Must-Have Features in Real Estate App Development

Home sweet home is the ultimate wish of every human being living in a civilized setting. But finding a proper accommodation that incorporate all your needs gets a little tricky.



In the era of digital transformation, you can now easily navigate through dedicate mobile apps that take away your headache of finding a home.


In fact, the number of people opting for real estate mobile app for property searching is ascending as the use of Smartphones is becoming infectious, so do their features.


There are already a handful of apps in real estate that are doing great, including Zillow, Trulia,, Apartment Guide, LoopNet. Zillow has emerged as a leader in online real estate service providers in USA with 36 million monthly visitors.


If you are planning make your real estate mobile app to reach global customers, you need distinctive features.


Read Also: 10 Best Real Estate Apps UK


Here is the round-up of those must-have features to develop real estate app.


For users’ panel


1) Register and Login


The primary requirement of any service-based mobile app is registration and login process done using verified email and personal phone number. Alternatively, a valid social media account on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ also confirms access to real estate app.


2) The User Profile


Once getting registered, users will be able to create their profile using a secured code code sent to your email or phone number. Then complete the profile by adding details including your age, name, address, seller/buyer interests, etc.


3) Filter Search


Refinement increases speed of search. Let customers discover what they want through advanced search options that filter and refine property search to clients’ needs.


4) Favorites list


This feature, like most ecommerce apps, is where you can add selected properties to later compare and pick the best features out of it which else needs to be changed


5) View options


For making property viewing more organized and user-friendly, real estate app presents the options of list view and map view using which users can mark their favorites.


6) Property information


Adding property Videos and images are effective, but you need strong information content to convince the customers through undeniable value propositions.


Your app should contain info section to describe various aspects of listed properties including total square area, amenities, number of rooms, bath space and other decisive details.


7) Real-time messaging


Offering real-time message facility is a trend fanatically instigated by service and on-demand apps. The direct and fast conversation right inside the app with property dealers and owners liberates you from asking for contact numbers.


It is important, however, to ensure the message service works as usually expected by inquirers.


8) Interest rate calculation


Property dealing apps come with inherent features that enable customers to calculate interest in real time. With this feature, customers can easily count estimate figure of installments with interest, tax and insurance premium.


real estate app features


9) Property listing


If it is a marketplace app, users should be able to conveniently list the property when they decide to rent or sell it at a fixed price.


10) AR/VR showcase in 3D


If you want to make the app more compelling and distinctive in real estate market, why not build a feature that showcases 3D design of properties for enhanced viewing?


You may use rising innovations such as AR/VR to exhibit a three dimensional structure of homes. Clients will get a lucid, thorough idea of how property actually looks and feels.


This not only makes the search easier but more precise, where property agents also seize a high profit margin.


Read Also: How To Shape Your Smart Homes With Mobile Apps


11) Adding Maps and Geo-location


A feature that can’t be skipped, Maps and geo-location are an integral feature especially for real estate business.


By means of geolocation, users, especially those who are unfamiliar with city geography, can locate the property exactly and also search property in the neighborhood of their choice.


This feature significantly benefits sellers equally, and therefore developers must develop it meticulously.


12) Loan Facility


This could be your winning advantage among other competitors as the feature of loan facility helps property buyers learn about and sign up for loan services right in your app.


13) Currency Converter


Users can view the real price of the favorite property in the currency they usually use in their country. Also, it allows them to see the price in any currency they wish.


14) The Brokers info


The app lets customers get in touch with the broker of their choice with ease using their contact details and quickly settle the deal.


15) Discounts and Offers


Service apps would be incomplete if it does not offer riveting discounts to customers. The mobile app should give users an access to best available offers and exclusive discounts in place so that they can select the ideal residential property that best matches their budget.


16) Social Media Platforms


Acquiring more users means adding what they want most in service apps. Add social media sharing platforms (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc) to your app to target a huge spectrum of customers.


real estate app features
For Admin panel


1) User management


The app should be governed by the central system of admin that takes over managing both buyers and owners or brokers.


2) Property Details updates


Apart from user management, it is essential to update property details correctly in the app which includes approving and disapproving properties to be listed. The admin can control whether to add or remove a property from the list.


3) Adding Discounts and Offers


The admin can decide what offers, discounts and loyalty rewards can go inside the app, and when.


4) Revenue management


This feature helps admins manage the revenues earned through all property deals, subscriptions and commissions from time to time.


5) Addition and removal of subscriptions


Admin has the sole right to add, remove and manage offered subscriptions on the property list.


Read Also: 13 Best Stock Trading Apps 2019




The real estate marketing is booming globally. It is therefore the right time to dive into the market with a beautifully designed, high-quality mobile app to dominate the industry.


Filled with a promise of scalability and usability, the real estate app enables customers to get all the information regarding properties in one single place.


real estate app features


However, to make it grand, the app must have dazzling features from searching ideal home and listing to renting and contacting brokers.


You may fancy the idea of partnering with an expert real estate mobile app development company who has exceptional grasp on developing advanced features and capabilities and how real estate business works.

Reasons Why Enterprise Needs a Mobile App

We often hear that having a smartphone app is key to growing business and getting an edge over the competition. But the question is, is it just a vivid notion created to lure business entrepreneurs into developing a customized mobile app?



Of course, the fact that the number of mobile apps on both Google Play and Apple’s App Store is burgeoning speaks of mobile app development companies strenuously helping enterprises meet their biggest fortune.


Technological advancements are playing an epic role, encouraging even a corner coffee shop or beauty salon to float in the app store out there!


But again, does every enterprise in UK need to build a dedicated mobile app in taut app stores? Surely, mobile apps do not just benefit brands like Walmart, Domino’s, Nike and Bank of America.


Many startup companies have successfully ventured into Android and iOS app development even when they might have simply settled for a plain mobile website.


If you are one of those wanting valid answer to the need for enterprise apps, we present you a few good reasons that make a tailored business app a superior choice over websites in UK.


enterprise app


Visibility, Availability and Accessibility


For those who seek concrete truth, Statista declared that the number of global smartphone users in 2017 is predicted to reach 2.32 billion in 2017.


Statista also shows that an average American spends over two hours a day on their mobile device. With such colossal spread of mobile devices and app usage, it is evident that users do engage and interact with what they like in store.


Even if not all apps find a spot on user’s device, users would notice your company’s app (image and design), often unconsciously, as they scroll to their favorite one. This gives you an advantage of being visible and available.


Marketing Opportunities
marketing opportunities


A mobile app development company can create app with appealing UI and delightful UX, serving gamut of functions such as general product info, company profile, pricing and quality propositions, features, forms, messenger, accounts and news.


With mobile app, it is feasible to keep all the customer-centric details about sales and promotions right there in the app. You can use push notifications to instigate direct interactions and remind customers of latest deals on products and services.


Sending message with a link to app also makes sense. Thus, you gain tons of marketing opportunities.


Significant Value Addition For Your Customers


Mobile app should be worth the moments invested by your customers. In fact, don’t you think giving your existing loyalty programs a digital shape via an app?


No longer should you prefer an archaic point collection system. Instead, allow your customers to use mobile app where they can collect and manage their progressive rewards.


Customers would hugely appreciate this and respond to your value-added service with more downloads, loyalty and recurrent app usage.


Starbucks – The world’s top renowned coffee brand has set up an outstanding epitome of impeccable mobile app development.


Starbucks redefined mobile marketing and adding value to customers’ life by enabling customers to enjoy convenience of ordering and paying for the drink using mobile app.


The effort has not only made their business more popular, but it also changed the way coffee is customized. Within the app, users get suggestions on the nearest store and eventually create and order their unique drink with just a few taps.


Brand Building and Awareness


As you switch from single-app approach to cross-platform app development,you will realize how your mobile app can sweep through massive amount of user across different OS.


More customers will prudently translate into increased level of brand awareness – which is your target at times of brand building phase.


Since your enterprise app acts as a bridge between business and customers, you can enhance its elements by making it more stunning, stylish, fun, informative and user-friendly with features customers will quickly embrace in UK.


On the other side of brand building, iOS and Android app development also gives you an opportunity to engage user in no time and rapidly develop an environment where effortless purchase of products and services is ensured.


Even if it is built to deliver important business information, customers will find it handy to know, see or hear about your brand through app and eventually buying from other available business channels.


Customer Engagement + Support
customer engagement

There is no doubt mobile app provides you the way to engage and interact virtually with customers. Customers also find it smooth to reach you and express their requirements and opinions through their entire journey and feedback.


Having a help and support feature (chat messenger) within your app thus helps establish honest communication flow. An enterprise mobile app development company can even make use of intelligent technology for chat which makes your app work both ways: Support as well as service booking.


Fostering Better Knowledge About Your Audience


Mobile app not only develops a better business model around digitalization for your enterprise, but it also adds value to the way you reach and cater to your customers.


By integrating powerful analytics with the help of a mobile app development company, you can trace user journey in your app and collect important information about customers that can be used to serve them even better.


This data means even deeper insight into the target audience, their habits, trends, main customer segments, requirements, sources and more. Use it to build more customer-friendly, innovative products/services.


Growing More Competitive


The biggest leap small businesses can take is having a mobile app development company build an app solely due to the fact that small business mobile apps are still scarce.


This means beating the competition while the market is still incipient for digital authorities in your niche. Local businesses can astonish customers by offering exclusive services on your mobile app.


Through real-time engagement and lively marketing, your business will be appreciated. Plus, you will also save tons by choosing app as a primary internet marketing and promotion channel.


With a futuristic solutions used flawlessly, your small business app can receive an acclaimed boost even on a global scale.


L’Oreal Makeup GeniusL’Oreal is a leading makeup and beauty brand that basks in its glory with an app called L’Oreal Makeup Genius.


What sets it apart from other rivals is its ability to deliver ad-free shopping experience and inspire users to think of a purchase as they try on the new products using nothing but their Smartphone. The Genius also enables users to share the experience on social networks – which is magnificent.


Multi-Channel Business Approach
enterprise app

Adopting a cross-platform app development approach opens many doors to create business opportunities across multiple channels.


To sustain the competition, it is important for businesses to build a digital presence where customers can interact with your brand in many different ways including chat, videos, feedback support and shopping activities.


The mobile app can integrate social media engendering an all new channel of communication for customers. Moreover, mobile app also enables order management, behavior analysis, service quality improvement, loyalty and more complex operations.


All you need is a powerful CRM which integrates all marketing & communication channels and customer details for making the business more streamlined and productive.


Unforgettable Perk: Monetization


You can’t ignore this fascinating perk that mobile app development offers: Monetization. As your business app grows popular, you begin to reap consistent revenue by applying many trending in-app purchases or premium features.


Certain innovative features and facilities such as third-party ad system within your app help drive a steady flow of money. All you need is a well-designed, simple and feature-rich app that has everything customers seek today.


Wrapping Up


There is no resistance in believing that certain futuristic technologies like IoT, AI (Artificial Intelligence), ML (Machine Learning) and AR have together made the dynamics of mobile app development even more glorious and profitable than ever.


The reality of IT’s smart solutions show that enterprise businesses gain enormous edge over competition and better ROI by investing in a mobile app launched even in an overcrowded market if it offers unique value to customers.


Mobile app could be a game changer if you have not tried it so far. Explore your options for building a mobile app of superior quality by consulting a versed enterprise mobile app development company.


How Much Does it App Development Cost in UK?

2019 started with Apple’s iTunes store totaling an app count of approximately 2.2 million. The Android play store accounted for around 2.8 million apps on its platform. Both Apple and Android are expected to double, if not quadruple their app counts in the next two years.



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Apps have become an imperative part of our lives. Whether you need grocery, order designer clothes or food, pay bills, or have to do any other daily chores, they are just an app away. With such growing popularity of apps, it has become a sustainability factor for many businesses. More and more businesses are shifting their business online on apps.


Rather many businesses are just sustaining on a mere app. As a newbie, there are many questions that come into the minds of businesses and one of the main concerns is the app development cost. Many businesses have many doubts about the cost of the apps and the wide range of cost variations, enhances their doubts even further. 


Here, in this article, we have tried to cover all the points and factors of app development cost that may ease your doubts and help you find and negotiate the best price for your app development.


The cost of the app may vary depending upon various factors, based on the complexity of the app, it can be charged at $40 an hour and based on this the app may cost you:

  • App Development Cost for a Simple App – $40,000 to $60,000
  • App Development Cost for an Average App – $60,000 to $150,000
  • App Development Cost for a Complex App – from $300,000


But is it all that you need to consider while considering app development for your business?


Not certainly!


There is a lot more you need to know. Let’s get deep into the topic and understand it into greater depths.


App Development related Statistics


There are a few statistics that you might be interested in:


“Most mobile software developers work on Android operating systems (OS) as of 2021, according to a global software developer survey. The second most popular OS for software development was the Apple iOS system, with 60 percent of respondents indicating as such.”


“In August 2021, a total of 634 new games were submitted to the iTunes App store, while in the same period the new apps being submitted were 2.6 thousand. After peaking in September 2016, the number of new games being submitted to the Apple App Store has remained constant, while the number of new apps has plummeted between May 2021 and August 2021.”


“In the most recent quarter, the total value of global consumer spend on mobile apps amounted to 34 billion U.S. dollars. Between 2019 and 2021, consumer spending on mobile apps has experienced a constant increase, climbing up to almost 50 billion U.S. dollars during the fourth quarter of 2020, up 77 percent from the third quarter of 2020.”


“In the third quarter of 2021, users downloaded 27.6 billion apps from Google Play. In contrast, the mobile apps only generated roughly 8.1 billion downloads in the Apple App Store. The Google Play platform has always made up the bulk of app downloads, but the Apple App Store is stronger in terms of revenue generation.”


“Between September 2019 and August 2020, the iOS App Store and the Google Play Store had generated over 49 billion U.S. dollars in combined revenues from the gaming app category alone. Additionally, the entertainment app category produced revenue of 3.8 billion U.S. dollars for the app distribution platforms.”


How much should you pay for your app development: Time and Money Issues



One thing that we have to keep in mind is that not all apps are the same, and so is the time required and cost for these apps can be the same. The time required to deploy certain app features is noted in the breakdown of both iOS and Android application development. Let’s make a categorization based on reasonable time requirements.

  • A basic app with simple functionality requires approximately 2-3 months to develop.
  • A medium complexity app takes from 3 to 6 months to develop.
  • A complex time-consuming app in most cases exceeds 1200 hours and takes from 9 months and more to develop.

Your app may cost you from $10,000 to $150,000 depending upon the complexity of your app.


How much your app may cost you


Simple App Development

  • Cost Range: $40,000 to $60,000
  • Time required: 2-3 months

Basic App Development

  • Cost Range: $60,000 to $150,000
  • Time Required:3-6 months

Complex App Development

  • Cost Range: from $300,000
  • Time Required: 9+ months

The features you want in your app can drastically change the cost of your app development. Though there are various ways to estimate your app development cost, the most reliable one is to contact the app developer. Another good option is to use an app development cost calculator.


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But it is very important that to get exact or near to exact cost estimation of your app, you must be very sure and descriptive about your requirements. With your changing requirements, your app development cost can also change relatively. The exact estimations of the app development cost require you to consider various features and services:

  • The design complexity
  • number of screens
  • Quality assurance 
  • development process
  • Types, complexity, and number of functions and
  • The complexity of the database
  • number and complexity of 3rd party integrations
  • including various security protocols
  • development team proficiency and size

Many companies around the world claim to be the best app developers and claim to deliver the best solutions. With so many variables to consider

  • established or newly founded companies,
  • experienced or ambitious,
  • local or foreign,
  • large or small,
  • high-priced or cheap;

There is no wonder that an enormous selection may confuse both start-ups, entrepreneurs, and seasoned entrepreneurs alike. In fact, misunderstandings such as ‘high price equal high quality or ‘young companies are not experienced enough to deliver high-quality products’ may lead to failures or unnecessary expenses. In that light, let’s examine unbiasedly the costs of building an application.

Let’s dive deep into the various factors we have stated above and are the contributing factor in deciding the cost of app Development:

  • The complexity level of the app
  • Application Design Complexity
  • The platform
  • Types of Apps and their Cost
  • The Profitability of an App
  • App Maintenance Costs
  • Backend Infrastructure and App Administration
  • Location and Structure of a Development Team

    1. The complexity level of the app:

The more the complexity of the features embedded in the app, the more will be its cost. An app with complex features has a higher cost of development. The simpler the app will be, the easier it will be for the developer to develop it. Also, the time required for these apps to be developed will be less. 


Features and Functionality

To know your app development cost, you need first to determine the complexity of the app you’re about to design. The number of screens, buttons, and fields involved, as well as the amount of logic necessary, all have a significant role.

The complexity of the app will depend on the number and type of features that will be integrated into it. The number of features that will be integrated, the number of functions, screens, buttons, etc. are some of the deciding factors.  Another major factor is the complexity of the business process. 

The design complexity of the app in short depends on the types and number of features integrated 

  • Simple App Development Cost – $40,000 to $60,000
  • App Development Cost of Basic App– $60,000 to $150,000
  • App Development Cost of Complex App– from $300,000

Then it’s time to figure out which features impact the app’s overall complexity. As previously said, certain features can take a long time to develop, while others are quite quick and easy. Developers may need to leverage third-party APIs or write code from scratch, depending on the complexity of the solution. Simpler solutions, on the other hand, necessitate the use of common instruments and native capabilities.

Let’s look at the estimated development time and cost for fundamental features before moving on to more sophisticated features.



Approx time

Approx cost with back-end, $ (based on $40/h)


·         Login with an email

·         Login with social media

·         Forgot password option

·         Log out

28 – 42 hours


File uploading

·         Upload photo

·         Upload video

·         Video playback

·         Photo view

20 – 30 hours


Profile completion

·         Set region

·         Add info

·         Add photo

23 – 29 hours


Profile editing

·         Edit profile

·         Change password

·         Change email

·         Add/remove credit card

47 – 62 hours



·         Basic search with suggestions

13 – 18 hours


Basic messaging

·         Conversation details

·         Online/offline status

·         Typing status

·         Read/sent status

·         Send media files and documents

160 – 170 hours


Push notifications

·         Users can receive push notifications

25 – 32 hours


Basic admin panel: User management

·         See the list of users

·         Edit user

·         Delete/block user

·         Create user

66 – 90 hours


Basic admin panel: Payment management

·         See payments

·         Refund payments

23 – 44 hours


Basic admin panel: Push notifications

·         Send custom push notifications

8 – 14 hours


Mobile app cost estimate: Breakdown by complex features
Mobile app cost estimate
The next factor that can also influence the cost of the mobile app is – ‘the who’ – which basically is dependent on the size of the firm that is developing the app.


Thus, the factors that influence the pricing of developing the app can be categorized under:
Discovery or Pre-Planning
  • App Platform


  • Visual Complexity
  • Hardware Features
  • Technical Complexity
  • Data Storage on the App
  • Points of Integration
  • App Security


Testing and Deployment
  • App Testing
  • App Deployment
  • Legalities and Licensing
  • Support and Maintenance


Discovery or Pre-Planning


Before your app development team embarks on the Visual Design stage, the initial foundation that lays the groundwork is basing the app having thoroughly researched the marked with multiple brainstorming sessions.


Typical questions that need to be answered at this juncture are:

  • The aim and objective of developing the app
  • Target audience
  • Platforms where you wish to stage the app
  • If the app is going to be available free of cost or paid


At the Pre-Planning or Discovery Stage, the cost is estimated to be approximately in the range of:


Cost range less than $5,000 $5k – $10k $10k-15k $15k-25k $25k+
Percentage 51% 22% 7% 7% 13%


Visual Idea to Development Handoff


As the teams developing the app move towards the Visual Design stage, only 32% tend to spend less than $5000. However, around 9% may venture to assign a budget of over $50,000 on the app’s visual design. The majority at 60% vacillate between $5000 and $50,000 budget.


The estimated cost of the design phase may be:


Cost range less than $5,000 $5k – $10k $10k-15k $15k-25k $25-50k $50k+
Percentage      32% 17% 14% 13% 16% 8%


The Visual Design of the App is divided into two key phases: User-Experience Design and User-Interface Design.


User-Experience design simply put is the mobile user experience (UX) design that provides a series of designs aimed to generate positive experiences during the usage of mobile devices. Critical elements form a part of the overall UX, including:

  • Information Architecture is a process that assists in the decision to select the type of data and functionality that will be represented and organized within the mobile application – in layman’s terms – a list of features that the app needs to perform along with what will be visually displayed on the screen. This is the foundation of the app upon which the wireframes will be based.
  • Wireframes are typically designed the screens along with the assigning of functionality and data.
  • Workflows are about designing the routes through which the users are able to navigate on the app.


User-Interface design or UI involves the graphical and touch-sensitive display on a mobile device.


It allows the user to understand the features, content and functionality of the app through a series of interactions. The key elements of UI design include:

  • Style Guides are the building blocks of the overall app design, impacting its usability.
  • Rendered designs are basically the process of adapting the wireframes and substituting the greyscale components with the chosen components of the style guide.


Post the design phase, most apps at this stage will undergo some form of testing before being handed off to the development team for further enhancements and realizing the overall vision of the app.


App Development


The app will go through a number of phases as your development team proceeds towards building the backend of the prototype. Let’s take a look at the key phases:

  • The alpha phase is the stage where the core functionality of the app is present, but it is yet to undergo testing. Generally, the app at this phase has multiple bugs and the non-core functionalities of the app are absent.
  • The beta phase is the stage where the majority of proposed functionalities and features have been integrated into the app. Some light testing and bug fixing are usually performed. However, issues may still exist. The app, at this phase, may be released to a select group of external uses for more intensive testing.
  • The Post Beta phase is the stage where although the bugs have been fixed, the app is ready to be shifted to the release candidate stage.


The team, in order to release the app, should have set up developer accounts on app stores where the app is intended for publication.


It is important that you take into consideration several key factors including multi-tasking, form factor, device, and OS fragmentation. Incorporating functionalities and features are going to be pointless unless you ascertain that the app is indeed compatible with the majority of smartphones.


Since the development stage is a critical aspect of the entire app development procedure, it is important to know what you may encounter in terms of cost at this phase.


less than $5,000 $5k – $10k $10k-20k $20k-30k $30k+
Percentage            9% 33% 25% 17% 15%


Launching the App


Before launching the app, there are two stages – testing followed by deployment.

  • App Testing often is a good idea while going through multiple processes of developing the mobile app. Adhering to this form of checking aims to keep the cost under control as bug fixing can be an expensive affair as your app goes deeper into the app development cycle. Always refer to the original design and development plan whilst structuring the test cases. Re-test even cleared features and functionalities prior to the launch.

The testing phase should typically include the following:

  • Usability testing
  • Compatibility testing
  • Interface testing
  • Services testing
  • Low-level resource testing
  • Performance testing
  • Operational testing
  • Security testing


Deployment of the app may be done by selecting a day to formally launch the app by publishing it on the various app stores.


Do bear in mind that the app stores will abide by their individual policies for launching the app. Publishing the app does in no way signify that the journey of app development has ended.


In fact, this is the start of the post-launch phase where the app will require continuous support and maintenance once it is in the hands of the end-users.


With feedback pouring in, you may require new features and functionalities to be developed, bug fixing on a regular basis, etc.


To ensure that the future versions of your app is catering to the demands of your target audience, have adequate resources ready to maintain the product.


The estimated cost for testing and deployment may be approximate:


Cost range less than $5,000 $5k – $10k $10k-15k $15k-25k $25k+
Percentage 32% 31% 14% 12% 11%


The most important thing to remember when building the mobile app is that whilst you may have invested funds in a digital product, the commitment towards it has to be long-term.




Approx time

Approx cost with back-end (based on $40/h)


·         Detect user’s location

·         Search on the map

·         Set pickup point on the map

75 – 111 hours



·         See balance

·         List of transactions

·         Add card Add PayPal

60 – 78 hours



·         Start/stop broadcast

·         View broadcast

·         Switch between broadcasts

90 – 140 hours



·         Audio calls

·         Video calls

·         List of contacts

257 – 365 hours



Additionally, throughout the development phase, you may add some unanticipated adjustments. As a result, you must factor such charges into your budget and provide an additional expense line. What is the cost of developing an app with these features? Here is a preliminary estimate of how long it will take to implement the features listed above.

The type of app you want to develop is a major factor that affects the complexity of the app, hence affecting the cost of the app.

App Type

Estimate Cost


Mobile App



iPhone App



Android App



Web App



Startup App



Taxi App 



Game App



Retail App



Augmented Reality App (AR)



eCommerce App



Social Media App (Instagram)



Business App



Learning App (DuoLingo)



Video Streaming App



Restaurant App



Community App



Shopify App



Dating App



Food Delivery App



Hybrid App



Healthcare App



Typical App




Type of complexity


Simple apps

  • Simplest to make with no added benefits,
  • Contains only the essential features,
  • low-tech screens,
  • Only basic UI solutions.

Mid-level apps

  • More complex than simple apps but lesser complex than complex apps,
  • The API integration can be done,
  • Better and more screens,
  • UI can be customized,
  • Additional features can be included.

Complex apps

  • They are complicated apps with advanced functions,
  • Includes advanced and complicated features like chatbots, etc
  • media processing can be included
  • UI animation and other complexities are a part of such apps. 

If you hire complete app development teams like RedBytes for the app development, your app completion may take:

  • Simple Apps – 2 to 4 months
  • Mid-Level Apps – 6 to 10 months
  • Complex Apps – 8 months to a year or more

But the time and cost of developing the apps highly depend on the size and complexity of the app.

It is very important for you, as a business, to understand in which category your app lies in. Here is a small description of each type of app, for you to make it easy to identify your app.

As the name indicates they are the simplest type of apps consisting of only the basic features, simple functions, three to four screens, and with no data storage facility.

The main features of such an application would be:

  • Login
  • Signup
  • Profile making and editing
  • Search
  • Notifications
  • Messages
  • Admin panel or dashboard

Based on the features that are offered through the app, the cost will be determined.

Examples: time tracking app, notes app, calculator, etc.


Type 1. Simple Complexity


As the name indicates they are the simplest type of apps consisting of only the basic features, simple functions, three to four screens, and with no data storage facility.

The main features of such an application would be:

  • Login
  • Signup
  • Profile making and editing
  • Search
  • Notifications
  • Messages
  • Admin panel or dashboard

Based on the features that are offered through the app, the cost will be determined.

Examples: time tracking app, notes app, calculator, etc.


Type 2. Mid-Level Apps with database and API-based applications


Before moving ahead, you might be thinking about why Mid-Level Apps are costlier than Simple Apps?

The answer is simple as iPhone 13 is costlier than iPhone11, and the reason is the extra features in iPhone13. Similarly, mid-level apps are costlier than simple apps because of more features. 

There are some extra features you wish to add to these applications, and these may include:

  • In-App Purchases
  • Social Media Integration
  • Geo-location
  • Payment Portals
  • Better Security
  • Location Tracking

Above are a few features that mid-level apps may include, but apart from them they have better accessibility and use robust infrastructure. They also include database management and synchronization. It is very important to understand the customer base to develop such apps and the size of the customer base also affects the app development cost for mid-level apps apart from complexity and features.

Some of the features of such apps are taxi booking apps or food delivery apps.


Type 3. Complex Apps: feature-rich and large-scale applications


These are the most complex apps, with high-end and complex features, a lot of customization, business logic, and high-end database integration. The cost for these apps may rise way beyond the expected cost based on the business requirement. 

The app development cost can rise to a much higher level than you can think of.  Here are a few features that might affect the cost of complex apps. 

  • Data Synchronization
  • Online streaming
  • Native features
  • Messaging
  • In-App Calls
  • Video Chats

With high-end business logic to implement the cost of developing such apps is not only dependent on the development but is equally affected by the research and planning. Since these apps require a lot of customization, most of the functions need to be coded by the developers

Some of the examples are CRM applications, enterprise applications, gaming apps. 


Application Design Complexity


Apart from the type and complexity of the app, the complexity of the app design is another major factor to decide the app development cost.

One of the important phases of app development is the designing phase and hence it plays a very important role in deciding the app development cost. The more intricate and complex the design will be the more will the cost of the app. Similarly using readymade templates is usually more cost-effective than customized designs. 

A few things that you might have to look for the in-app design to determine the cost of your app better


User Experience

UX is all about making the app easier to work for the end-users, it ensures a better engagement for the users. To ensure a great user experience it is very important to understand the customer base, market, and objectives of the app. The more intricate the design will be the higher the cost will go.


User Interface and Visuals

The User Interface also plays a role in determining the cost of the app. UI refers to how the app will look to the users. Apart from the visual outlook, UI has a big role in business branding. The colour, the icons, the placement everything [plays a big role in branding. The more you lay stress on this factor, the more planning it will require and hence affect the cost of app development accordingly. Some of the factors that UI are:

  • Layout
  • Screen
  • Colors
  • Typography
  • Shapes
  • Elements
  • Items


Your app is nothing without good and relevant content. The better the content the higher the cost will be. You cannot ignore the content when getting your app developed. You can either get your own content developed or can ask the app developer to get the content for the app and accordingly the cost of your app will vary.


The platform

The platform on which you want your app to run also affects its cost. The cost of developing an app on various platforms differs drastically.

The most common platforms for app development are iOS and Android. However, there are other possibilities. This may have an influence on the expenses of developing front-end and back-end apps. Each platform has its own set of characteristics and may support a wide range of functions.





With a highly intuitive and sophisticated interface, iOS development often needs detailed planning on features. They have app specifications that determine the cost of development.

Approximately $30000 to $80000


Android developers in India focus on getting maximum exposure to the app. So, feature-rich apps are always in demand.

Approximately $5,000 to $40,000

React native

Provide a seamless cross-platform with features of both iOS and Android. The cost may vary following the requirements of functionalities.

$15 to $25 per hour


Apps that run across multiple platforms. Xamarin provides native functionalities along with testing and automating features. Cost can be reduced as it doesn’t need separate developers.

$ 20 to $50 per hour


Flutter is a known portable UI toolkit that provides excellent features at a reduced cost. And yes, of course, the cost varies with the complexity of apps.

$1,000 to $5,000


Apart from the aforementioned platforms, there are other more such as Accelerator, Lazarus, Live code, and so on. The reality is that platform development prices vary depending on the features, complexity, and other add-ons that a company needs in its program. However, it is an element that contributes to user reach and usability.


Types of Apps and their Cost


There can be three types of apps that we are going to discuss now.

  • Native apps
  • Web Apps
  • Hybrid apps

    1. Native Apps

Native apps are designed specifically for a single platform. These apps are specifically made of a particular platform like a native android app or a native iOS app. Its features and functions are set to be non-replaceable. The codes can’t be used again. As a result, attempts to maintain code bases drive up costs.

Cost: – About $100,000

     2. Web Apps

Around 80% of people prefer web applications to web pages. These applications help them get the most out of their online activity. It can be accessed using web browsers and can-do tasks on the device that the user is using. In comparison to native applications, these apps do not require platform or OS customization. Since these apps are free from any platform, they are generally of a lower cost.

Cost: – $500 and $5,000 (approx.)

   3. Hybrid Apps

Have you ever heard of hybrid seeds? Two separate seeds’ characteristics have been combined into a single seed that has both of their characteristics. These hybrid applications combine native and web app functionalities and primarily resemble native apps. They can be loaded quickly, generated quickly, and at a low cost.

Cost: – $10,000 and $50,000 (approx.)


The Profitability of an App

Various ways for monetizing mobile applications are used by different apps. This assures a profit for their time-consuming development work.


1. Free apps

We frequently download many free apps. Unknowingly, you begin spreading the app and its features on your blogs, social networking sites, and other websites.

Businesses may increase their user base by offering free apps. Later, the same technique might be used to promote a concept or a product. Many free Android applications are available in India, including Sysic India, True Caller, and others.


2. Paid apps

Apps are given a price tag, and customers may immediately utilize the app’s functionalities after paying the fee. Paying extra will provide you with next-level features.

These apps were created with a low development cost in mind. Nova Launcher Prime, Pocket Casts, and other similar applications are now commonly used in India. Both app developers and consumers are pleased with these apps.


3. Freemium apps

This is where people decide whether to keep using the applications. Some users will continue to pay for the content experience to access further features, while others will stop.

Because of the large number of premium users, developers may be more careful about upgrading or working on the same features to provide a more user-friendly experience. Spotify, Gaana, and other applications are examples of well-known paid content.


4. E-commerce apps

The most dynamic monetization technique. Businesses that use e-commerce applications benefit more since they assure client pleasure by allowing them to pay and buy instantly.

In India, major e-commerce applications include Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, and others. They, too, have websites with an estimated 150 million or more subscribers.


App Maintenance Costs


It is an inescapable area of service that small to large-budget applications will pursue. This stage costs roughly 15% to 20% of the total development cost. It is necessary due to new device releases and functional requirements that must be met as soon as possible.

Apps, like mobile and computer software, require frequent upgrades to stay up to date. If your app costs $10,000 to design, your app maintenance fees will be around $2,000 each year. Hosting databases, bug fixes, code optimization, and other crucial tasks are all taken care of.


Backend Infrastructure and App Administration


In mobile app development, a backend is often an operating system that exposes APIs for data exchange between an app and a database. Analytics are included to track user behavior and evaluate the effectiveness of your consumer app. Costs vary depending on the number of characteristics you want to measure and how comprehensive and accurate you want the tracking to be.

For managing an app’s content, users, and analytics, the administration panel is undoubtedly a highly important tool. Existing admin panel templates may be customized to meet your needs but finding a suitable one might be difficult. As a result, it makes sense to put together a suitable panel to fit your company’s needs.


Location and Structure of a Development Team


The geographical location where you are opting for your app development affects the cost of your app development to a large extent. The cost of app development in India differs extensively to the app development cost in the USA. Here have a look at the iOS app development cost and Android app development cost in some of the countries. 


iOS ($/hour)

Android ($/hour)

North America









South America



Eastern Europe









  • North America (the US and Canada). This area is known for being the costliest. The cost of developing for Android and iOS ranges from $50 to $150 per hour.
  • Developers in Australia charge $35-150 per hour to create mobile apps.
  • The cost of developing an app in the South American area ranges from $22 to $55 per hour. 
  • The developer in the United Kingdom charges $71 on an hourly basis.
  • Rates for Eastern European developers range from $25 to $50 per hour.
  • In India, developers are content with a salary of $25 per hour, but in Indonesia, the greatest cost of app development is $35 per hour.

It’s strange that the software developer in the United States charges $150 per hour, while the one in India costs 6 times less.

Hourly rates of specialists


Title of Employee

United States

Latin America

Eastern Europe


Business Analyst

$110 – $205

$45 – $55

$40 – $63

$30 – $42


$198 – $292

$60 – $72

$50 – $77

$35 – $48

Project Manager

$133 – $233

$55 – $66

$45 – $70

$35 – $48

Jr. Developer

$105 – $111

$35 – $44

$25 – $42

$18 – $24

Mid-Level Developer

$132 – $140

$30 – $52

$35 – $56

$24 – $35


Sr. Developer

$154 – $163

$45 – $55

$45 – $70

$30 – $42

Lead Developer

$176 – $187

$50 – $61

$45 – $70

$30 – $42

Junior QA

$77 – $81

$30 – $39

$25 – $42

$15 – $24

Mid-Level QA

$99 – $105

$35 – $44

$30 – $49

$20 – $30

Senior QA

$143 – $169

$40 – $50

$40 – $63

$25 – $36

Graphic Designer

$79 – $163

$40 – $50

$35 – $56

$25 – $36



 1. Business Analyst

If you’re working with an outsourcing company, conducting a business analysis is critical for determining technical and business needs before incurring development expenditures.

A Business Analyst oversees the following tasks:


  • Obtaining specifications
  • Detecting and resolving technological and commercial issues
  • Examining the competition
  • determining the worth of a project
  • Creating a project description

This is all part of the planning stage. To minimize costly scope adjustments and misunderstandings throughout development, meticulous planning is essential.

In other words, the cost of building an app is influenced by the efforts of Business Analysts.

2. UI/UX designer

Users nowadays value beautiful design above anything else. And without a skilled designer who can provide UI/UX design services, it’s nearly impossible to create a remarkable product.

Among the roles of the designer are:

  • Examining comparable applications
  • An examination of user preferences and aches and pains
  • Wireframes are created
  • Designing the ultimate product

As a result, you should include UI/UX designer charges in the app cost breakdown.


3. Mobile app engineer

You’ll need one to multiple iOS and/or Android developers, depending on which platforms you plan to deploy the app on. Their primary responsibility is to develop and publish the application while considering all of the technical and business considerations outlined in the specification.


4. QA engineer

The job of a QA engineer is to verify and validate that the application is bug-free. They also look for conformance to the requirements in the UI and other app components.


5. Project Manager

Project managers oversee the work of the entire team and ensure that the product is delivered on time and meets all specifications. As a result, the correct management strategy has a significant influence on mobile app development expenses.


Popular Categories and their Costs

As previously stated, an app’s cost is determined by its complexity and other needs, as well as the category in which it sits. Some of the most popular app genres and their development expenses are shown below.




Online shopping


$3000 to $15000

On-demand grocery delivery

Big basket

$10,000to $30000

Taxi & Cab booking


$30,000 to $35,000

Food delivery


$6500 to $11,000

Social media


$5000 to $17,000

Hotel bookings

$5000 to $15000

Second-hand products


$5000 to $10000

Health & fitness

Home Workout

$15,000 to $30,000



$15-$40 per hour



about $103,600.




Payment services


approx. $16,000


Teen Patti

3 lakhs+ (approx.)



$10,000 to $40,000


The following are some instances of apps, along with their prices and development times.

Based on our personal experience, it is merely to offer you an estimate of the app development cost, not the actual cost of an app.

   1. Airbnb

Airbnb is a well-known example of a successful marketplace app.

A marketplace is typically a hybrid of on-demand software and an e-commerce site. As a result, the cost of a mobile app and the time it takes to build it will be greater.

The cost of such an application can start at $75,000 and take up to 1,000 hours to complete.

It will have sophisticated features such as:

  • Look for available residential apartments and make a last-minute reservation.
  • Make a list of your favorite houses and places to save.
  • Trip co-planning and referral system
  • Date, check-in, and other data are included in the advanced booking procedure.
  • There’s also an in-app chat feature.

   2. IKEA

Ikea is a brand-based application that was created with Augmented Reality in mind. Most of the photographs of furniture in their catalogs are 3d models.

These programs raise the fee yet provide numerous functionality due to different additional features and integrations, as well as security concerns.

The cost of such an application can start at $45,000 and take up to 1,000 hours to complete.

The following are some of the features of the mobile app design:

  • The featuring of the product in 3D,
  • Sharing social media content in compliance with regulations,
  • Visualizing products from every angle,
  • Providing real-time dashboards and analytics,
  • CRM integration.


   3. Tinder

Tinder is a famous dating app. It raised $485,000 in the seed round in 2012, the first year it was available on the market.

Users will find Tinder’s functioning to be extremely straightforward. It’s simply a function that allows you to swipe right and left to like or dislike a certain individual.

If the person you loved reciprocates your feelings, the app makes a match.

Such an application may cost up to $70,000 and take up to 1,000 hours to complete.

The cost of a dating app like Tinder is determined by the program’s features, which include:

  • Authorization, 
  • GPS location, settings, 
  • User profile, 
  • Matching capabilities, 
  • Push alerts, 
  • Communication, 
  • And third-party integration 

are some of the features available.


   4. Uber

Uber is an example of a popular ride-hailing service.

In reality, an app like Uber has three components: two mobile apps for passengers and drivers, and a website for the admin panel.

As a result, the app development budget should be enough to cover three separate apps.

The cost of such an application can start at $50,000 and take up to 1,200 hours to complete.

The app has the following features:

  • Payment integration, 
  • Geolocation, 
  • Routing and sophisticated route optimization, 
  • SMS and push notification integration, 

and many more features are available.


A few points you can consider managing your app development cost.


Adjusting the features of the app to control the cost is not a good idea. But a factor that you can alter to control the app development cost is to choose the development team. But that certainly does not mean you compromise on a non-veteran team. But you can definitely be picky on the type of team, which is capable of providing you a good app without compromising on quality and design.


   1. Hire a local company

You may always go with a reputable medium-sized local firm that offers a variety of services, including SEO optimization.




The cost of developing an app will be greater if done by a local company.

That is without a doubt the case.

The hourly prices of a development team and a design team might range from $150 to $250 per hour per specialist, depending on the location in which you are launching your firm.

So, if the entire labor time is 400 hours and the hourly cost is $100, you’ll need to budget $80,000.

This is the breakdown of app development costs.

Pros and Cons

Without a doubt, if you employ a local agency, you will be able to keep in frequent contact.

You’ll also benefit from the professional quality and the ability to simply make modifications.

Finally, a local team will be responsible for their efforts and held accountably.

The expense of these teams, on the other hand, is out of this world.

If you can and are willing to pay $40,000 for the product all at once, please do so.

Maintenance, editing, copywriting, discovery, and market analysis are not included in this pricing.

Should you go for it?

You will see that it is not worth it after performing a cost-benefit analysis.


   2. Build an in-house team

Small businesses with a full-time IT staff that can manage both support and development of internal information systems are best served by an in-house app development team.




Hire your own in-house team if you want total transparency, communication, and a reliable solution.

However, if you ask how much it costs an in-house team to build an app, the answer is pretty surprising.

The cost is significantly greater than if the task was contracted to a local agency. (You may use our calculator to compare wages.)

Let’s have a look:

$98,000 per year for a full-stack developer.

$85,000 per year for a designer

The annual salary for an iOS or Android developer is $85,000.

However, if the developers agree to work for equity from the beginning, a founder may be able to save money. As a result, the in-house team and maintenance cost $40,000, which is twice as much as the local agency.

Pros and Cons

The continual flow of ideas is one of the best aspects of employing a team.

The communication will be flawless, and everyone in the team will be totally engaged.

However, everything falls on your shoulders in this case.

You are in charge of quality, accountability, budget, and employee welfare.

You’re looking at a substantial increase in-app costs; how much can you spend?

Should you go for it?

Hiring a crew as a business entrepreneur also entails finding space to accommodate them.

If not, you may need to set up a server and other infrastructure systems.

It is thus preferable to ignore it for now if you do not want to receive a surprise response to how much a mobile app development cost.


   3. Work with freelancers

You can work with freelancers if you need to rapidly test a theory or complete a short job. If you select this route, keep in mind that you will need to devote a significant amount of time to talking with contractors and supervising the process.




You have two options when working with a freelancer.

On a contract basis, hire them.

They can be hired on an hourly basis.

Furthermore, there are other sites where freelancers may be found.

Upwork, Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, Toptal, and other freelance websites are examples.

The typical hourly rate of a freelancer is determined by the country from which you are hiring.

$50 per hour in the United States

Asia: $15-$25 per hour

Ukraine: $25.00 per hour

$20/hour in Latin America

These are the initial rates, and as you gain experience, you can increase them.

Consider the hours while calculating the cost of developing a useful and good app.

Pros and Cons

Let’s face it: freelancing is one of the most cost-effective ways to develop a solution.

With freelancing, you have the ability to set your own pricing while still receiving a high-quality output.

Accountability, on the other hand, might be thrown out the window when working with freelancers.

They may abandon the job at any time, leaving you in the dark.

As a result, the question is not how much it will cost a freelancer to create an app, but whether or not the freelancer will see it through.

Should you go for it?

It is not difficult to hire a freelancer.

However, guaranteeing that the freelancer assists you until the conclusion of the product development process and follows your specifications might be difficult.

As a result, we do not advocate freelancing unless you have the time and energy to constantly check them.


   4. Outsource app development

If you have a large-scale, complex project with several phases and are willing to invest money in app development, hiring an outsourced development business is easier and more efficient.




Ukraine, China, and other Asian locations have experienced development and design teams.

They guarantee a high-quality product as well as originality.

It all comes down to the cost of producing an app, which varies by nation.

For example, in Ukraine, you may gain access to a development agency for as little as $30 per hour.

They aren’t freelancers, and they aren’t corporations that charge exorbitant app maintenance fees.

Pros and Cons

Outsourcing is a cost-effective and risk-free way to develop an MVP for your business.

Getting your hands on a great agency in another country will provide you with a slew of advantages:



Unrestricted Communication

Guidelines Observance

Hiccups and no-fuss


a responsible group

On-Time Delivery

As a result, in addition to the comparatively inexpensive cost of mobile app development, you will have access to an original product.

Should you go for it?


Outsourcing app development to an agency will almost surely lower the app’s development costs.

However, before you pick an agency, be certain that you have thoroughly investigated all of your options.

Examine everything and speak with the team.

Examine the case studies.


Previous Experiences

The cost of outsourcing mobile app development by an outsourcing provider might range from $ 30,000 to $ 50,000 in general.

As previously said, the operating system, minimal viable product, features, app type, UX/UI design, tools, software, and other aspects all play a role.

app development cost


With one quick glance that the current statistics of these two app stores one identifies that together, both platforms are holding on to apps with a combined valuation in millions of dollars.


This indicates the pace at which the mobile app economy is growing and expanding.


With the demand quotient at an all-time high for mobile apps, app developers are now more open to trying out new concepts in mobile apps, with innovative features which will eventually offer the brand tangible value, make it popular and help in generating revenue.


This brings us directly to the question of how the demand for mobile apps is impacting its cost of design, development, and deployment.


Factors Impacting the Cost of App Development


Although there is no standardized formula that is able to accurately estimate the generic cost of app development, one rule that most app developing organizations tend to follow is:


(App Feature X Time) X Hourly Rate = App Development Cost


An approximate estimate of the number of hours that may be required to build an app:



Apart from the number of hours, the location of where the app is being designed and developed also plays a critical role in determining its cost.


Let’s take a look at a country-wise average cost of developing a mobile app:

How Much Does It Cost to Create an App: Total Cost


How much does it cost to create an app at RedBytes? We offer complete development services. As a result, the development of mobile apps goes through these stages:


Development of mobile app goes through this stages


  • Planning
  • Design
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Deployment

The development stage may include incorporating features, customized app architecture, and app management procedures, depending on the requirements for the given project. Post-release services, such as app promotion and maintenance, are also available. Take a look at our average timeshare estimates for each stage of development.

The team structure might also vary depending on the intricacy of your project. The number of developers and designers on staff, as well as the availability of admin panel designers and backend developers, are all customizable. A project manager, on the other hand, is required to organize the process and ensure smooth communication.

When we first start working together, we generate an approximate estimate based on your needs and the description of your concept. We estimate the number of hours it will take to complete the application. We’ll move on to thorough estimating, app logic, wireframes, and detailed project documentation once we’ve obtained your approval.

Here is the final cost breakdown.


Simple app

Medium app

Complex app

Development time




UI/UX Designer


Project Manager


Business analyst


QA Specialist


Solution Architect







What to Pay Attention to When Choosing an App Development Company?


There are several IT outsourcing businesses that provide various services. But how can you locate a trustworthy partner who can offer high-quality goods?

First and foremost, it is preferable to undertake extensive research on IT businesses to ensure that they fit the needs of your product.

Here are some pointers to consider when selecting an IT firm to complete your project and produce the software you require:


Tip #1: Make a list of your application’s requirements

You must determine the needs for your application, as well as the amount of funding available for its development, the planned development timetable, and the platforms on which it will operate.

It will also help you realize more clearly what sort of application you need to design if you learn about the key common technologies for mobile application development.

It will tremendously assist you in selecting a mobile app development business since you will be able to find a specialist in your specific application kind.

Tip #2: Choose firms that provide a broad range of services.

You may be sure that you will obtain skilled professionals if you choose from the software development businesses that have already built a name for themselves and have an amazing portfolio of services.

Such a business will be able to supply you with all of the resources you need at every stage of the application development process, including design, development, and testing, so you won’t have to search for extra assistance or services elsewhere.

Tip #3: Personalize your interview with the developers

Take the time to ask the development team some essential questions after you’ve identified an app development agency that’s perfect for you.

Inquire about their app development expertise, tell them a little about your app ideas, and ask for their feedback on your project.

This type of interaction can assist you to understand how the company’s app developers see your concept and whether they are ready to adopt it.

Tip #4: Examine the firm’s portfolio.

Inquire of company personnel about some of the greatest applications they’ve made and examine them carefully.

Consider if you enjoy the look and feel of these applications, as well as whether you find them to be practical and user-friendly.

It’s also worth remembering that one of the most significant aspects of an application’s success is its distinctiveness. Do you observe anything unique about this company’s applications, or do they appear to be standard?

Tip #5: Learn about the company’s data security and privacy policies.

It’s critical to talk about the security and privacy of your mobile app, as well as the data related to your company.

To guarantee that your information is safeguarded, developers should be willing to sign a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement with you.

Furthermore, it is preferable to address intellectual property rights ahead of time. Before beginning work on a project, these, and other factors of assuring personal data privacy must be considered.


Redbytes App Cost Calculator


The Redbytes App Cost Calculator calculates the exact cost of your app depending on your specifications. You may record your inputs on the aforementioned parameters and obtain a detailed cost breakdown in minutes using the app.

With only a few clicks, you can get an 80% accurate cost estimate and a comprehensive timeframe for your app development. If you believe the final price is too high, you can lower it.

Furthermore, the App Cost Calculator facilitates a smooth recruiting procedure. You can recruit full-time staff or skilled part-time employees for your company. With the App Cost Calculator, you can conduct cost-effective recruiting and schedule meetings in real-time.



Finally, we can only conclude that estimating the app development cost varies with the requirements of the businesses. We exactly cannot state the app of certain apps. From its features to quality, to its size, the team developing it, backend properties, etc. play an important role in determining the app development cost. The best way to get cost estimation is to discuss with the team you have chosen to develop it. Another good method is to use the App Cost Calculator.

contact us


Mobile App Development Market in UK 2023

As Google research confirms, the UK is one of the largest strong holds for mobile app development activities across the entire Europe and offers a revenue-rich, business-friendly market where high-quality mobile apps run their regime.


UK enjoys the bragging rights of generating more than a third of total revenues from smartphone software in European continent with almost fifth of total European smartphone applications developers located in UK and more than 30% clustered in London, Manchester and the south east part.



After the US which is a top leader in technology sector, the UK is believed to be the second most sought-after tech center and vies fiercely with London’s major European technology rivals such asParis, Munich, Berlin, Moscow and Madrid.


In the following passages, we will delve a little more into the prospects and real-time opportunities presented UK mobile app development market.


Read Also: App Development Cost – Design, Development, Deployment


UK is a digital powerhouse


Due to unbelievable scope of bright career and lush landscape offered by UK app market, it comes as no surprise that developers and designers swarm to UK’s ever-dynamic tech industry, its massive income potential and work satisfaction.


Google’s report also reveals that nearly 8000 companies are involved in app development business with approximately 380,000people getting employed for IT-related positions.


Based on the market’s expansive nature,Google forecasts 30,000 more relevant jobs will be created in upcoming 12 months. No wonder why start-ups tend to appear in Cambridge, Edinburgh and Birmingham.


The research by Vision Mobile, the market analysis firm, estimates that smartphone application sales will exceed 4 billion this year and the resultant revenues is predicted to reach £31bn by 2025.


Sponsored by Tech City UK, the research also suggests that while nearly half of UK-based app developers and designers make great income from mobile app development efforts, a fifth of them does not generate any income from apps as they enjoy the process as a hobby.


The UK industry has beneficial close links with US tech leaders and UK government also supports the start-up economy as they initiate incentives and investments to encourage more resilient digital ecosystem.

Revenue of the mobile app economy in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2013 to 2025 (in billion GBP)

The digital industry drives UK’s future economy


Joanna Shields, the chair of Tech City UK considers UK as a digital powerhouse across many technology sectors and believes that the digital industry is driving the UK’s economic future, prevailing in Europe’s app development scenario.



If we cast a realistic glance at smart phone usage in 2016, 91% people aged 18-44 owned a smartphone, which amounts to 21 million phones. Statista further estimates that 2017 alone had nearly 42.4 million Smartphone users in UK, which is enough to indicate the boost in a year.


These numbers demonstrate a strong evidence that UK is leading the way in European market in the domain of app development, making it a lush place for a mobile app development company to grow and dominate the digital market.


UK app development costs


There is little reason for an entrepreneur or SMBs to be woeful when it comes to having a mobile app software developed in the UK continent especially after Brexit phenomenon.


Usually, the process of cost calculation for a UK-based mobile app development company touches on several factors including:

  • Maximum availability
  • Accessibility of resources
  • Fastest Turnaround time
  • Competitive talents
  • Promise of High-quality features


UK offers the world’s best app developers and costs that border on the global average.The price tags for native and cross-platform app development are quite different with cross-platform tools offering combined backend architecture and reusable code with independent native APIs.


On a global platform, the iOS mobile app development fee stays within the bracket of $28,000 and $50000 whereas for Android it varies from $20000 to $45000. For Windows phones, the cost may touch the mark of $18,000.


App development costs per hour in UK


As Statista reports, For Android app development, the approximate figure varies from the average $32 to nearly $167 per hour depending on the length of the project.


For iOS, it is $47 to $175 or even a little higher, which is further debatable to project size, expectations and complexity.


The per hour amount developers or a company charges hits the all-time highs globally as the demand for advanced features evolves and quality improves.

mobile app development market



The reason for the high rates is that UK’s digital stage is globally popular for its myriad versed developers and exceptional talents.


Another parallel fact that contributes to stiff price rates is that many originally US companies operate from UK and have their offices there.


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Popular apps in UK over the years


From 2016 down to 2018, the most popular mobile apps – which are also the most used –continue to switch its place from one spot to another though more or less these apps have commonly remained popular among the audience over years.


Some of these apps are:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Gmail
  • WhatsApp
  • Chrome
  • Facebook Messenger
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Google Maps
  • Snapchat
  • Apple Music
  • Amazon
  • Ebay
  • Pandora
  • Netflix
  • Spotify
  • Pinterest


This list is not presented in its absolute order of popularity as it is subject to variable factors including public interest, sources information, play store downloads and digital market analysis.


However, there is no dispute that in 2018 these apps ruled the world of UK mobile app users and further encouraged Android and iOS app development.


Being popular for over a decade in the market, Facebook still blossoms on number one with stupendous improvements introduced every now and then.


On the other hand, owned by Facebook, WhatsApp is massively worshiped among UK users and survived the toughest competitions.


It turned out that British smart phone users will access their favourite apps 12 times on a typical day, spending average 17 minutes each day using it.


App Trends that dominate the UK market


The UK app development market is incessantly dominated by the following mobile app trends:


1) AR and VR


While VR (virtual reality) establishes an all-new reality, AR enhances its digital actualization with a fusion of virtual and real-world experience.


By 2020, both AR and VR are predicted to generate $150 billion in revenue, which spawns a more potential market for applications based on these trending technologies.


Online businesses such as Amazon Go have already disrupted the retail sector with it.


2) Artificial Intelligence


AI is the phenomenon redefining many conventional model of mobile app development industry especially with Virtual Personal Assistants, intelligent chat apps, automation, IoT solutions and more.


As stated in the latest report by International Data Corporation (IDC), the AI Technology is likely to create over $47 billion in revenue in 2020.


3) Internet of Things (IoT)


When seen hand-in-hand with Data Analysis and AI, IoT network is going to devise a unique seamless experience with automated functions enabling communication as well as data sharing with mobile platforms and backend system.


4) Android Instant Apps


The emerging popularity and interest in Android Apps is mainly due to its ability to allow users to access apps without installing them.


These apps have been a curious trend in 2018 and their quick, instant access makes them even more interesting for consumers of on-demand apps.


Choosing the best from the pool of UK developers


This section revolves around the small things you should consider while selecting the best mobile app development company from the existing market options.


You can conduct a thorough research on your own and refer several online marketplaces where information on app developers is generously available.


During the interactive interview phase, you can think of learning about the skills and experience of developers while they try to get the grasp of what your business is about. You can meditate on the following:

  • Portfolio: It shows off almost every aspect of their app development capabilities, the number of apps built, versatile power, industrial insight and relevant experience in your industry.


  • Reviews and recommendations: You can check the prominent reviews from industry leaders on specific app developers or ask them to recommend a company that has helped them drive success to their business.


Read Also: 11 Easy Steps to Create a Mobile Application


Bottom Line


There is no contest in saying that UK app development scene is glittering with stellar talents and achievers, with many big success stories are bred by its digital market.



UK app developers have retained a strong global reputation of delivering exquisite apps with advanced features and functionalities.


By now you know enough about the promises UK mobile app development market offers and how to approach and hire the agile teams of developers.


Make sure you plan ahead to instigate a project with them and share a clear vision of the mobile app.