How to Make an Online Taxi Booking App Like Uber?

To most daily commuters, a taxi booking app like Uber is a godsend. You not only get a cab ride, but the app ensures that drivers abide by all traffic rules and regulations along with offer exemplary customer service.


The overall taxi booking app segment is was estimated to be around USD 183,677 million in valuation in 2019. With a yearly growth rate of 14.8%, the market is projected to hit a valuation of USD 318,765 by 2023.


These figures clearly show a shift in people’s attitude and their acceptance of technology in something as mundane as hailing a taxi.


The success story of Uber has opened the floodgates for more interested players to create their version of a taxi booking mobile app.


Before you kickstart the process, let’s deep dive into how to create an Uber like app and its cost estimation.


How Uber Works

It is vital to understand the inner operations of the Uber app. This will help you in your ideation and fine tuning your taxi booking app concept further.

uber - create an app like uber

#1. Submit a Ride Request

The prospective rider places a ride request by sharing Pick Up and Drop Locations using the app. Drivers near the Pick-Up location receive this request information.


#2. Uber Matches the Rider with the Driver

The algorithm in the app matches the nearest available driver with the rider. However, the driver can opt to accept or cancel the request. The request is then transferred to the next available driver.


#3. Sharing Ride Confirmation

As the driver accepts the ride request, the rider receives a booking confirmation on the app. It also shows the cab’s estimated arrival and the route taken by the driver in real-time.


#4. Making a Payment

The rider can view the fare on the app at the pre-booking phase. The payment is processed on ride completion either via online modes or through cash.


#5. Driver Ratings

Uber shares driver ratings and customer reviews on the allotted driver with the prospective rider. This helps build trust and reliability between the service provider and the rider.

While it is important to study how Uber operates, start-ups can only see any form of success if they can bring some form of innovation and novelty in their version of the taxi booking app. This is where the feature-list comes into play.


What Are The Key Features To Create An App Like Uber?


All taxi booking apps come with 3 sets of features. These include:

  • Rider features
  • Driver features
  • Admin Panel

Let’s take a look at these feature lists in detail.

uber app features - create an app like uber

Rider App Features

#1. Registration & Profile Management

Every taxi booking app requires the user to register with their information on the application to use the platform. Common registration practices include using Gmail ids or social media handles other than using mobile numbers and email ids.


#2. Save Destinations

Having a feature where users are able to save the most frequented destinations with keywords such as Home, Work, Others, can be convenient and time saving. Every time they wish to choose these destinations, they can type the keywords instead of the address.


#3. Multiple Drop-off Points

User may have work at multiple journey points, or perhaps they are sharing rides with family or friends who need to be picked up or dropped off along the route. Users can change or add points whilst travelling too. For this, Uber has introduced multiple drop-offs that have given them an edge over the competition.


#4. Ride Cost Estimate

When the user submits the Pick-Up and Drop Off locations, the app displays a range of products and their individual fares. The app uses a backend algorithm to calculate the fare.


#5. Schedule a Ride in Advance

The functionality to pre-book rides in advance allows users to plan their travel ahead. Uber offers its users to schedule rides anywhere between 15 minutes to 30 days.


#6. Fare Splitting

While not an absolute must on the feature list, having the option to split the fare between friends and family members adds to the appeal of your taxi booking application.


#7. Driver Matching

When riders generate a request, the algorithm in the backend automatically matches it with the nearest available driver taking several factors such as passenger location, the status of the driver, car models, driver ratings, etc. into account.

The allotted driver gets around 15 to 20 seconds to accept the ride request, post which it is transferred to the next available driver automatically.


#8. Geolocation and Routing

Any taxi booking application stands on the foundation of a solid geolocation feature. The GPS works two ways. It identifies the rider’s pick-up and drop-off points and shares it with the driver.

The routing of the journey from the driver location to the pick-up points is chartered on the map. On picking up the rider, and initiating the journey, the GPS again works out the most efficient and quickest possible route to the drop-off points.


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#9. Booking Cancellation

The driver can cancel the ride request on receipt if he or she is unable to fulfil the request at that point of time. The rider, too, can cancel the request within a designated time span before a cancellation fee is charged on the ride.


#10. Panic Button (SOS)

Uber has ensured that all riders feel safe and secure when availing a cab on their platform. The app comes in-built with an SOS or a Panic button that is connected to a dedicated call centre.

If the rider feels unsafe or threatened in any way, he or she can immediately press the Panic Button and speak to an agent who is trained to deal with people in such situations.


#11. In-app Chat Or Call Feature

It is essential to have a feature that connects the driver with the rider seamlessly. To ensure zero leakage of personal information such as the mobile number, an in-app call or chat functionality can become the preferred mode of communication between both concerned parties.


#12. Payment Method Integration

The taxi booking service is no different than any eCommerce platform. It is a transaction between the driver and the rider and Uber, here, acts as the facilitator.


To provide another layer of convenience to the customers, the taxi booking service has integrated online payment options Credit or Debit Card, through which the riders can pay the fare for the completed trip.


A receipt is generated on trip completion which gives the rider the following break-up:

  • Base fare
  • Cost per mile
  • Cost per minute
  • Safe rides fee


#13. Rating and Feedback

Users get an alert to rate the ride once the trip is completed. This is a key functionality for any taxi booking service as it helps maintain consistent levels of service.


Drivers with low ratings will automatically get fewer ride requests allotted to them. The ratings can be combined with specific feedback.


This gives more in-depth and elaborate information to the service provider on the driver and the customer’s experience of the trip. Good driver reviews are shared along with their profiles for prospective riders to see.


#14. Trip History

The section that outlines the Trip History basically acts as a point of reference for the app’s user. It generally displays information like date and time of travel, distance covered, driver information and more.


#15. Booking and Payments History

A dedicated section to show user booking and payment history would be very useful for your app users. The information that is generally captured here includes booking details such as the date, time, cost, driver/passenger name, car model, pickup and drop-off locations, rating etc.; and invoice, date, method of payment etc.


#16. Communication and Notifications

When there are active customers using your taxi booking app frequently, you need to have a medium of communication in place to alert them of news, updates, changes in terms and conditions, etc.


The best way is to have a Push Notification system that automatically shares these updates with every single app user.


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Driver App Features

#1. Go Online

Uber does not employ its driver partners but offers them a platform to work at their convenience. They can choose their own working hours simply by activating a feature known as ‘Go Online’.


As soon as the bar is active, the taxi booking app can start sending ride requests to the driver. When the drivers are ready to call it a day, they can simply deactivate the bar and they will no longer get any further ride requests.


#2. Accept A Ride

A rider request comes through and is shared with the nearest available driver partner. The driver may be hunting for trips or maybe on an existing journey already. It is up to the driver to accept or reject the ride request.


#3. Route Optimization

Once the driver accepts the ride request, the map automatically charts out the most efficient route to the pick-up location. This is repeated once the driver starts the ride and the GPS displays the most optimized route to the drop-off point.


#4. Trip Planner

The Trip Planner feature allows driver partners to plan their day more effectively in order to generate maximum revenue. This can be done by sharing customer preference and hourly trends with the drivers.


#5. Quest Earnings

Uber Quest is a unique feature on the application where it enables driver partners to earn more revenue if they are able to complete a number of pre-defined trips within a designated time frame.


Having a similar feature on your taxi booking mobile app can motivate and incentivise driver partners to use your application over the competition, accept more ride requests and stay productive.


#6. Notifications for Drivers

Just like users, driver partners too need constant notification on app features, latest upgrades, company announcements, etc. All of this again can be effectively communicated to them via a Push Notification feature.


#7. Status Bar

This is a more advanced app feature on any taxi booking service. Activating this functionality alerts driver partners whenever they are on the periphery of entering a busy area.


This also gives them the option to continue with their journey towards the busy location or change to an alternative route or destination.


#8. Earnings Tab

Drivers need a dedicated segment on the app to keep track of their earning during the day, week, month, year, and more. They should also be able to monitor the earnings that are being transferred to the bank account by the service provider via this same feature.


#9. Reviews &Ratings

Every time a trip is completed, the driver too has the option to rate and review the passenger. As the user profile builds up, the same is shared with the drivers when they get ride requests.


#10. Trip History

The Trip History on the driver app acts as a reference point for all the trips that the said driver has fulfilled till date. If there is any discrepancy later on, both the company and the driver can check this section to sort out the issue.


#11. Driver Destinations

This is a unique feature that allows drivers to choose their favourite location and only accept ride requests from passengers opting to travel in that direction. This is a functionality that has gained in popularity in taxi booking apps such as Uber.


#12. Heat Maps

Introducing the heat map feature on the taxi booking app can be extremely handy as drivers can view areas that are generating maximum ride requests. Those willing to earn more can drive around in these specific locations.


#13. Driver App Basics

Driver partners may find it difficult to operate or navigate the application. A section that contains explanations, how-to videos and app tutorials can help clarify the concepts and doubts enabling them to use the app instantly.


#14. Driver Referral

Driver partners when they are happy with the taxi booking platform and the company as a whole can refer more such individuals who may be interested in partnering with the service provider. A Driver Referral program in place helps in growing the driver database.


#15. Boost Area

The taxi booking app must be able to function even when internet connectivity is poor. In the absence of such functionality, driver partners may lose out on potential earnings if they are unable to connect to the app.

Admin App Features

#1. Assign Trips

The role of the admin can be extended to facilitate trip bookings when prospective riders are not able to make a booking themselves in a situation where there are network or connectivity issues.


The admin can also make trip assignments to drivers when ride requests shoot up in specific locations.


#2. Driver Report

The admin is able to view a dedicated Driver Report from the Admin Panel. This outlines individual driver partners and gives an overview of key parameters like the driver’s driving style, obedience to traffic rules, etc. over a period of time.


If the report finds a driver guilty of rash driving or committing several traffic-related offences, the service provider can ban the driver from using the taxi booking application.


#3. Fare Management

A vital function of the admin is to manage the fare prices. This is determined taking into various factors such as time of day, fuel price, location, and more.


#4. Driver Commission

Every driver receives a commission on completing a trip. The admin manages the rate of commission that is passed on to partner drivers taking into consideration parameters like performance, customer feedback, driver professionalism and experience.


#5. Customer Grievances

It is important for the admin to analyse and assess customer feedback. This can be done by recording all customer complaints and later used as a source of generating key insights to enhance the client experience.


#6. Admin Dashboard

The admin panel is a unified platform through which the administrator can monitor practically everything. Be it upcoming or ongoing trips, cancelled or completed rides, all these can be tracked via this dashboard.


Technology Stack and Team To Create An App Like Uber

To create an Uber like app, the following technology stack is recommended.

Programming languages for backend: Node.js, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby on Rails.

GPS: OpenStreetMap API for both iOS/Android can be used

  • For Android: Google Maps and Google Location Services API
  • For iOS devices: MapKit or CoreLocation framework

In-app payments: Credit cards, Paypal, Stripe, BrainTree, Paytm, PayPal mobile SDK.

Push notifications: Google Firebase for Android, and Apple Push for iOS phones

For SMS send outs: Twilio, Plivo, Nexmo, Tropo

As far as the tech team is concerned, you can kick-start the project with the following composition:

  • UI/UX designer
  • Android / iOS engineer
  • Business Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • Back-end developer
  • QA engineer

How Much Does It Cost To Create An App Like Uber

The cost to create an Uber clone will vary depending on the complexity of the app.


  • MVP with basic UI/UX design: $6,500 to $8,500
  • Apps with medium to advanced features: $22,000 to $28,000
  • An advanced Uber-like application: $45,000 to $65,000


In case you are developing an app for a single platform, the hours for every feature and functionality is estimated to take around:


Features & Functionalities Estimate of Hours
Registration (in-app or via social networks) 32 to 40
Client profile 16 to 24
Driver profile 16 to 24
Placing an order (customer) 80 to 96
Booking (driver) 48 to 56
Pickup location and route 32 to 40
Booking history (customer) 16 to 24
Booking history (driver) 16 to 24
Payment 40 to 48
Database schema 24
Business logic 240
Admin dashboard 160
System performance report 160


To create an Uber like app for iOS and Android can take double the time.

Statista shares the average per hour rate of developers from around the globe:

  • North America: $60-250 per hour
  • United Kingdom: $60-150 per hour
  • Western Europe: $40-120 per hour
  • Eastern Europe: $20-100 per hour
  • India: $10-80 per hour


Read Also : How to Create an App Like Ola


Final Thoughts

taxi booking app cost

Behemoths like Uber have firmly established themselves in the industry and are working on expanding globally in an aggressive manner. That said, there is still room for start-ups to enter the market with innovative taxi booking apps.

How to Create an App Like OLA ?

The entire concept of a taxi booking service is about availing a cab through a dedicated app on your mobile device. With pick-up and drop off points inserted, all that you have to do is to sit back, relax and enjoy the hassle-free ride.


There are very few players in the market right now. But at the very helm is Ola, a dominating force in the space. That said, the creative business minds are looking to break in the sector with their clones of the Ola app too.


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Lets have a look at how to create an app like Ola and its development cost


Interesting Facts about OLA


  • OLA initially started as the website which offers weekend trip packages.
  • OLA started his first office in a small room of 10×12 feet in Mumbai.
  • Bhavish did everything to provide customer support by photographing drivers and Ankit did coding for 48 hours. Bhavish has self-driven the cabs to drop customers.
  • The first logo of OLA is very different from now.
  • If the vehicles of OLA is stand in one line, it will cover 3895 km.
  • The most common names of drivers registered on OLA are Sanjay, Suresh, Ramesh, Rajesh, and Santosh.
  • The most amazing policy of OLA is that-they never ask the religion and caste of the drivers.

If you want to create an app like OLA, some features are must developing-features for the successful taxi booking app. Let’s have look at some important features required to create the OLA app.


The Business Model Explained


Before you embark on your journey to create an app like Ola, it is vital to be clear on the business model.


A business model for an online taxi booking service operates on a two-sided marketplace. While the demand is generated by the riders, the supply end of it is fulfilled by the drivers. Ola, here, offer the platform to facilitate between the tow. This makes it really convenient for both involved parties to use the platform.


Ola like taxi booking platforms generates revenue by earning a commission or fee on every completed ride. Having said that, the drivers are not directly employed by the taxi booking service provider. In fact, drivers are partners who have the liberty to choose their individual work schedules.


The company has limited control over their partner drivers. Plus, they can accept or decline the time period that they wish to be involved with the organisation. While the service provides a way for drivers to earn their livelihood, it also offers a unique value proposition to riders too.


Everything Depends On Your Planning


It is the aggravation in demand which is driving so many entrepreneurs to meet supply in this space. That said, when it comes to developing an app like Ola, the approach to planning has to be spot on.


The key points to remember are:

  • Adopt a Primitive Approach to dive into the space
  • Have a sustainable model that can be scaled as demand escalates
  • Focus on a systematically distributed supply chain management to meet customer demand
  • Retain and engage your customers

You also need to think about the differentiators of your app. The secret lies in how you plan out your feature list.


Getting Your Feature List In Place

ola app features

The Ola app has three major components that come together in a cohesive manner for the platform to function effectively.

  • The admin app
  • The Ola app for Drivers
  • The Ola app for Riders

Each individual component comes with its set of dedicated features. To ensure ease of understanding, let’s take a look at the features, category-wise.


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Features for Ola App for Riders


#1. Sign-In

The sign-in process is just like any other application. You can join in using your email id/phone number along with choosing a password. This is mandatory as you will not be able to progress with booking a rider unless you a registered user of the application.


#2. Track a Ride

Ola offers its riders the option to track a ride as soon as the booking by the driver has been accepted. The rider is able to see how far the driver is from the given pick-up point and how much time they will take to reach. The integrated map displays the route that the driver takes as well.


#3. Fare Estimation

Ola gives the riders an estimate of the fare once the pick-up and drop-off points have been entered on the app. Since online cab service offers a variety of products, the fare estimating will vary depending on the service that you chose.

A powerful algorithm in the background does all the calculation and therefore is a key feature of the application.


#4. Call Button

This button enables the rider to connect with the driver if they wish to communicate any additional information other than the pick-up location which is already entered in the application.


#5. Add Rides

The rider can add up to two locations other than the end destination at the time of booking the ride. This is helpful in case the rider especially if more riders are joining in/ or being dropped off the trip progresses towards the final destination.


#6. Cancellation Window

The rider has the option to cancel the ride even after booking. If the cancellation happens within the specified timelines, the rider is not charged a fee.

On the Other hand, cancellation outside the window can levy a fee to compensate the driver for the time and effort taken to reach the pick-up point.


#7. Multiple Modes of Payment

Just like any online eCommerce service, customers expect the service provider to have different modes of payment available on the application.

The riders can select from their dedicated offerings like Ola Money and Post-paid services and other regular channels like Wallet, GPay, Debit and Credit Cards or even cash.


#8. Driver Service History

Whenever riders book a cab on the application, they can check up on the driver’s service history. Ratings and reviews on drivers help to instil rider confidence before they start their rides.


#9. Track Service History

Riders who use to app frequently can keep track of their ride history using this dedicated section. The feature shows every individual ride taken along with its receipts. If the riders notice any discrepancies in the billing, he or she can take it up with the Customer Service team.


#10. Book Now Ride Later

Ola riders have the option to schedule rides which can be taken at a future date. While the confirmation is received immediately, the driver details are shared only on the date of travel. The ride can be tracked post the driver details is sent to the rider.


#11. Panic Button

To ensure rider safety, all online cab booking apps must have a dedicated Panic Button. This gets activated as soon as the rider boards the cab and connects directly the app’s call centre or can also be connected to the nearest police station. For any app like this, this is a must-have security functionality.


#12. Favourite Destinations

Riders can identify their frequently travelled destinations and label them according to their convenience. For all future bookings, they can select the destination saved with a single tap instead of typing it all over again.


#13. Push Notifications

This is a standard app feature which sends regular updates to its users. Be it new products, fare changes, policy upgradations or even reminders to pay your Ola post-paid bills, push notifications is the chosen medium of communication.

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Features of the Ola App for Drivers


#1. Editing Personal Profile

The driver version of the online cab booking app must have a section dedicated to where they can enter their personal information and photographs. This builds up a profile that ultimately gets displayed on the app’s customer front-end.

Along with personal information, drivers can also upload their identity documents which can be verified from the company end before allocating any rides to them.


#2. Scheduling Their Driving Times

The driver application provides a feature that enables them to select their duty times. They can drive whatever hours of the day are convenient for them. In fact, if they wish to take a break, the same can be done via alerting the company via the application.


#3. Activity Alert

The app has the provision for an alert system every time an on-duty driver is chosen for a ride. It also shows the driver the fare estimates for the specific ride. This ensures that the driver never misses out on any opportunity.


#4. Connecting With The Customer

The app allows the driver to call the prospective passenger via the app. This is a key feature because it establishes a connection in case the driver needs additional directions to reach the pick-up location or is unable to find the rider on reaching there.


#5. Route Optimization

Once the driver is alerted of their next ride, the map automatically determines the fastest and most efficient route possible to reach the pick-up location. By leveraging the route optimisation functionality, the driver navigates efficiently to the pick-up point.


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#6. Cancellation Window

As a driver is alerted of a ride, there is a window during which the trip can be cancelled. This option can be exercised if the driver has not gone off-duty but is indisposed to drive at the particular time.


#7. Wait Times

As the driver reaches the customer location, the first 3 minutes is non-chargeable. In a situation where the rider arrives after the allocated wait window, the fare metre is already on.

In some cases, the rider may have charged extra on the wait time along with fare estimate shown for the trip.


#8. Forward Dispatch

This is functionality that permits drivers during an ongoing trip to accept another ride request. This is important as it helps cut down on driver slack time and encourages productivity to earn more.


#9. Heat Maps

Drivers can have a basic overview of the demand through a map view. They can drive towards those specific locations where the ratio of riders is relatively high. This will generate more ride requests from prospective passengers.


#10. Driver Destinations

The app also allows the driver to accept a ride request towards a specific destination. This means that they can make money whilst being en route to their chosen location.


#11. Driver Delivery Reports

The delivery report feature is basically a summary of the driving styles that the app captures over a period of time. If the reports indicate rash driving on a consistent basis, the company can remove the driver from their list of partners.


#12. Earnings

Drivers can track their earnings via the app. It also correlates it with the number of trips that they have completed. Plus, it also highlights any applicable bonus earning possibilities too.

Admin Panel


#1. Real-Time Notifications

The Admin dashboard of the app is the unified platform through which customers receive real-time notification of the availability of cabs in any specific area. The admin can also get an overview of the real-time location of all the drivers and vehicles.


#2. Cost & Surge Management

Admins can calculate surge pricing or takes into account discounts, if applicable on the rider’s account during a given time period. It can update ride fares basis the distance, location or vehicle type.


#3. Document Processing Tool

Driver information can be updated, edited or even deleted on the admin panel. Plus, it also aggregates and tags key information like ID proofs, contact details and the vehicle info like pollution card, insurance, etc. in a consolidated manner.


#4. Driver Management

The company needs to have a robust Driver Management system in place which can easily be done through the admin dashboard.

Listing new drivers, managing existing ones and removing those who do not wish to work for the company can be done here. It can assign rides to available drivers using the panel.


#5. Analytics

The data generates through the millions of bookings coming through the app can be analysed using the Analytics system incorporated within the admin panel of the application. All future business decisions can be taken considering these key insights.

Technology Stack

With the feature list out of the way, the next point of concentration is the technology stack. For an online cab booking service, this is what we recommend:



  • iOS: Swift, Xcode, Alamofire
  • Android: Kotlin, Java Studio
  • Tools: Twilio, Amazon S3, Send Grid, Facebook API, Firebase Cloud, Stripe,, Google Maps API

Testing: Jira, Confluence, GitLab, Jenkins, Crashlytics

Release: AWS, EC2, S3, Apple Store, Google Playstore


Build Your Development Team


There are several avenues to create your Ola clone app. Have an in-house team, outsource it to freelancers or even an agency within or outside your country. Whatever the case may be, the complex app like Ola demands the following resources:

  • Business analysts
  • UI/UX designers
  • Web developers with Node.js skill
  • Android developers with Kotlin skill
  • iOS developers with Swift skill
  • Testers / Quality Assurance Engineers
  • A project manager

How much does it cost to create an app like Ola ?


The scope of work is the primary determining factor of the amount of time and budget required to create the OLA taxi booking app.

Depending on the location of your app development team, the cost estimate becomes clearer.

  • North America: $60 – 250 per hour
  • United Kingdom: $60 – 150 per hour
  • Western Europe: $40 – 120 per hour
  • Eastern Europe: $20 – 100 per hour
  • India: $10 – 80 per hour

Lastly, the complexity of the app is also a determining factor in the budgetary calculations.

  • A basic MVP app may cost around $7,500
  • A blend of basic features along with some advanced features can increase the cost to $ 20,000 to $25,000

An app with completely unique and advanced features can be as high as $50,000 to $60,000 or even more


Read Also : How to create an app like Uber

Final Take: How to approach


taxi booking app cost

While Ola can be your benchmark, there is scope for any new entrant in the market to innovate. It is essential to create your unique value proposition with your online taxi booking app like OLA, figure out your niche and a profitable monetization strategy for revenue generation.


With the help of your development team, find the right solution that fits in with your requirements and helps to achieve your business goals.