10 Best Email Apps For Android 2023

Android-based hand-held devices are most widely used by people of all ages. The devices are equipped with various apps that make life simpler.



Most of the apps carry the basic functions of creating and sending messages. It is the additional features that the app provides that helps in deciding on which app to be used.


The user has to initially list out the purpose of his email use before choosing an app. The user has to decide whether his requirement is in organizing a to-do list, scheduling an event or aiming at increasing security and privacy.


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Some of the email apps that are popularly used in android devices are mentioned.


Gmail Outlook
BlueMail ProtonMail
Missive Edison Mail
Maildroid Spark Email
TypeApp Email Q Mail


1) Gmail


Google’s free email app Gmail is one of the most popular Android apps for email. Gmail sorts and organizes the inbox most efficiently which puts the app above par.


Gmail - email apps for android


This app is packed with features like marking messages as important, applying labels and moving them into folders. The inbox messages are sorted under labels like Promotion, Social, Groups, Forums etc.


The design reduces screen clutter, shows attachments and linked documents in the preview text. Switching between multiple accounts is very simple.


Gmail’s confidential mode offers extra security and privacy. The users can set an expiration date for the message, set a password code for the email or revoke access to the message at any time.


Gmail - rating - email apps for android


Gmail is free for accounts with 15GB storage. Monthly user fee is charges for more inbox storage and security controls. Gmail comes pre-installed on most devices.

Google PlayApp Store



2) Outlook


Outlook is considered to be the best email app for integrating your calendar. The mobile version consists of basic functions of composing messages, organizing inboxes and searching for options.


Outlook - email apps for android


The calendar function prompts the user to select the date and time to share the email messages with the recipient. A click on the ‘convert to event’ icon will create a calendar invite based on the recipient’s reply of a preferred time.


The app also syncs events from Facebook, Evernote, and Meetup. There is no other email client that can match Outlook in editing or updating the calendar from the inbox.


Outlook - rating - email apps for android


Outlook is free for personal use. Commercial users are required to subscribe to the service.

Google PlayApp Store



3) BlueMail


BlueMail is not very different from the competitors Gmail and Outlook. The settings menu makes the app stand apart.


Blue Mail - email apps for android


The numerous design options helps in segregating read and unread messages, resetting unread icon badge each time the app is opened, notifying do not disturb hours, blocking emails from an address or domain.


The default light and dark themes allow automatic switch between them at all times of the day. The theme can be customized with a colour picker.


Blue Mail - rating - email apps for android


BlueMail offers extra amount of control over email usage. It is one of the best android apps for detailed customization in email.

Google PlayApp Store



4) ProtonMail


This android app focuses on security and privacy.  The app gives importance to security features like password-protected messages and the function to render an email unreadable a few hours after it is sent.


Proton Mail - email apps for android


The app is very simple to use. Any window opened does not contain more than five buttons which makes it functionally very basic. Due to the security features, the recipient has to open each email received in new tabs outside inboxes.


Whether the app is used on mobiles or desktops, the servers have no way to read the emails sent as the message contents are encrypted from the moment it is sent till when the recipient decrypts the message.


Proton Mail - rating - email apps for android


An account on ProtonMail can be created within few minutes and it comes with all the security features included in a paid plan. Paid plans can be opted for greater inbox storage, custom domain and unlimited messages.

Google PlayApp Store



5) Missive


This app is useful for teams with shared inboxes. Missive streamlines messages on shared inboxes enabling everyone to know the status of the email.


Missive - email apps for android


Shared inboxes are created to provide responses to customer requests in the most simple and quickest manner. This app provides a chat feature which enables discussion of an email internally before replying to the sender.


Alternatively, the person who has to respond can be assigned the task and the other users can be informed that the matter is closed.



The app menu can filter inboxes by categories such as ‘Assigned’, ‘Closed’, ‘Assigned to others’. The Preference menu offers inbox organization, message notifications and team collaboration. Replies can be co-authored and multiple users can edit messages from their devices.


Missive - rating - email apps for android


The free app is for the use of teams of five or less and will have restricted search history. Paid plans include longer and detailed search histories.

Google PlayApp Store




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6) Edison Mail


This android app is for newsletter users. Edison Mail automatically segregates messages pertaining to Packages, Travel, Bills and Receipts, Entertainment. The app even reformats messages to show only pertinent information.


Email Edison - email apps for android


Edison’s automatic labelling function though better than Gmail, the latter scores higher because of its categorization under social and promotion labels. The app makes up for this deficiency with the consolidation feature.


All the newsletters are consolidated into a scrollable list, marked with an X to unsubscribe and a star to include the sender in the Favourites menu.


The additional feature of security monitors internet databases used to sell and trade personal information. A read receipt blocker prevents the sender from knowing when the message has been opened by the recipient.


Email Edison - rating - email apps for android


This app is speedy and easy to use. These email android apps are completely free.

Google PlayApp Store



7) Maildroid


Maildroid is a feature-rich app. The app interface is easy to use and navigate. The app has all the standard features of an email app like compose, delete, view, archive etc. This app has the option of saving the mail for later viewing even when offline.


Maildroid - email apps for android


It provides the choice to delete the mail from the device or the server or both. Emails can be encrypted with its built-in capability.


The ‘what you see is what you get’ feature is an advantage when composing designer emails from mobile devices. You can have multiple accounts and can switch between accounts with ease.


The app is free in the Google Play store and is ad-supported. Purchasing the app helps to remove the ads.

Google PlayApp Store



8) Spark Email


Spark Email is a new email app launched in early 2019. The app has a friendly user interface.


Spark Email - email apps for android


Apart from the basic functions of the inbox organization, the app has the additional features of sending emails later, email snoozing, sending reminders, pinning emails, and undoing sent mail. Each email address can be viewed separately or together in the inbox.


Spark Email - rating - email apps for android


The app is new and has its shortcomings, which are being worked on. The app comes free of cost.

Google PlayApp Store



9) TypeApp Email


TypeApp is a good and relatively simple android app. The user interface is similar to that of Bluemail.


TypeApp - email apps for android


The app provides support for all email services and inboxes. Features like push notifications, calendar and contact syncs, group mail service, and wireless printing support arevery useful.


TypeApp - rating - email apps for android


An added advantage is the customization feature including dark modes and themes. The basic version is free. Monthly subscriptions are available for advanced options.

Google PlayApp Store



10) Q Mail


Q  Mail app features scheduling of sending messages created at a later time. More than one message can be added to the queue. Mail folders can be switched.


QMail - email apps for android


The app can be synced with the mobile device and can be used without an internet connection. Email queue, their priority and history can be viewed.


QMail - rating - email apps for android


The app comes free of cost.

Google PlayApp Store




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Sending an email is the most effective way of accomplishing your communication goal. Whether you are a student or working professional or a business owner, email plays a crucial role in day to day life.



Depending on your purposes, the email you send will differ. An appropriate email app will help you in communicating the right way. In this list of best email apps for the android devices, you can find your suitable app.