How Much Does it Cost to Make an Educational App?

Nowadays, cutting-edge technology enables mobile applications, allowing people to access digital education at their fingertips. An educational app functions as a virtual link between students and teachers. The increasing trend and need for e-learning drive educational institutions to develop educational applications for a wide range of courses. Without a doubt, the recent trend of educational app access makes institutions and businesses aware of the potential for business expansion.


Development Cost of Educational App


There are numerous factors involved that strongly influence the cost of developing educational apps. Therefore, whenever you begin your cost calculator, you must evaluate the important features, such as the choice of an os, schedule of activities, specified functionalities, and so forth. The requirements and the current online learning trends also decide the educational app development cost. The cost is also decided by the developer efficiency you require for your project. In this scenario, you may enlist the help of a skilled team to satisfy your needs precisely, or you can hire independent freelancers. A high-quality educational application will cost you between $12,000 to $45,000, based on conservative estimates of essential and must-have features. The per-hour cost in India ranges from $15 to $40.


Considerable Cost Of Educational App


Market experts believe that you should constantly consider a more effective strategy to support the technological needs of educational app development. You may choose between a native app and a cross-platform app here.

If you consider developing a native educational app, then it will only run on either the Android platform or the iOS platform. Furthermore, in order to fulfill the most updated consumer needs, the native app development procedure constantly necessitates a significant investment. Moreover, in order to accomplish all separate phases of native application development, you need to consider some factors in mind. They are as follows:

  • Higher Pricing
  • Prerequisites for a highly skilled developer
  • Developers with a high level of efficiency

If you consider developing a cross-platform educational app, you may do it at a reasonable cost. Also, there are a few quality-based cost factors for the key phases of cross-platform app development. The factors are listed below:

  • limited scope for implementing smooth features like animation and graphics.
  • low cost project.

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So you have to decide between native app and cross-platform app according to your preference. Do consider the customised and integration-oriented clean exposure of a native app as you first choice if you have problems choosing one. Though it demands a significant investment but it also fulfills a wide range of requirements.


However, when deciding on a technology stack for your educational app development, you should always solicit credible suggestions from experts in the field. The type of tools and technologies that should be employed by the development team to bring you a fully functioning app primarily determined by the specific pattern of services and facilities provided by your institutions. So, before using your cost calculator for your educational app project, be prepared to discuss about it with the professionals.


Factors Influencing the Cost of Educational App Development


1) Platform for App: It is important to consider the platform on which you are developing an application. Is it iOS or Android? Each platform carries its own development complexities that require varying levels of effort and experience. In compared to Android platforms, iOS platforms are less expensive. The development costs for android applications are actually higher.

iOS applications reach financially secure people. It is important to keep in mind that Android has a greater market share than iOS. This means you can make a lot of money from it. The operating system selection will totally depend on the purpose of your application. This will play a big role in determining the cost of building your application.


2) App’s Features and Functionality: It is important to decide what features and functionalities your application will have, because the number of features and functionalities will have a significant effect on cost. The more functionalities your application has, the greater the cost will be. Therefore, you must differentiate between the main and secondary functions of your application.


3) Points of Integration: There are a couple of ways of building an app. You can either develop it as a stand-alone or integrate it within an enterprise system. Developing an app for internal users is less expensive, since you have total control over the devices and platforms supported. Integration points will cost you more money to build, but they’ll pay off in the long run.


4) Advanced Animation/Visual Effects: Your app may cost more if your app will consist of visual animations or other sort of interactive animation. When your app is designed with simple functionalities, it might not cost much. Visual effects make your app attractive and engaging. Complex animations conveying the actual concept of your app is necessary. Consider how to invoke some animations and make them cost-effective.


5) Maintenance and Support: After your application is launched, maintenance and support is very important. It requires a considerable amount of money to keep your app up-to-date and to fix any issues users may encounter.


6) Location of the Developer: The geographical location of a developer or development team also have an impact on the cost of an educational app development.


• In Eastern Europe it can vary from $80 to $190USD

• In the US and Canada, it can vary from $90 to $260 USD

• In India it vary from $15 to $60 USD

• In the United Kingdom it can vary from $80 to $190 USD

• In the Australia it can vary from $110 to $160 USD


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How can you get developed your Education App



Hire freelancers: Hiring freelancers is less expensive than alternative engagement strategies. As a consequence, it’s a good alternative if you’re looking to save money or build a simple application. However, the recruiting process may be difficult in and of itself. Furthermore, working with freelancers is tough owing to communication issues and geographical differences. Furthermore, this approach may not always provide a high-quality end result.


Outsource your app development: Outsourcing your project to a reputable business appears to be the most cost-effective and dependable method of developing an application. After all, they have teams of skilled developers, UX/UI designers, and testers that can produce high-quality software in accordance with your company objectives. However, selecting the correct agency for a full project might be difficult. Your disengagement from the creative process and other procedures might lead to unexpected results.


Hire a dedicated development team: When designing a complicated application, a specialized development team approach works well. In this approach, app development businesses supply their clients with a team of developers and designers that collaborate as an extended team to build excellent software using their expertise while adhering to their clients’ work culture, processes, and best practices. This strategy guarantees that project requirements are communicated to clients in a smooth manner. It also sticks to a continuous development approach, which facilitates progress tracking and accountability.


Make Money From Your Educational App


1) Freemium:

A freemium approach allows customers to utilize an educational app for free for a short period. Following that, users must pay a monthly or yearly membership. The app can be segmented into two sections: the free version and the premium version. From the free version, you can take advantage of orientation modules and pilot components, but the premium version contains advanced tutorials with more elaborated content.


It is best to give a trial version of the educational app to the users. This is because they can try out the app and learn more about it. Once they learn more and feel good using the app, they can go for the premium features that is being offered.


2) Advertisements:

With the help of the advertisements, you can make money through the educational app. Most educational related businesses nowadays go for advertisements to grow their business. Therefore, one of the best place to put an advertisement is an educational app.

This is achievable with the assistance of affiliate marketing. Popup advertising show on the app’s screen constantly. Indeed, it is essential to assure that advertisements do not constantly display well before user’s eyes. Put advertisements based on the goods that the app user would be interested in for the best advertisements. And, as time passes, adverts will enhance user reach, allowing for a bigger profit.


3) In-App Purchases:

This strategy allows users to access the majority of educational app features for free. But, expanded amenities with added value might be provided at an additional fee. A language learning app is a great example of in-app purchases.


4) Subscription Fees:

If you want to monetize an educational app, you can provide free access to many things. You can give free access to the courses, lectures, and much more. In return, the user will pay a subscription fee that can be monthly or annually. Based on the users, you can set some courses available for them under a subscription. You can decide the best plan that suits them.


5) Course Fees:

Educational apps can be used as a platform to sell popular and copyright courses, and it is common practice to charge for courses. There are free workshops and webinars that can be held to attract more audiences for a particular course. Moreover, the prices can be raised for these courses after a while. This will happen only if the demand for the courses is high.


There is an average price for the courses and it is important to search for an adequate price. You can search according to the demand of the courses. It is impractical to change the pricing policy so keep that in mind. You will have to follow a product strategy when you are thinking about the price.


The price can be increased for premium access, but if broad coverage is desired, the course fee should be maintained as low as possible. Monetizing an educational app by collecting course fees necessitates regular assessment of its worth. As a result, while determining course costs, extra attention should be given.

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10 Best Educational Apps For Teachers in the UK

Compared to even a decade ago, technology has brought about a staggering change in the way people learn. This is especially true now with the availability of smartphones and tablets and our approach to engaging with the world.


E-Learning which seemed like a foreign concept is now quite common place with lessons on YouTube and university courses online. While these formats were mostly accessible on computers, mobile app development is disrupting the way we learn.


mobile app development


No doubt, the education field is working on fresh formats and models to stay relevant and address the constantly evolving student and educator needs across the globe.


Toddlers and youngsters these days are more comfortable using tablets and smartphones.


Educational apps are making it easier for college students and teachers to learn new skills using mobile platforms. With thousands of apps which cover all subjects (beginner to advanced), it is a bit difficult to present a comprehensive list.


Here are the top 10 best educational apps available –for teachers in the UK in 2022 to work with every possible student age groups:


Google Classroom Classtree
TED Pocket
Edmodo Kahoot
BrainPOP UK Nearpod
Quizlet Showme


1. Google Classroom


A free service for non-profits, schools and just about anyone who has access to a personal Google account, Google Classroom is a platform where educators and teachers connect easily with learners.


This can happen both inside or outside of schools. The educational apps in UK are huge time saver for teachers as they allow the user to create lessons, distribute assignments and communicate completely through digital channels.


google classroom - educational apps


  • Key features: Teachers can add their students easily in the class by sharing a code. The workflow process is simpler, allowing instructors to develop, distribute, review and mark assignments faster
  • Post review, students are able to view their corrected assignments along with class materials directly in their Google Drive.
  • Teachers are able to notify students of any updates and start discussions instantly
  • The app is both secure and affordable and should a part of any teacher’s app suite.


Download : Android, iOS


2. Classtree


With the Classtree app, teachers can save up to two hours per day from avoiding to manually sift and sort through paper forms. All communication via this app are private and secure.


These are the reasons why this educational app is a definite advantage for teachers to have on their smartphones:

class tree - educational apps

  • The app has a very simple 3 step process of attaching the consent form, inserting an e-signature link and emailing it to the user’s parents’ group.
  • Teachers may send out a unique class code to parents. Invites may also be done via uploading an excel sheet with email ids on the Classtree web dashboard.
  • Other benefits include reporting in real time, sending out event reminders, permission slips and photo sharing.


Having this app on the smartphone ensures that there are no more missed consent forms or permission slips anymore.


Download : Android, iOS


Read Also: Top 10 Kids Learning Apps in UK


3. TED


Thousands of teachers across the UK use the TED app as a medium to satisfy their curiosity and expand their horizons.


ted - educational apps


  • The app is a rich resource for teachers and shares exceptional presentation practices, encompassing an extensive range of interesting topics
  • TED has a number of online debates, unique lesson plans that effectively supplements educators by turning classroom discussion even more interactive and knowledge rich


Teacher use TED as platform to innovate education processes and systems through continuous student engagements, delivering content via subject matter experts.


Download : Android, iOS


4. Pocket: Save. Read. Grow


Pocket is a unique app that allows teachers to curate various types of content, articles and videos from across online platforms. This is especially useful as users can incorporate information into their classroom lectures.


pocket - educational apps


  • Key Features: Users may save stories that are relevant to their area of teaching which may eventually be used to fuel the minds of the students through an experience garnering a fresh approach to education.
  • The app interface has a clean, customizable layout that offers a relaxing reading experience to its users.
  • The app has a clutter-free UI that lets the user concentrate on the information at hand.


Download : Android, iOS


5. Edmodo


This educational app is designed for both students and teachers. Concentrating on best practices of communication, teachers are able to reach individual students in their class.


key features: Edmodo is typically used for communication as well as assignments and quizzes.


edmodo - educational apps


  • Classroom management becomes much easier as students can reach out to their teachers with homework assignments or messages.
  • Edmodo reduces a teacher’s work load and makes it easier for them to stay connected with their classroom.


Parent accounts are also part of the structure and allows parents to monitor their child’s progress, grades, assignments, the school calendar and messages from different teachers.


Download : Android, iOS


Read Also: 11 Best Ebook Reader Apps in UK


6. Kahoot!


Making learning really cool and fun, this educational app is a tool for teachers to send quizzes, start a discussion or even surveys through games.


Key features: Set up to be a game, this classroom-based response system lets a whole class participates in real time.




  • Children can answer questions which are displayed on a screen and the answers are given via a smartphone, computer or tablet.
  • Add on features include homework and remote training sections that helps in engaging the students in a more innovative manner.


Download : Android, iOS


7. BrainPOP UK Featured Movie


The creators of this app ensured that it offers cross-curricular educational content which is in animated form to capture a student’s attention.


It helps teachers to engage a class with exciting lessons. Used in primary and secondary level classrooms, it can be accessed on mobile devices.

brain pop

  • The featured movie topics are on a rotational run with a choice of current events, historical milestones and figures, holidays, and more.
  • The app suits those who like to learn on the go.
  • BrainPOP uses resources which explain the world to children with animated videos, games, interactive quizzes and a multitude of online activities.


Download : Android, iOS


8. Nearpod


One of the award winning educational apps directed towards teachers in UK for engaging students with learning experiences that are innovative, yet rich in knowledge.


Key Features: This easy to use tool helps teachers to create interactive lessons, presentations, digital content and assessments.


near pod


  • Teachers can then use it to track a student’s progress and level of learning.
  • Lessons comprise slides created by the teacher containing text, images, videos, resource websites, quizzes and assignments.


Students can follow a lesson at their own pace on their devices and then go to a synchronized session with a real time lesson.


Download : Android, iOS


9. Quizlet


A staggering 30 million students use Quizlet across the globe, which makes this an app that every teacher should have access too.


Studying languages, history, vocabulary and science has not become more interesting by using flashcards on the app.




  • This app consists of 1000s of quizzes on a specific subject, created by other teachers. This material covers a given subject comprehensively and helps students learn well and earn top scores.
  • The Quizlet app have resources for every subject, at every level.
  • Revising subjects is fun and students can test their knowledge using interactive flashcards, diagrams and games. Some of the subjects covered are languages, science, math, history and more.


Paid versions of the app include Quizlet Go and Plus that allows access to unlimited number of classes along with some more premium features. Avail of the 7 days free trial and get the hang of it.


Download : Android, iOS


10. ShowMe Interactive whiteboard


Now turn your iPad or tablet into your very own interactive whiteboard. Use the ShowMe app and boast of your knowledge with your students, friends, family, or even the world.


show me


  • This  educational app allows teachers and students (in any age group and class) to create presentations. These can be shared online or via the device with a small audience/community.
  • The user makes presentations on a specific topic using the available tools such as text, drawings and images.
  • ShowMe lets a user record a tutorial and do a voice over and share them online. This easy to use app is easily understood by the old and young quite easily.


Download : Android, iOS


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Even in 2022, software companies are hard at work with iOS app development as well as android app development to ensure high quality educational apps which are easily navigated.


These are designed to make teaching and learning easy in UK – good educational apps are not just provocative, these are also open-ended to encourage students as well as teachers to think for themselves.


mobile app development


After testing educational apps in a classroom and getting inputs from students and teachers, curriculum is developed to make it interesting and learning easy as well fun.