid but at a reduced overall cost. The traditional paper-heavy processes of transaction stages are effortlessly replaced by single record-keeping of Blockchain. Without any third-party interventions, the process is completed well with trustworthy dealings.


There is no elaborate documentation process and transactions are done with the least number of errors. Cryptocurrencies help in streamlining processes quicker and at reduced costs.


#5. Improved Security & Financial Efficiency

As mentioned above, the blockchain process is quicker and reliable compared to that of traditional procedures. The main advantage of blockchain is that there is no third-party intervention which leads to greater financial efficiency. Such a system will let users enjoy money and time-saving transaction process.


People will be dependent on blockchains for not relying on a single organization for their entire transaction process. Once a transaction is agreed upon, the system offers the information to multiple open networks instead of a single server like in traditional transaction systems. This will prevent hackers from fraudulent cyber crimes as the transaction is openly distributed.




Disadvantages of Blockchain Technology


Blockchain technology is indeed a godsend for the now world. Studies suggest that there is some kind of attacks happening against block technology today. Let’s look at the disadvantages of Block technology.


#1. Private Key Issues

Blockchain addresses are made up of individual private keys. That is, each person with permitted access has his/her private key to make their operations. Cryptography deals with public-key blockchain processes. This public key address is shared with individuals where they access via their private keys as said above.


If the person loses their private key, the process turns into a failure. They can do nothing to save their money or further transaction procedures. This private key is something like managing our bank. So, issues related to the private key makes blockchain technology a big failure.


#2. Extremely Volatile

The cryptocurrencies that are based on blockchain technology are highly volatile. Of course, one good example of that is the fluctuating prices of Bitcoin that vary each day.


One of the reasons behind that this volatility is that the decentralized blockchain technology and the virtual currencies are new characters to the market.


This means that the companies, governments, and other groups adopting or not adopting them will affect the volatility surely. This is a huge drop and this kind of volatility is bothering people who are thinking of investing in Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency for that matter.


#3. Issues in Scalability

Many allege that Bitcoins are the best currency type and thus the Blockchain technology too. Still, it is said that only about seven transactions can happen per second over this network. As we discussed, the system is distributed, and verifying transactions under each of the nodes is essential.


When we consider the scalability issues, the number of transactions per node is limited. Sometimes users may have to consume several hours to complete their procedures.


It is said that increasing the number of active users according to blockchain’s transaction speed is not practical. Classic banking procedures are more rapid and scalable than that of blockchain.


#4. Security Issues

It is said that Blockchain technology offers maximum security compared to all other transaction methodologies. Still, it is not completely secure and research says about Blockchain technology faces a 51% attack.


51% attack is sometimes so critical that the intruders can gain control over the system for sure. Such a network will be affected by double-spending too.


The security threat is aggravated by the anonymous nature of this bitcoin system. Anonymity is appreciated, but identifying culprits attempting illicit transactions is difficult here. Less Transparency is a downside of blockchain technology so far.


#5. Data Modification is Difficult

In blockchain technology, it is hard to add or modify data once after it is recorded. It is considered as the major disadvantages and advantages of blockchain technology. Considering its downside, the process of data modification needs rewriting codes and indulges in an extensive process.


Too much stability can sometimes adversely affect systems. The major disadvantage of blockchain technology here is irreversible records and its demanding modification process.


Read Also : Top 10 IoT Trends to Expect in Future


Closing Thoughts

Some believe that it will help in creating cryptocurrencies which will become a potential rival to precious metals while others believe that it is soon going to burst like a bubble and nothing more.




Blockchain technology has both advantages and disadvantages like two sides of a coin. Many mainstream sectors are enjoying the perks of such a robust and reliable technology so far. But some consider the downsides of technology and are thinking about implementing the technology. In the end, It’s all up to you.

10 Best IoT App Development Tools

The whirlwind of IoT revolutions and connected devices have engulfed the IT industry today, combining the best of both programming and device hardware. Not only has it opened new promising horizons for IoT developers and companies, but IoT app development tools also enables creation of remarkable products in narrow time frame. The multifaceted field of IoT is growing into something of an unstoppable drive.

Already 57% of companies have adopted IoT technologies, and this number is likely to mushroom by 2020. So how can you approach the idea of building IoT-enabled apps? For that you need robust IoT app development platform and tools.

Here is the list of the 10 most significant and popular IoT app development tools.

#1. Arduino

arduino - iot app development tools

Arduino is a perfect option for better optimization of your IoT activities. It is an easy-to-use prototyping platform with a hybrid collection of software and hardware solutions.

The data from active IoT sensors is processed by the master brain Arduino itself. Building projects are effortless with Arduino that comes with a microcontroller facilitating the proper working of IoT devices so far.


  • Easy for beginners and professionals.
  • Simplified device registration
  • A mobile dashboard on the go
  • Quicker Integration of essential tools

#2. Tessel 2

tessel - iot app development tools

Popular as one of the robust technologies supporting IoT or AI-driven systems. This is very much used in building basic prototypes or IoT systems. Tessel 2 is useful as it can integrate numerous sensors & modules resulting in supreme IoT based solutions.

Tessel is successfully offering hardware applications and active servers for working systems. IoT management is smoother with open source projects like Tessel 2.


  • Extremely reliable wi-fi.
  • Efficient power management.
  • Robust and speed solution.
  • Can be programmed using NodeJS.

#3. OpenScada

openscada - iot app development tools

OpenScada, being one of the popular IoT development tools are produced by Eclipse IoT groups. The tool opens up for guaranteed security and flexibility concerns on connected systems.

Many companies compile OpenScada tools for building advanced and superior IoT applications which is very necessary today.


  • Supports editing/Debugging
  • Supports several programming languages
  • Includes various distinctive tools
  • Simple and easy -to- use.

Read Also : Top 10 IoT Trends to Expect in the Future

#4. Node Red

Node Red - iot app development tools

Node Red is widely used in major IoT projects today. Developed by IBM, it offers amazing modules to connect APIs services and devices with very less errors.

Developers can easily integrate or connect devices, resulting in better IoT device management. Node red gives out a well-defined purpose or function nodes in the flow-based programming of IoT devices.


  • Well explained tutorials for beginners.
  • Easy streamlining of IoT applications.
  • Open Source logic engine
  • User-friendly experience.

#5. Home Assistant

home assistant - iot app development tools

Smart home Automation is easy with the open-source tool Home Assistant. Desktop browsers or mobile devices are used for monitoring a home assistant. This open-source tool is best for privacy, security, and operation management.

Factors that slow down internet activities are hindered by the home assistant system itself. The tool is operational on local networks. The latest versions even help in monitoring battery levels of smart devices.


  • Amazing sensor control
  • Reliable systems eliminating bugs
  • Python-based coding system
  • Trusted for operations.


#6. Device Hive

device hive - iot app development tools

One of the leading IoT data platforms with a wide range of integration and customization options.

Device hive supports various programming languages and can integrate with any other Device clouds and plugin services IoT devices are easily manageable via device Hive. Visualize data source and dashboard for IoT management is easily organized in Devicehive.


  • Integrate multiplatform libraries
  • Scalable hardware systems
  • Easy smart device communication & management
  • Monitor multi-device connectivity

#7. Raspbian

raspberry pi

IoT tech enthusiasts have invested their efforts in creating an awesome IoT development tool till time. And it is Raspibian. The major advantage of IoT technology is that Raspbian installation is with the use of pre-compiled software.

Smart interconnected devices are easier to control using the Raspbian tool. The tool is mainly used in Raspberry Pi for home automation.


  • Provide optimal customization tools.
  • Over 35000 precompiled packages.
  • Improved stability and performance
  • Easy to use UI

#8. Canopy


Canopy is a winning Open source platform that lets users control and manage connected devices as a whole. It is so popular for its advanced features that give an entirely new customer experience and engagement.

The major advantage falls on its early capability of identifying issues on IoT systems and remotely control them with triggered notifications. The canopy also offers a cloud-based portal that allows users to review their project reports and easy integrations of critical IoT applications.


  • Real-time dashboard feature
  • Exclusive configurable KPIs
  • Reduced operational costs
  • Increased visibility of devices.

#9. Zetta


Zetta is a well known open-source platform creating top IoT servers that are active on remote networks. It gives connected devices amazing visibility and assembles them into real-time data-intensive applications.

Zetta works best with microcontrollers like Arduino leading to cloud-based management. The tool helps in abstracting the hard to build IoT systems into feasible projects at a lesser period.


  • Optimized for data-intensive apps.
  • Run across global systems.
  • Efficiently manage connected devices.
  • Powerful API communication.

#10. Devicehub


Developers easily work with Devicehub for creating successful IoT app stories. It helps in monitoring integrated IoT solutions along with cloud integration. It uses the platform as a service for hardware/mobile developers to gauge smart device users and multiple such devices remotely.

Devicehub has organized several automated fleet solutions, vending machines, etc which has been so relevant and useful for users. It is the starting point for beginner or professional developers for creating IoT devices.


  • Flexible integration of hardware/web technologies
  • Deliver scalable app solutions
  • Highly secure communication systems
  • User-friendly interface.

Read Also : Impact of IoT on App Development 2020

Concluding Note

To fuel up the progressive trend of IoT, many of the software providers are coming up with app development tools that will help developers create novel IoT devices and apps.


Choosing the right IoT app development tool is a matter of usage, comfort, popularity of opinions and suitability for the type of development project. You can choose to collaborate with IoT development specialists for further assistance in your next IoT project.

Top 10 IoT Trends That Will Change The Future

IoT has revolutionized our life into a smarter one with less human interventions. The IoT trends are evolving with incredible features in diverse sections of our daily activities.  It is capable of connecting different objects with sensors and thus, creating a magical world of digital innovations for humankind.

Let’s look at the emerging top 10 IoT trends that we can expect in the future.

#1. Healthcare

Healthcare is one of the major concerns of the now world. Before the advent of IoT, diagnosis, interactions, and treatments were so limited to physical visits and even via text and calls. But the IoT enabled devices which are so popular today is a boon for them. Remote monitoring of health is now possible at simple steps.

Patients can view their health reports, heartbeat rate, burnt calories, and many more things. Physicians on the other side can review the reports, track patient’s wellness, and know their emergencies. Thus, the interactions and treatment practices are very much developed with IoT.

An exciting thing is that even hospitals are getting advantages because of IoT. Wondering how? IoT helps in managing patient’s health, their health parameters, getting indications on their emergencies, and even about patients not getting timely treatments.

Health Insurance companies too enjoy the perks of IoT healthcare devices. By giving incentives, identifying false claims, and many major health insurance concerns at ease. These IoT trends have taken a pivotal role in decreasing healthcare costs but more efficient treatment systems.

#2. Transportation

Transportation is inevitable in almost every sector. Sometimes, for importing/exporting raw materials, consignment delivery, employee transportation, etc. Thus, there must be an effective system to manage transport systems. IoT has stolen the whole credits of efficient transportation management today.

With the help of sensors, embedded devices, IoT systems control communication, and tracking activities throughout the entire transportation process. Many effective IoT services act as a bridge between the owners, drivers, and customers.

Whether it be managing fuel consumption, both owners and drivers can know the time for refueling. Other essential areas like Traffic congestion, route redirection, parking facilities, etc are done quicker via IoT connected systems.

Mass Transit services are also well managed by IoT devices which were very complicated before. IoT helps optimizing transport times, schedules, managing customer needs, etc.

On the road, IoT devices have contributed to reducing traffic congestion, road accidents via efficient IoT devices. As a whole, the merits of IoT devices are impacting well on the Automotive industry; even in personal vehicle development.

#3. Manufacturing Industry

Industry workers are now safer because of efficient machinery helping them with hazardous tasks. IoT devices are very active in almost every industry so far. The whole production cycle of a product is foreseen and actively accomplished by IoT.

AI, Machine learning and sensors together make amazing results in easy manufacturing. Mass customization of manufacturing is easily streamlined at a reduced cost with IoT technology.

Many companies use wearable devices to monitor worker’s health when they are engaging in risky jobs. Inventory management and errorless products are more in a reduced product cycle time.

Outsourced and remote projects are more visible via IoT technologies. Industrial asset tracking and management are smoother than before. As a godsend, IoT is helping industries to maximize productivity and eliminating waste products.

Read Also : Top 10 Ecommerce Trends in Future

#4. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology has now gained larger importance, especially when associated with IoT. As we know IoT connects various devices and its security or scalability issues are now resolved by effective blockchain Technology.

Companies can use the technology as it really connects many types of participants into a single system making way to easy management of things.

When saying about IoT, There is a need for additional efforts to manage security for the data transfer between the multiple devices involved.

But Blockchain technology makes this without any difficulty. The distributed digital ledger act as reliable robust security as it never allows overwriting over existing data or records.

The technology will take care of millions of connected devices at a time but not like IoT which has unclear ownership data. Tamper-proof records on each transaction via IoT is assured by Blockchain technology. Thus, you can nearly avoid any disputes or issues between the networked members.

#5. Global Connectivity

Manageable networks can be effectively created via IoT services. Wondering How? Take an example of automated vehicles, where the greater distance it travels, the range of managing those devices get widened. So here in your IoT project, the chief ingredients are the IoT devices and their connectivity.

Companies working globally can enjoy the perks of Global IoT connectivity. They can connect or interact immediately when they wish to, with internal and external teams. The Global IoT connectivity is now gaining priority on services that need international or Global reach.

IoT is rising their bars and is expected to outgrow 18 billion connected devices in 2022.

  • Communication with IoT devices:- Limitless communication with an excellent IoT device(Phones with sim cards) and an IoT business application help remotely working employees to have a constant connection.
  • 24/7 IoT Customer Support:- Users can interact with the product manufacturers, designers, or even technical personnel in different countries.
  • Supply chain Management:- Logistic companies now rely on IoT devices that can track shipments, authenticate products, and monitor things globally.
  • Global management:- The management perspective has widened across countries through applauding IoT devices. Whether it is asset tracking, managing or manufacturing raw materials or products, etc is now easier with IoT technology.


#6. Smart Cities Everywhere

IoT is the perfect companion for the new world which can effectively meet the demands of urban tech-savvy people. A smart city comprises elements like smart devices, smart technology, smart management, etc.

Such a city is characterized by connected Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) with an aim of sustainable development practices to take form. Just imagine the advantages you get from remotely connecting and managing your devices in real-time? Smart city is an interconnected and intelligent place where people live a smarter life.

Every place is now shifting into smart cities. Location tracking, connected infrastructure, transport management, etc are now prior concerns of government. They can rely on technology for managing sections where human efforts are hard to achieve success.

Connected cars, home devices, trash collections, traffic management, etc are the major projects happening now that really improves the quality of life. Cloud based IoT apps in the smart cities enable their smart services and people avail them via smartphones, mobile devices, and other exemplary IoT devices.

#7. Artificial Intelligence

IoT and AI just sound great together. AI is an exciting technology that captures some great actionable data from IoT devices. AI is ruling in many sectors today, IoT complements it by paving the way to interconnected machines and generate winning effects. Let’s look at some AI IoT Industry trends prevalent today.

Airlines: AI and IoT join hands to prevent any errors or risks on aircrafts using sensors.

Smart Homes: No matter where you are now? Just control things long away from you with smart devices.

Manufacturing Industry: There are many factories where now human power is replaced by types of machinery as a whole. These machines are full-fledged when associated with AI. Smart sensors in the machinery will help with enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Oil Industries: No more costs for unexpected maintenances. IoT helps in introducing smart sensors to machinery that can cut down huge costs after oil drilling or such activities.

Smart Infrastructure: Many human activities in building sites are now completely replaced by machinery and sensors associated with these machines increase security and prevent accidents too.

#8. Better Data Analytics

Every company now have realized the potential of integrating data analytics into their organizational strategies. Business intelligence seems to be expanding as a domain. Business operations are optimized easily using IoT data analytics.

It can engage more customers, streamline their services, and managing internal & external teams productively. Novel technologies using IoT and data analytics is successful in leading service categories like healthcare, smart cities, etc.

Many companies have already started taking IoT as an important element in their business strategy. The massive information from various devices and systems is to be maintained and stored under a controlled environment which is possible by IoT devices. Popular companies including Microsoft use IoT data analytics for their daily data processes.

Data analytics takes its form in diverse forms. Some companies install sensors to monitor their employees, performance ratings, attendance, etc. In the manufacturing industry, IoT is a godsend for improving and monitoring equipment maintenance.

Sensors can send beeps/alerts if it is in a dangerous working condition before getting any human touch. Automated and optimized operations entice more customers, even the communication process is now IoT based. May it be remote customers or nearby, IoT can analyze and manage things efficiently.

#9. Environmental Protection

Protecting the environment is so important in today’s world. This is not easy for the flock of humans to go and protect the environment in a single day. IoT deals with environmental protection more smartly.

Active sensors can detect environmental change easily. They can effectively forecast weather conditions in a more flexible and accurate data-based. Other environmental IoT services include pollution detection more simply and quickly.

Human labor is just replaced by diverse sensors serving different response efforts on detecting pollutants, preventing contamination, etc. Most renewable and non-renewable resources which are profusely contaminated are now preserved well using IoT technology.

In agricultural industries, some sensors ensure the safety of workers, chemical composition checks, elements that are toxic to human health, etc.

Thus, the indulging of IoT has immensely contributed to the environmental sector. Major Indoor and outdoor systems in smart cities are now monitored by smart devices.

Since the process sensors replace is so complex and this is visible in cost too. That is the cost involved in installing IoT devices in various environments, their maintenance, etc needs to be inquired. But, the usage of IoT in environmental protection is successfully foreseen.

#10. Saas

IoT trends driven businesses reap inevitable benefits. Software as a Service (SaaS) is now relevant especially amid the pandemic time. Studies suggest that COVID 19 is really a catalyst that made companies invest a huge amount in SaaS. Such a SaaS based service will simplify features such as real-time database, scalability, and more.

SaaS follows a service model in which the provider hosts an application over the internet. It is popular as it is cost-effective and immediately available. Without any type of additional hardware or systems, Saas act as an all-in-one solution for enterprises to conduct hassle-free managerial services.

Read Also : Impact of IoT on Mobile App Development



IoT has already shown everyone how it will change our everyday life to a smarter one. It’s up to you, whether you want to end up being one of the winning firms that are currently fostered by the IoT trends.

Do not let yourself to be left in the dark, instead welcome IoT trends for your organization and reap some amazing benefits at the earliest.

How IoT Applications are Transforming Industries?

In UK, from retail, manufacturing to agriculture and transportation, Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications has begun to make a loud influence especially over businesses that always seek opportunities to enter the niche market with competitive strength.


Due to availability of connected objects and smart cities, industries can witness and analyze real-time information about business processes and ongoing operations.


iot applications


No wonder IoT app development is burgeoning progressively. According to Business Insider , consumers, organizations and governments will have installed over 40 billion IoT devices by 2023.


Among these early adopters would be government bodies and enterprises. The recent IoT Solutions World Congress held in Spain had many industry experts showcasing how IoT-enabled smart systems impact their business outcome.


The Internet of Things (IoT) will include 26 billion units installed by 2020. By that time, IoT product and service suppliers will generate incremental revenue exceeding $300 billion, mostly in services.


This implies that industries will rely greatly on the power of energy-efficient IoT sensors and IoT apps in connected network which is mobile and virtual, and built using cloud computing.


Read Also: Impact of IoT on Mobile App Development


Here is how IoT Applications are going to transform the major modern-day industries in UK.


1.) Smart Homes


With IoT, everything we knew and interacted with will change, including the way we live, work and exist in this world. By now, almost the entire consumer electronics world has experienced or known the power of smart home automation system in which domestic devices are connected over a network kept alive by Internet.


Smart homes are prominent example of IoT app development, are built to make lives more convenient, easier and enjoyable as they offer you great control to customize and monitor your home environment with enhanced security and energy efficiency.


A research work by BI Intelligence, by 2020 approximately 200 million smart home devices will be shipped, including refrigerators, washing machines, TV, security system of alarm and cameras as well as energy equipment such as thermostats, lighting and heaters.


Amazon, Philips and Haier are already leading the consumer product landscape at the moment with Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant always ready to read you daily news headlines or play your songs on demand.


Philips Hue is another example for smart home concept where a single bulb illuminates the space with 600-800 lumens. Its IoT capability is made compatible with Amazon Echo.


2.) Manufacturing


One industrial sector IoT is massively impacting is perhaps Manufacturing. The industry’s current challenges in UK can be cunningly tackled by sophisticated IoT applications and connected system as manufacturer’s factories are connected over a common network for enhanced performance, efficiency and maximized productivity.


As BI Intelligence predicts, global investment on IoT solutions in manufacturing sector is likely to touch $70 billion in 2020. In 2015, it was $29 billion.


By installing sensors to existing equipment, Manufacturers can effectively apply IoT solutions to monitor moving and static equipment, optimize processes and execute predictive maintenance.


With IoT app development and IoT solutions in place, you can collect and analyze the system data from sensors and make machine operations more effortless and smooth.


Operators can preempt possible breakdown or outage as they can foresee the repair or maintenance requirement of a machinery a little before it happens.


Not only factory assets are tracked accurately, but processes optimized with IoT can contribute to energy efficiency as well.


3.) Agriculture


Agriculture is also going to experience the power of IoT. BI intelligence premium research estimates that agriculture industry will have nearly75 million IoT devices installed in 2020 which is greater than 30 million in 2015 – which will foster IoT app development even further.


John Deere for example is using sensors in its farming tractors and connecting them to internet so that farmers can access real-time data about their crop production. In the same way, they can monitor their livestock in the fields.


Using advanced data analytics along with IoT sensors, farmers can even perceive the best optimal times to plant and grow crops for maximum production.


4.) Healthcare


As Healthcare embraces IoT technology, the transformation will include making difference to business efficiency and enhanced patient care.


The optimal health of medical equipment is of critical importance and should never be ignored.


In UK, Healthcare IoT app development company can build applications that connect medically used machines such as MRI and Heart Rate monitoring system and other machines to the internet so that the hospital staff can accurately predict when would be the time for repair.


iot applications


For instance, if you can collect data off the connected devices and equipment sensors, you can measure the usage pattern for the machine being used and eventually predict its possible failure.


By having the knowledge of when the repair is needed in advance, it is possible to keep the functioning of hospital operations intact.


5.) Retail


Already, AI and AR have taken over Retail sector when imbued with digital commerce. But for IoT and IoT apps, retail might be a new dawn.


Bluetooth beacons have empowered innovative retailers to finely reach their potential customers and enabled flawless communication with them on their personal devices using location-based services.


Hence, in retail IoT, the transformation will have customers linking to the retailer’s app and receiving detailed information about selected products coupled with personalized discounts.


Read Also: An Introduction to Mobile App Development


6.) Transportation


Transportation industry claims second highest IoT investment. From supply chain logistics to self-driving cars and public transit, IoT solutions are used to bolster the transportation part for better business efficiency.


Self-driving cars powered by IoT sensors have inspired a lot of curiosity and enthusiasm. Already, transportation has consumed $56 billion towards implications on IoT opportunities and applications.


With IoT apps, companies can connect their shipping vehicles with integrated sensors and monitor temperature, speed and other parameters to ensure the goods remain intact during the transit and reach the destination safely.


Moreover, these sensors can also be planted in a public buses or goods trucks or mini trucks with supporting software to collect data that helps drivers control the vehicles with enhanced fuel efficiency.


Caterpillar is leveraging the power of IoT sensors and applications for industrial analytics and data collection. The company garners and processes the data collected from industrial engines, tools, machines, and share valuable insights with customers.


Due to organized data analytics, customers can anticipate vehicle issues, reduce unnecessary downtime, predict maintenance and better manage fleets.


Thanks to evolving IoT app development, the future extension of such IoT solution could be IoT-connected infrastructure working in sync with connected vehicles to minimize traffic challenges and accidents.


7.) Energy


IoT also stands strong for energy sector and is transforming the way companies do business. It can foster the concept of smart meters just like smart devices. PG&E is now beginning to use the power of IoT-enabled smart meters.


The electronic smart meters can be used to monitor a customer’s energy consumption and can also communicate the data with utility company’s central energy system.


This two-way communication taking place between consumers and companies via smart meters can help companies predict present and future energy demand, power outages and schedule repairs.


8.) Wearables


Wearables are showing a lot of prospects for tech market innovators as the technology is embraced by millions of people across the world.


Due to massive scope of opportunities in IoT-connected wearable apps, Apple, Google and Samsung are hugely exploring the domain. Wearable IoT app development essentially involves devices covering health & fitness, sports, entertainment, commerce, news and more.


The pro is that IoT sensors for wearables are quite small and consume minimum energy.


For instance, Motorola Moto 360 Sport wearable watch gives both Android and iOS users important health info, communication-related updates and gaming experience on their wrist with an elegant and sleek watch.


On the other hand, there is Charge HR, a smart IoT wearable device which automatically tracks your heart rate, sleeping patterns, workouts and other activities.


It also gives you call notifications and synchronizes the data across almost all smart devices in use.


Read Also: 11 Vital Skills to Become An IoT Developer


Final note


In UK, IoT applications and devices are bringing everything together through automation of every object we use.


As new technological breakthroughs are made, IoT implementation and successive transformation will grow much faster and more secure.


It will impact myriad aspects of our mundane life from smart home, offices to kitchen and parking spaces, improving many things integrated in digital world.


iot applications


Every year, IoT app development companies and connected devices are multiplying in numbers, making Internet of Things a billion-dollar industry for future.


However, to gain absolute benefits of these magnificent technologies, the global entrepreneurs needs a reputed IoT app development company courage to overcome existing barriers scattered along the path of industrial development.